The fish processing industry in Thailand

1991, Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center eBooks

Source: Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1990. tion between the government and private sector is the key factor in the development of the industry. Thus, the improvement and strengthening of ser vice and assistance to the people involved in fish processing are included as specific items in the Plan. Department of Business Economics. 1991. Proceedings of the Seminar on export target for Thai products. Organized by the Department of Business Economics. Pattaya, Thailand. 18-20 January 1991. 37 pp. Department of Fisheries. 1990. Fisheries record of Thailand. Department of Fisheries. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Bangkok, Thailand. 83 pp. Department of Fisheries. 1989. Statistics of fisheries factories. Department of Fisheries. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Bangkok, Thailand. 50 pp.