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2018, ELT Journal…
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In this study, we explored the relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and teaching practices using a mixed-methods approach. A total of 190 secondary school EFL teachers completed questionnaires on their self-efficacy beliefs and current teaching practices, and 11 teachers participated in one-to-one interviews. Results indicated that overall self-efficacy beliefs were significantly associated with the use of teaching practices that were student-centred and L2 interaction-focused. Among three sub-types of self-efficacy (instructional strategies, student engagement, and classroom management), classroom management was a significant predictor of communicative versus non-communicative teaching practices. Classroom management efficacy positively contributed to using communicative practices and was negatively associated with non-communicative practices. Interview data revealed that sociocultural factors and beliefs about 'ideal' ways of teaching English also influenced the association between efficacy beliefs and actual teaching. We also found that the two constructs had a circular relationship; the accumulated experience of a particular practice in turn influenced teachers' self-efficacy. What teachers know, think, and believe is closely related to what they actually do in the classroom. In particular, their self-perceptions of teaching capabilities, termed 'teachers' self-efficacy' or 'efficacy beliefs', are recognized as a powerful aspect of teachers' perceptions because teachers engage in tasks in which they feel competent and avoid those in which they do not (Bandura 1997). Thus, Bandura considered self-efficacy as one of the most central psychological mechanisms that affect action. General educational research has found that teachers' selfefficacy not only directly affects the choices of teaching practices but also influences the overall teaching environment. For example, highly self-efficacious teachers believe that they can bring about positive changes in student learning, while those with a low level of self-efficacy believe that external factors exert a more powerful influence on student learning than their own teaching (Gibson and Dembo 1984). Over the past decade, however, only a few studies explored L2 teachers' self-efficacy in relation to their teaching. Noting that self-efficacy is specific to subject matters and contexts (Bandura ibid.), we aimed to fill this gap in the L2 teacher literature by examining the relationship between EFL teachers'
Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies, 2023
Self-efficacy, which is known as the teachers' self-perception of their competence and abilities in doing specific tasks, has attracted considerable attention in teacher education. It is seen as the teacher's belief in achieving specific outcomes for students in their teaching practices, but the main sources of EFL teachers' self-efficacy have not been systematically explored in a single study. Therefore, this study set out to present a systematic review of the studies on EFL teachers' self-efficacy. To this aim, a metaanalysis approach was employed to systematically review closely related papers from Elsevier, Google Scholar, and ERIC. The articles examined the sources of self-efficacy in a different context. Through precise screening, 13 papers were found to be eligible enough to be included in this study. Findings revealed that 'Mastery Experiences', 'Vicarious Experiences', 'Social Persuasion and Support', 'Emotional and Physiological States', 'Language Proficiency', 'Intelligence', 'Teaching skills and experience', 'pre-service training courses', and 'professional development activities' are the main sources of self-efficacy. The findings could be theoretically and practically significant to EFL teachers, teacher trainers, and researchers interested in teacher education.
The present study examined the impact of language teachers' gender, age, and experience on their self-efficacy. Moreover, it aimed to find out the mediating role of teacher education in modifying the effects of foregoing variables. To this end, a stratified sample of 180 English teachers in high schools, private language institutes, and university settings in seven cities in Iran were initially handpicked as the participants of the study. Next, Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale (Tschamen-Moran & Woolfolk-HoyHoy, 2001) was administered to the participants to specify their initial self-efficacy. Further, they attended a 20-session in-service teacher training program focused on theoretical and empirical issues related to learner variables and aiming at empowering the participants to tackle relevant problems in the context of the classroom. Finally, The Self-Efficacy Scale was administered to probe viable changes in the participants' self-efficacy posterior to the treatment in relation to gender, age and experience. Results showed significantly higher levels of self-efficacy for males prior to and for females after the treatment. Additionally, the findings revealed that teacher self-efficacy was positively influenced by increase in teachers' age and teaching experience and that in-service teacher training could avert disparities among the teachers across the diverse age groups and experience levels. The results underscore the paramount importance of in-service training courses aimed at empowering teachers.
Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 2018
This study, in the first place, attempted to consider the relationship between EFL teachers' self-efficacy and their pedagogical success in language class environment. In the second place, the role of teachers' years of teaching experience in their self-efficacy was investigated. Third, the relationship between teachers' age and their self-efficacy was studied. Finally the relationship between teacher's gender and their self-efficacy was considered. For this purpose, 28 EFL teachers were selected according to available sampling from the different high schools in Sarvestan, a city in the south of Iran. Near the end of the term, the teachers were asked to complete the "Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale". Simultaneously, a questionnaire which is called the "Characteristics of Successful EFL Teachers Questionnaire" was filled in by the teachers' students (N=280). Through this questionnaire, the teachers' performance was evaluated by their students. The subsequent data analysis and statistical calculations via correlation revealed that there is a significant relationship between teachers' success and their self-efficacy. Furthermore, significant correlations were found between teachers' self-efficacy, their teaching experience, and age. The research showed that female teachers had more self-efficacy than male teachers. The conclusions and implications of the research are further discussed with reference to earlier findings.
