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2014, Бйорн Вестлі, Війна мого батька, ISBN: 978-966-2214-41-2, pp. 11-18.
261 pages
1 file
Introductory matter to Ukrainian edition of: Bjørn Westlie, Fars krig (Oslo: Aschehoug, 2008), ISBN: 978-82-03-29125-8.
На урбаном подручју града Бијељине забиљежено је присуство 442 врсте васкуларних биљака. Међу најзаступљенијим фамилијама посебно се истичу Compositae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae и Brassicaceae. Већи- на биљака у урбаној флори Бијељине припада животној форми хемикриптофита (38.46 %). У високом проценту заступљена је животна форма терофита (33.03 %). Остале животне форме присутне су у мањем проценту у истра- живаној флори: геофите (9.73 %), фанерофите (8.14 %), скандетофите (4.07 %), хидрофите (3.39 %) и хамефите (3.17 %).
Остерські бояри та козаки Білики, 2018
Кондратьєв І. В. Остерські бояри та козаки Білики / Bilyky – osters boyars and cossack // Гілея: науковий вісник. – К. : «Видавництво «Гілея», 2018. – Історичні науки. – 115 с. – С.16-18.
THE AGE OF EMPIRES. EASTERN IRAN FROM THE ACHAEMENIDS TO THE SASANIANS: ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORY, CULTURE Proceedings of the International Scholarly Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Boris Anatolevich Litvinsky Moscow, April 16–18, 2018, 2019
The Uzundara fortress was built in the late 4th – early 3rd century BC. The garrison, which was posted here, performed two tasks: on the one hand, the protection of the borders of Bactria from the threat of invasion by the nomads from the North and North-West, and on the other hand – the protection of the authorities of the Seleucid dynasty from a revolt of the local population and maintenance of order. These functions were performed by all similar garrisons (φρουραί), placed on the vast expanses of the Seleucid Empire. During the formation of the independent Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, the Uzundara fortress continues its function, after a significant restructuring and repairs, and its garrison regularly receives salaries and other allowances, apparently directly from the capital of the state from all the Greco-Bactrian kings, starting with Diodotus and ending with Eucratide. Since then, tasks of garrison have include protection of the Greek-Bactrian kingdom while maintaining of the primary goal – to prevent a sudden invasion of nomads from the Northern borders of Bactria in the fertile valleys of the rivers Sherabaddarya and Surkhandarya. The presence of the powerful fortification system with fortresses, many kilometers of external walls and towers for tens of kilometers, as well as the entire material culture of the fortress Uzundara suggests that here was the northern border of Bactria in the Hellenistic era (late 4th / early 3rd c. BC – mid 2nd c. BC). Keywords: Uzundara, Bactria, Seleucid, Greco-Bactrian Kingdom.
Title: Bulgars and Slavs among enemies and «friends» of the Byzantine Empire in the 7th–9th cc. Summary: The article considers role and dynamics of mutual images in the communication of Bulgars and Slavs with the Byzantine Empire and among themselves in connection with their migration across Danube, settlement in the Balkans, formation and enlargement of the Bulgarian state in the 7th–9th cc. The Byzantines’ phobias towards Bulgars and Slav incorporated both the reminiscences of the ancient fears of enemies and new eschatological fears. They were being overcome by real and symbolic interiorization of the outer enemies, which in political contacts were perceived as military opponents and trouble-making neighbors, untrustworthy allies, friends by status or insubordinate subjects. Their transfer from the world of images to the world of politics obviously did not make the Rhomeoi’s relationships with the «inner barbarians» free from the impact of traditional images and their remnants, which in the case of the Bulgars and integrated into their state Slavs kept on existing after their conversion to Christianity. In their turn, the relations between the Bulgars and Slavs, on the one side, and Byzantium on the other, were determined not only by political and militaly challenges, but with their acculturation into the symbolic spac of the Christian Empire conjugated with their attitudes to the statuses and nominations offered by Constantinople. The Bulgar-Slav relations and their symbolic expressions were shaped during their cooperation, which had begun long before the arrival of Asparuch to the Balkans, and in the course of the competition of the Bulgarian state with Byzantium for Balkan Slavinias. Nevertheless, the reminiscences of the ancient ethnic phobias in the mediaeval Byzantine and Slavonic texts existed more as literary fashion than as reflections of the current social and political realities
Етнічна історія народів Європи, Вип. 74, 2024
A characteristic feature of the personnel policy of the Roman Emperor Maurice (582-602) in relation to the military nobility of the Empire was the regular replacement of commanders in the positions of heads of military districts. Such actions of the ruler were not least dictated by his own voluntarism and demandingness towards his generals. In addition, the catalyst for the turnover of military leaders in the positions of magistri militum of Thraciae, Illyricum and the East was the permanent clashes with the enemies of Eastern Rome. In particular, on the western bank of the Danube, the post-establishment association of Asian nomads, the Avar Khaganate, was the most powerful among the barbarians. Diplomacy between the Empire and the Khaganate was characterized by instability from the late 60s of the 6th cent. and consisted of a series of wars that alternated with short-lived truces. In order to end the confrontation with the barbarians north of the Danube Limes, Mauritius appointed his brother, Peter, as military magistrate of Thrace in 593. The reason for this decision was the lack of trusted military leaders and dissatisfaction with the actions of Peter's predecessor, Priscus. Despite his lack of practical experience as a commander, Peter received military corps under his command that systematically participated in hostilities. Despite his long tenure, Peter failed to demonstrate the skills of a skilled strategist and tactician. Nevertheless, the activity of his brother Maurice as a magister militum of the northern frontier of Empire serves as a cluster of processes of decline both among the ordinary soldiers of the Roman army and the degradation of the officer corps of Eastern Roman Empire.
