The Event of Mi‘rāj, Its Possibility and Nature

Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi


Although there are some differences of opinion about the realization of Mi‘rāj the Islamic Ummah agrees about the realization of this quintessential divine occurrence. Although there are some differences in the narrations about the Mi‘rāj event, which are reported in much of history, the tafsīr literature, and hadith sources, they all point to the confirmation of the event. The denial of Mi‘rāj means the denial of the sound hadiths that constitute a great deal about the event found in the sources. The idea that many of the classical scholars and commentators adopt about the realization of the Mi‘rāj incident is the one emphasizing the soul-body togetherness, which is the most accepted opinion. It is noteworthy that some scholars regarded Mi‘rāj as an event in the world of image (mithāl). According to this, Mi‘rāj is a journey to Ḥaẓīrat al-Quds (divine realm). Shāh Walī Allāh al-Dihlawī’s (d. 1176/1762) characterization of Miʿraj as representative (tamathul) is one of the reasonable...