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1967, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
This note discusses the concept of extended dynamical systems, defined as one-parameter families of operators in Banach spaces, and their relation to stability theory. It explores how invariance principles and stability theorems can be generalized to encompass a broader class of partial differential equations. The study provides definitions and corollaries that outline conditions for asymptotic stability and the construction of Lyapunov functionals, illustrating the challenges in their establishment.
Astronomische Nachrichten, 1989
Sjölin-Soria-Antonov type extrapolation theorem for locally compact σ-compact non-discrete groups is proved. As an application of this result it is shown that the Fourier series with respect to the Vilenkin orthonormal systems on the Vilenkin groups of bounded type converge almost everywhere for functions from the class L log + L log + log + log + L. Let (X, µ) be a measure space. Denote by: • L 0 (X, µ) the class of all measurable functions f : X → [−∞, ∞]; • Φ the set of all increasing continuous functions ϕ : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) with ϕ(0) = 0 and lim inf u→∞ ϕ(u)/u > 0; • ϕ(L)(X, µ) the class of all measurable functions f : X → [−∞, ∞] for which X ϕ(|f |)dµ < ∞; • χ E the characteristic function of a set E ⊂ X.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1975
In The Foundations of Mechanics, Chapter Five, we presented a concise summary of modern dynamical systems theory from 1958 to 1966. In this short note, we update that account with some recent developments.
The aim of this paper is to give an account of some problems considered in past years in the setting of Dynamical Systems, some new research directions and also state some open problems
In this paper we characterize tame dynamical systems and functions in terms of eventual non-sensitivity and eventual fragmentability. As a notable application we obtain a neat characterization of tame subshifts X ⊂ {0, 1} Z : for every infinite subset L ⊆ Z there exists an infinite subset K ⊆ L such that π K (X) is a countable subset of {0, 1} K . The notion of eventual fragmentability is one of the properties we encounter which indicate some "smallness" of a family. We investigate a "smallness hierarchy" for families of continuous functions on compact dynamical systems, and link the existence of a "small" family which separates points of a dynamical system (G, X) to the representability of X on "good" Banach spaces. For example, for metric dynamical systems the property of admitting a separating family which is eventually fragmented is equivalent to being tame. We give some sufficient conditions for coding functions to be tame and, among other applications, show that certain multidimensional analogues of Sturmian sequences are tame. We also show that linearly ordered dynamical systems are tame and discuss examples where some universal dynamical systems associated with certain Polish groups are tame.
The first measure of noncompactness was defined by Kuratowski in 1930 and later the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness was introduced in 1957 by Goldenštein et al. These measures of noncompactness have various applications in several areas of analysis, for example, in operator theory, fixed point theory, and in differential and integral equations.
Colloquium Mathematicum, 2006
For an arbitrary topological group G any compact G-dynamical system (G, X) can be linearly G-represented as a weak * -compact subset of a dual Banach space V * . As was shown in [45] the Banach space V can be chosen to be reflexive iff the metric system (G, X) is weakly almost periodic (WAP). In this paper we study the wider class of compact G-systems which can be linearly represented as a weak * -compact subset of a dual Banach space with the Radon-Nikodým property. We call such a system a Radon-Nikodým system (RN). One of our main results is to show that for metrizable compact G-systems the three classes: RN, HNS (hereditarily not sensitive) and HAE (hereditarily almost equicontinuous) coincide. We investigate these classes and their relation to previously studied classes of G-systems such as WAP and LE (locally equicontinuous). We show that the Glasner-Weiss examples of recurrent-transitive locally equicontinuous but not weakly almost periodic cascades are actually RN. Using fragmentability and Namioka's theorem we give an enveloping semigroup characterization of HNS systems and show that the enveloping semigroup E(X) of a compact metrizable HNS G-system is a separable Rosenthal compact, hence of cardinality ≤ 2 ℵ 0 . We investigate a dynamical version of the Bourgain-Fremlin-Talagrand dichotomy and a dynamical version of Todorcević dichotomy concerning Rosenthal compacts. Of course the classical theory of WAP functions is valid for a general topological group G and it is not hard to see that the AE theory, as well as the theory of K(G)-functionswhich we call Veech functions -extend to such groups as well.