Rusin, 2015
Авторское резюме 28 июня 1940 г. Бессарабия была присоединена к СССР. 2 августа из большинства ее уездов и районов Молдавской Автономной Советской Социалистической Республики была образована Молдавская Советская Социалистическая Республика. 22 июня 1941 г., с началом Великой Отечественной войны, на территории республики начались военные действия. Несмотря на ожесточенные бои, в которых принимали участие и уроженцы Бессарабии, к концу июля 1941 г. край был оккупирован немецко-румынскими войсками. В результате мобилизации в Красную армию и эвакуации население Молдавии сократилось на 500 тыс. чел. и составило 2 млн 220 тыс. чел. Население Кишинёва, Тирасполя и уездных центров сократилось почти вдвое. Оккупанты создали губернаторство Бессарабия. Многочисленные приказы органов «новой власти» с различными ограничениями, запретами, запрещениями, как правило, заканчивались словами: «за нарушение-смертная казнь», «тюремное заключение сроком на…», «каторжными работами от… до...». Румынские власти проводили политику террора и грабежа. Планировалось переселить местное русское, гагаузское, болгарское, русинское и малорусское население, а их земли заселить румынскими колонистами. В Румынию вывозились продовольствие, фураж, промышленные товары, дефицитное сырье. Были разрушены экономика края, системы образования и здравоохранения. Все это пришлось восстанавливать после освобождения Молдавии в августе 1944 г.
Известия на центъра за стопанско-исторически изследвания, 2020
The Revival was the period of economic and cultural rise of Bulgarians, without an existence of a state. It is the result of economic freedom and spontaneous order without centralized state power. The establishment of Bulgarian state did not lead to great economic prosperity, but to the reconstruction of the free economy to centralized one. One of the erudite of Bulgarian Revival was Vladimir Svintila. In his research dedicated to mentality and folk psychology, he reveals the economic ethos of Bulgarians during this period. The purpose of this paper is to present a different point of view to economic life of the Bulgarians during the Revival period, which in our opinion is contained in the books of Vladimir Svintila. It reveals facts that popular history conceals as they are not similar to the idea of national centralized state. For the needs of the research comparative historical analyses is used along with the network approach to complex systems.
Втората световна война, разполовила историческия ХХ в. и превърнала се в най-унищощителното събитие за нашата цивилизация, продължава да вълнува историците, любителите на историята и любознателните граждани вече над седем десетилетия. Точно тези неугасващи чувства, както и любимите на всички историци юбилейни дати, дадоха възможност на преподаватели, докторанти, студенти от Историческия факултет на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски” да представят своите изследвания, размисли, изводи в рамките на научната конференция „Втората свеговна война – 70 години по-късно”, проведена точно на кръглата 70-годишнина от края на войната в Европа – 8 май 2015 г.
Strategic Panorama. Special issue, 2022
У часи війни теоретичні проблеми сутності війни та миру набувають практичного виміру. Досвід російсько-української війни, яка стала ключовим чинником змін системи міжнародної безпеки, вимагає осмислення. Повномасштабне неспровоковане вторгнення РФ в Україну, а також подальший розвиток конфлікту різко перевернули уявлення міжнародної спільноти про стабільність миру у Європі. Війна спонукала до перегляду припущень про природу сучасних конфліктів. Припущення про зменшення ваги традиційних засобів ведення війни виявилися передчасними. Водночас некінетичні воєнні інструменти, зокрема когнітивні, зберігають свою вагу. Мета статті полягає у визначенні смислової логіки війни і миру як співвідносних понять, розглянутих у єдиному концептуальному просторі. Базовим концептом у цьому співвідношенні є війна, а мир – її конвенційний наслідок. Аналіз дискурсивної реалізації обох концептів дозволяє спроєктувати їх на політичні процеси й визначити статус війни і миру як реальності. Окрему увагу приділено владі дискурсу. У підсумку автори пропонують проєкт Української стратегії миру, 12 пунктів якої представляють українське бачення цілей, необхідних для завершення війни.
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Волонтеры Победы // Спасибо прадеду за Победу… : монография по материалам мониторинга «Российское студенчество о Великой Отечественной войне» (2005–2010–2015– 2020 гг.) , 2020
Сп. История, 2022
Глас Српске академије наука и уметности 428, Одељење историјских наука 18, 2018
Актуальні питання у сучасній науці, 2022
Philologia Serbica. Значај и значење ватре у српском језику, књижевности и култури, 2024
Науковий і культурно-просвітній краєзнавчий часопис "Галичина", 2021