Teacher self-efficacy, as a socio-affective concept, has been abundantly studied in relation to different factors. However, it seems that the consequences of teachers' self-efficacy have not been appropriately explored to the present date. The present study aimed at investigating the consequences of EFL teachers' teaching self-efficacy. In so doing, a qualitative research method was used. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 20 EFL teachers who were selected through purposive sampling. The interviews were content analyzed thematically. Findings showed that self-efficacy has three main consequences: pedagogical, learner-related, and psychological. Each of these consequences has several sub-categories. It can be concluded that high self-efficacy affects teachers’ teaching practices, learners’ motivation, and achievement. It also affects teachers’ burn-out status, psychological being, as well as their job satisfaction. The findings can be theoreticall...
International Journal of Linguistics, 2012
Teachers are one of the most influential elements for the success of any educational system. This study investigates the relationship between two key personality factors of teachers, namely self-efficacy and teaching styles in an Iranian EFL context. For this purpose, 102 EFL teachers were selected according to available sampling from different high schools in Mashhad and Zahedanlarge cities in the Northeast of Iran. The research data were collected through the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale and Teaching Styles Inventory. Analysis of the data revealed a significant relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and their teaching styles. Also, findings indicated a significant difference in teachers' self-efficacy with regard to their teaching styles. On the one hand, high self-efficacy was joined to some teaching styles (delegator and personal model) and on the other, low self-efficacy was connected with some other teaching styles (expert and formal authority). The results of the present study have implications for teacher education programs.
This study examined pre- and in-service English as a foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ sense of efficacy and teaching concerns and also the relationships within and between their concern and efficacy subscale scores. Two instruments, the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) and the Teaching Concerns Checklist (TCC), were used. First, while in-service EFL teachers were found to be more self-efficacious, pre-service EFL teachers were observed to have higher concern levels. Second, both pre- and in-service EFL teachers’ sense of efficacy and teaching concern scores indicated a positively strong relationship within both concern and efficacy subscale scores. This relationship suggests that an increase or a decrease in one efficacy or concern subdimension affects the other efficacy or teaching concern subdimensions. Third, between TCC and TSES subscale scores, a negatively moderate correlation was observed for both groups of teachers, which suggests that high confidence in one’s ability to teach is negatively correlated with teaching concerns.
TESOL Journal, 2021
Recent research has shown the increasing number of non-native English-speaking teachers (NNEST) around the world. Research has also considered different attributes these teachers need to have in order to be effective in their professional practices. In this light, this study examines the relationship between NNEST's language proficiency and their sense of self-efficacy in relation to students' perceptions about teacher efficacy in three different dimensions: Efficacy for instructional strategies, efficacy for classroom management, and efficacy for student engagement. A correlational quantitative design was used in which six private high schools from Cuenca, Ecuador, participated. Seventeen teachers from these schools were requested to provide an English proficiency certificate and respond to a self-efficacy survey. In the meantime, their 661 students completed a teacher's efficacy survey. The results revealed that although there are teachers who have a good level of language proficiency, according to their students, it is not necessarily an indicator of efficacy in their practices. Suggestions for further research that might help to explain the current situation are given. Recientes investigaciones han demostrado el incremento de profesores de inglés no nativo hablantes (PINN) en todo el mundo. Se han considerado también diferentes atributos que estos docentes deben tener para ser efectivos en sus prácticas profesionales. En este sentido, el presente estudio analiza la relación entre el dominio del idioma inglés de PINN y su percepción de autoeficacia en relación con las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre la eficacia de su maestro en tres dimensiones diferentes: eficacia para las estrategias de instrucción, eficacia para el manejo del aula y eficacia para comprometer a los estudiantes. Para este estudio se utilizó un diseño cuantitativo correlacional en el que participaron seis colegios privados de Cuenca, Ecuador. Se solicitó a diecisiete profesores un certificado de dominio del inglés y sus respuestas a una encuesta de autoeficacia. Mientras tanto, sus 661 estudiantes completaron una encuesta para evaluar la eficacia de sus maestros. Los resultados revelaron que, aunque hay profesores que tienen un buen nivel de dominio del idioma, según sus estudiantes, no es necesariamente un indicador de eficacia en sus prácticas. Se dan sugerencias para futuras investigaciones que podrían ayudar a explicar la situación actual.
