Revisions to the theory of political discourse analysis

2022, Revisions to the theory of political discourse analysis 9616.2022-5.3


This article describes classical approaches to understanding political discourse analysis as one of the most promising methods of political analysis. The article examines both the critical discourse analysis approaches proposed by G. Kress and L. Сhouliaraki (socio-semantic approach), N. Fairclough and R. Wodak (socio-cultural approach), and T. Van Dijk (sociocognitive approach), as well as the postmodern theory of discourse analysis proposed by M. Foucault and developed by his followers, in particular E. Laclau and S. Mouffe. The objective of this essay is to compare and contrast different methodologies for the advancement of political discourse analysis. There are a number of factors that make this article relevant. In the first place, modern methods of studying political reality are in crisis. They are no longer as effective at comprehending the social processes of our time as they once were. Secondly, the popularity of interdisciplinary research methods is growing every day, and political discourse analysis is seen as a vivid example of such a method. Thirdly, consciousness, which is still considered an insufficiently studied phenomenon in the social sciences, can finally be replaced by language. Language or discourse is considered here as the bricks of which consciousness is composed and thanks to which it can perform in the social space. This approach allows us to ignore the physical and biological manifestations of consciousness in favor of social ones, which allows us to interpret the socio-political reality of our time as accurately as possible and predict future changes. As a result, we define political discourse analysis as a kind of general political analysis based on postmodern discourse theory. We are sure that this type of analysis has the greatest prospects for the study of such social processes and social relations as power, conflicts, inequality, political identity, etc. This article will be interesting for those who are engaged in political discourse analysis and developing it, as well as for other scholars who study the philosophy of science, methodology, political psychology, and quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences.

Key takeaways

  • So, some ways of analyzing political discourse have come into being.
  • As a result, we define political discourse analysis as a kind of general political analysis based on postmodern discourse theory.
  • In terms of literature, both old and new contributions to the study of political discourse were changed:
  • Further, any public discourse includes elements of a variety of discourses, the configuration of which is denoted by the concept of "order of discourse".
  • They see PDA more as a type of political analysis based on discourse theory than as an analysis of a certain political discourse.