EFL teachers' self-efficacy and teaching practices

2018, ELT Journal


In this study, we explored the relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and teaching practices using a mixed-methods approach. A total of 190 secondary school EFL teachers completed questionnaires on their self-efficacy beliefs and current teaching practices, and 11 teachers participated in one-to-one interviews. Results indicated that overall self-efficacy beliefs were significantly associated with the use of teaching practices that were student-centred and L2 interaction-focused. Among three sub-types of self-efficacy (instructional strategies, student engagement, and classroom management), classroom management was a significant predictor of communicative versus non-communicative teaching practices. Classroom management efficacy positively contributed to using communicative practices and was negatively associated with non-communicative practices. Interview data revealed that sociocultural factors and beliefs about 'ideal' ways of teaching English also influenced the association between efficacy beliefs and actual teaching. We also found that the two constructs had a circular relationship; the accumulated experience of a particular practice in turn influenced teachers' self-efficacy. What teachers know, think, and believe is closely related to what they actually do in the classroom. In particular, their self-perceptions of teaching capabilities, termed 'teachers' self-efficacy' or 'efficacy beliefs', are recognized as a powerful aspect of teachers' perceptions because teachers engage in tasks in which they feel competent and avoid those in which they do not (Bandura 1997). Thus, Bandura considered self-efficacy as one of the most central psychological mechanisms that affect action. General educational research has found that teachers' selfefficacy not only directly affects the choices of teaching practices but also influences the overall teaching environment. For example, highly self-efficacious teachers believe that they can bring about positive changes in student learning, while those with a low level of self-efficacy believe that external factors exert a more powerful influence on student learning than their own teaching (Gibson and Dembo 1984). Over the past decade, however, only a few studies explored L2 teachers' self-efficacy in relation to their teaching. Noting that self-efficacy is specific to subject matters and contexts (Bandura ibid.), we aimed to fill this gap in the L2 teacher literature by examining the relationship between EFL teachers'

Key takeaways

  • We employed a mixed-methods approach by using a large set of survey data and incorporating individual teacher's voices into our data analysis, guided by the following research question: How is EFL teachers' self-efficacy associated with their use of communicative versus non-communicative teaching practices?
  • As English teaching involves L2 interaction, we added an item asking about teachers' efficacy in encouraging students to use English.
  • We developed survey items on a 6-point rating scale (1 = Never; 6 = Always) to measure how frequently teachers employed particular teaching practices, based on previous research (Richards 2006).
  • Our findings highlight the relatively more important role of teachers' self-efficacy for interactive and communicative English teaching than for non-communicative teaching.
  • Higher efficacy beliefs in classroom management are likely to lead teachers to employ communicative teaching.