e-International Journal of Educational Research, 2014
Features of EFL/ESL teachers have been investigated by educationists time and again in order to effectuate the education system in reaching its goal main goal, namely learning. Reflectivity and self-efficacy are two main characteristics of teachers which are not delved into thoroughly. Reflection, according to , refers to an activity or process in which an experience is recalled, taken into account, and evaluated, usually in relation to a broader purpose. Teacher self-efficacy, defined in different terms, has one fundamental kernel. It has been referred to as the individual teacher's beliefs in his/her own ability to carry out educational objectives. The present study, adjusting these two constructs, aims at observing whether reflectivity of EFL teachers and the main elements of this reflectivity are capable of predicting those teachers' sense of self-efficacy. On that account, 120 EFL teachers took part in the survey by filling out the related questionnaires. Multiple regression analysis revealed the predicting power of both reflectivity and its sub-elements on teachers' self-efficacy. Correlational results, correspondingly, indicated the relationship between every two components. It was identified that the association between the criterion and exploratory variables is moderately strong (R=.64). Furthermore, the prediction model was statistically significant and accounted for approximately 39% of the variance of teacher self-efficacy. From sub-categories of reflectivity, ethical and critical issues had the highest share in this prediction.
From Practicum to Real Classroom: Does Experience Change Perceived Self-efficacy Beliefs of English Language Teachers?, 2022
The present study aimed to explore the changes in the perceived self-efficacy beliefs of English language teachers over a four-year period, from pre-service through in-service. With that aim in mind, the study aimed to shed light on the differences the actual teaching experience might create on the self-efficacy perceptions of EFL teachers. The data for the study were collected through The Turkish Version of The Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale adapted from Çapa, et al. (2005). The scale was administered three times: before and after practicum and after four years of actual teaching experience. The findings of the study indicated a gradual increase in the participants' efficacy levels in classroom management and instructional strategies over the course of time. However, the increase after four years of teaching was found to be more prevalent and remarkable.
Language Learning Journal, 2011
This article sets out to examine the relationship between EFL teachers’ sense of self-efficacy and their self-regulation. It also explores the relationships between self-regulation on the one hand and length of teaching experience, age and genderrespectively. Ninety-two EFL teachers from different English language institutes in north-eastern Iran took part in the study. The findings indicate a significant relationship between teachers’ self-regulation and self-efficacy beliefs; further, among the components comprising self-regulation, goal-setting and mastery goal-orientation had the highest correlations with the teachers’ sense of self-efficacy. Inaddition, significant correlations were found between teachers’ self-regulation, their teaching experience and their age. There were, however, no significant correlations with gender.
1. PHD Candidate, Department of English Language, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran 2. Department of English Language, Qeshm Branch,Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran *Corresponding author email: [email protected] 3. Department of English Language,Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran Introduction Teachers are one of the most influential elements for the success of any educational system. Many researchers and professionals responsible for teacher development and evaluation have sought to establish criteria for assessing effective teaching (Richards, 2001). Many things can be done to create a context for good teaching, but it is teachers themselves who ultimately determine the success of a program. Good teachers can often compensate for deficiencies in the curriculum, the materials, or the resources they make use of in their teaching (Richards, 2001). Since teachers play one of the essential roles in the teaching environment, the qual...
Teachers’ belief of their own competence, especially subject-matter and pedagogical, is instrumental in teaching success and failure. This selfbelief, commonly called self-efficacy, is believed to determine teachers’ effort, persistence, goal setting, and aspirations for themselves and their students. Despite playing the crucial motivational role, self-efficacy of EFL teachers has yet to receive due attention, let alone on that of teachers who have no English teaching degree. In addition, research on this self-belief mainly focuses on its link with other constructs, and few have looked into its source of information. Therefore, this study examined 1) the level of self-efficacy beliefs in English and pedagogical competence among English teachers in an Indonesian university, and 2) how the sources of information, as postulated by Bandura, related to the teachers’ English and pedagogical selfefficacy. The data were collected from Academic English teachers who did not have English teach...
Research has documented that teacher self-efficacy has positive impacts on different aspects of teaching and learning. Yet, research on teacher self-efficacy in the field of teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is relatively limited. Considering the powerful impacts of teacher self-efficacy on teaching and learning, it is crucial to pursue this line of research into the field of teacher education. Examining EFL teachers' self-efficacy beliefs in teaching English seems to be particularly useful in the Omani teaching context, where English is increasingly used in schools. The present study examined Omani EFL teachers' self-efficacy beliefs, its sources and factors, and the relationship between EFL self-efficacy beliefs and teachers' practices. Through using an explanatory mixed methods design, the study explored the perceived levels of Omani EFL teachers' self-efficacy for (a) engaging students, (b) classroom management, and (c) instructional strategies. In add...
