Teorie dei valori tra filosofia ed economia

1996, The School of Franz Brentano (Albertazzi Libardi & Poli eds.)


This is, in original typescript, the italian version of the paper titled "Teorie dei valori tra economia e filosofia. La scuola di Franz Brentano e il marginalismo austriaco". The english version, titled "Theories of Values" was published, in "The school of Franz Brentano", edited by L. Albertazzi, M. Libardi & R. Poli, pp. 377-422 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996). The paper conduct a comparison between the theories of values of the Brentanian school and those developed by the other important Austrian school which, in the same period, devoted itself to the analysis of values, i.e. the economic school which sprang from the teaching of Carl Menger.