Zero-Divisor Graphs of Quotient Rings

2015, arXiv: Commutative Algebra


The compressed zero-divisor graph $\Gamma_C(R)$ associated with a commutative ring $R$ has vertex set equal to the set of equivalence classes $\{ [r] \mid r \in Z(R), r \neq 0 \}$ where $r \sim s$ whenever $ann(r) = ann(s)$. Distinct classes $[r],[s]$ are adjacent in $\Gamma_C(R)$ if and only if $xy = 0$ for all $x \in [r], y \in [s]$. In this paper, we explore the compressed zero-divisor graph associated with quotient rings of unique factorization domains. Specifically, we prove several theorems which exhibit a method of constructing $\Gamma(R)$ for when one quotients out by a principal ideal, and prove sufficient conditions for when two such compressed graphs are graph-isomorphic. We show these conditions are not necessary unless one alters the definition of the compressed graph to admit looped vertices, and conjecture necessary and sufficient conditions for two compressed graphs with loops to be isomorphic when considering any quotient ring of a unique factorization domain.