Frontiers in Education, 2021
The study aimed to establish the link between teacher training and “nativeness” on teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching English as a second language. By applying a teacher’s sense of efficacy scale, we measured the self-efficacy of a total of 281 foreign teachers in Chengdu, China. We adopted MANOVA and tested the influence of “nativeness” and teachers’ training on teachers’ self-efficacy. Our analysis shows that while being a native speaker does not necessarily influence a teacher’s self-efficacy, trained teachers have higher self-efficacy than untrained teachers. Thus, the current study lends credence to the view that language proficiency should not be allied with being a language teacher. Instead, educational administrators and policymakers should focus on language teachers’ professional development rather than emphasizing the native/non-native teachers’ distinction.
Qualitative Research Journal, 2020
PurposeThis study aimed at exploring the antecedents of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers' self-efficacy (SE). That is, the main purpose was to deeply delve into the main variables and latent which lead to a high sense of SE among teachers of English as a foreign language.Design/methodology/approachA phenomenological inquiry was employed to explore the antecedents of language teachers from their eyes. In this study, the phenomenon is SE antecedents. The researchers employed this method to help identify the meaning behind the human experience as it is related to a phenomenon or notable collective occurrence. A semistructured interview checklist was developed, carefully worded, reviewed by five teacher educators known as experts in qualitative research methodology and teacher education and edited based on the experts' feedbackFindingsThe findings showed that the antecedents of SE can be categorized into personal variables, educational variables and institutional var...
Despite its enrichment, the literature on teacher self-efficacy lacks evidential data on the changes in both hidden and observable variables underlying this multifaceted construct. To compensate for this substantial gap, the current study compared patterns of cognition, metacognition, emotion, and behavior across three groups of Iranian EFL teachers with scant, moderate, and considerable teaching experience. 382 Iranian EFL teachers participated in the current study, filling out five well-established survey instruments targeted at measuring pedagogical knowledge, teaching reflection, motivational needs satisfaction, teaching styles use, and work engagement. The survey data were compared across the three groups based on a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). According to the results, the groups differed significantly on a linear combination of the five variables. The discriminant function analysis (DFA) results showed that pedagogical knowledge and motivational needs satisfaction acted as a concordant pair and explained the heaviest load of the overall between-group differences. The significantly higher levels of pedagogical knowledge and motivational needs satisfaction among the moderately experienced teachers, compared to those of their less and more experienced counterparts, suggested that Iranian EFL teachers' sense of efficacy reaches its peak in the middle years of teaching life. The findings may provide new insights into the ways of setting English teachers of various experiential backgrounds on the road to optimum efficacy.
The following study, in the first place, attempted to examine the relationship between EFL teachers' self-efficacy and their pedagogical success in Language Institutes. In the second place, the role of teachers' years of teaching experience in their self-efficacy was investigated. Finally, the relationship between teachers' age and their
Learners’ perceived self-efficacy and beliefs on English language learning are important in education. Taking into consideration the important impact of individual variables on language learning, this study seeks to highlight the relationship between Turkish EFL learners’ beliefs about language learning and their sense of self-efficacy. The participants are 210 Turkish EFL undergraduate students whose major is English. The subjects were questioned about their beliefs and self-efficacy as English language learners. The data gathered were analysed quantitatively. The findings demonstrated that EFL students have medium scores in their English self-efficacy and hold the strong belief that motivation factors have a great role on their learning process. Moreover, student’s beliefs about language learning are affected by their English selfefficacy. It is recommended that teachers and teacher trainers enhance students’ self-efficacy and help students hold correct beliefs about foreign langu...
International Journal of Modern Education Studies
The purpose of this study was to investigate pre-service English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs. The study was a descriptive study based on a single screening model. A total of 291 freshman, sophomore, junior and senior students studying at a state university in Turkey during the fall semester of the academic year 2018-2019 participated in the study. Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) which was originally developed by Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy (2001) and adapted into Turkish by Çapa, Çakıroğlu, and Sarıkaya (2005) was used to determine pre-service EFL teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs. Pre-service EFL teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Differences in participants’ self-efficacy perceptions by class level were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. The Tukey multiple comparison test was used to determine significant differences among the different class levels. Research results revealed that pre-service EFL teachers had...
Teacher self-efficacy has been identified as an important characteristic of teachers that can positively influence both teacher and student outcomes. The relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and their linguistic proficiency, however, is yet to be investigated. The present study was an attempt to examine the rather under-researched issue of teachers' level of linguistic competence in their efficacy perceptions. For this purpose, 50 teachers from different universities in Iran with varying demographic characteristics took part in the study. Respondents were asked to provide answers to the Teacher Efficacy Scale (TES) and the perceived linguistic proficiency self-rating. The results of statistical analysis using Spearman correlation and Regression analysis demonstrated a significant relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and their level of proficiency. The results of regression, too, confirmed the predictability of the level of the proficiency of the self-efficacy beliefs of teachers in their classroom practices. The findings are discussed in relation to previous research and implications are provided for future investigations.
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