Tinnitus and Its Effect on Working Memory and Attention

2006, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research


Purpose In 2 experiments, the assumption that continual orienting to tinnitus uses cognitive resources was investigated. It was hypothesized that differences in performance of tinnitus and control groups would manifest during demanding or unfamiliar tasks that required strategic, controlled processing and that reduced performance was not related solely to levels of anxiety. Method Nineteen participants with chronic, moderate tinnitus—matched with a control group for age, education, and verbal IQ—completed auditory verbal working-memory and visual divided-attention tasks, with task order counterbalanced across participants. Results As hypothesized, reading span of the tinnitus group was significantly shorter than that of the control group (Task 1). In Task 2, the tinnitus group recorded slower reaction times and poorer accuracy in the most demanding dual task context. Covariate analyses revealed that differences in task performance were not attributable to anxiety scale scores. Concl...