impulsive di#erential equations, Descartes Press, Koriyama, 1996. [16]P. W. Bates and K. Lu, A Hartman--Grobman theorem for Cahn--Hillard equations and phases--field equations, J. Dynam. Di#erential Equations 6 (1994), no. 1, 101--145. [17]N. N. Bogolyubov, On some statistical methods in mathematical physics, AN USSR, L'vov, 1945 (Russian). [18]N. N. Bogolyubov and Ju. A. Mitropol'ski, Asymptotic methods in the theory of nonlinear oscillations, Gordon and Breach, New York, 1962. [19]P. Bohl, Uber die Bewegung eines mechanischen Systems in der Nahe einer Gleichgewichtslage, J. Reine Angew. Math. 127 (1904), no. 3--4, 179--276. [20]M. A. Boudourides, Topological equivalence of monotone nonlinear nonautonomous di#erential equations, Portugal. Math. 41 (1982), no. 1--4, 287--294. [21]M. A. Boudourides, Hyperbolic Lipschitz homeomorphisms and flows, in Equadi# 82, Proceedings 82, Lecture Notes in Math., 1017, 1983, pp. 101--106. [22]R. Bowen, #--limit sets for Axiom A di#eomorphi...
Long Time Behaviour of Classical and Quantum Systems, 2001
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 1978
This paper studies regular global attractors of the dynamical systems corresponding to dissipative evolu tion equations and their nonautonomous perturba tions. We prove that the nonautonomous dynamical system (process) resulting from a small nonautono mous perturbation of an autonomous dynamical sys tem (semigroup) having a regular attractor has a regu lar nonautonomous attractor as well. Moreover, the symmetric Hausdorff deviation of the perturbed attractors from the unperturbed ones is bounded above by O(ε κ ), where ε is a perturbation parameter and 0 < κ < 1. We apply the obtained results to weakly dissipa tive wave equations in a bounded domain in ޒ 3 per turbed by time dependent external forces.
Linear algebra plays a key role in the theory of dynamical systems, and concepts from dynamical systems allow the study, characterization and generalization of many objects in linear algebra, such as similarity of matrices, eigenvalues, and (generalized) eigenspaces. The most basic form of this interplay can be seen as a matrix A gives rise to a continuous time dynamical system via the linear ordinary differential equation ẋ = Ax, or a discrete time dynamical system via iteration xn+1 = Axn. The properties of the solutions are intimately related to the properties of the matrix A. Matrices also define nonlinear systems on smooth manifolds, such as the sphere S in R, the Grassmann manifolds, or on classical (matrix) Lie groups. Again, the behavior of such systems is closely related to matrices and their properties. And the behavior of nonlinear systems, e.g. of differential equations ẏ = f(y) in R with a fixed point y0 ∈ R d can be described locally around y0 via the linear differenti...
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 1996
Fields Institute Communications, 2013
To every Banach space V we associate a compact right topological affine semigroup E(V ). We show that a separable Banach space V is Asplund if and only if E(V ) is metrizable, and it is Rosenthal (i.e. it does not contain an isomorphic copy of l 1 ) if and only if E(V ) is a Rosenthal compactum. We study representations of compact right topological semigroups in E(V ). In particular, representations of tame and HNS-semigroups arise naturally as enveloping semigroups of tame and HNS (hereditarily non-sensitive) dynamical systems, respectively. As an application we obtain a generalization of a theorem of R. Ellis. A main theme of our investigation is the relationship between the enveloping semigroup of a dynamical system X and the enveloping semigroup of its various affine compactifications Q(X). When the two coincide we say that the affine compactification Q(X) is E-compatible. This is a refinement of the notion of injectivity. We show that distal non-equicontinuous systems do not admit any E-compatible compactification. We present several new examples of non-injective dynamical systems and examine the relationship between injectivity and E-compatibility.
In the first part of this paper we study dynamical systems from the point of view of algebraic topology. What features of all dynamical systems are reflected by their actions on the homology of the phase space? In the second part we study recent progress on the conjecture that most partially hyperbolic dynamical systems which preserve a smooth invariant measure are ergodic, and we survey the known examples. Then we speculate on ways these results may be extended to the statistical study of more general dynamical systems. Finally, in the third part, we study two special classes of dynamical systems, the structurally stable and the affine. In the first case we study the relation of structural stability to entropy, and in the second we study stable ergodicity in the homogeneous space context.
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 1995
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