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2023, JBS
The main purpose of this article is to understand the use and abuse of the notion of democracy and its operation as a political system throughout the classical Greek period to modernity. The article will show how the development and understanding of democracy from the modern Western Europe completely differs from its classical conception. The analytical starting point is the assumption that the political system of Western democracy is presented as an indirect representation and creates a gap between policy and society such that the latter lacks its physical role as a mandator of the political system. By extending the above-mentioned syllogism to the modern Greek State in accordance with George Contogeorgis' assumption that the modern political system is neither democratic nor representative, the article is then able to describe the roots of Greece's current sociopolitical and economic impasse. Thus by questioning the absence of a coordinated political proposal from its executive branch for dealing with major sociopolitical and economic problems, the article searches for the misapplication of democracy in policy formation and implementation.
JBS V(3) I(2), 2023
Bu çalışmada, Makedonya 1 ile Bulgaristan arasında süregiden "tarihsel miras" paylaşımına ilişkin kavga ekseninde iktidar ve tarih ilişkisi tartışılmıştır. Makedonya'nın Yugoslavya Federasyonu içinde bağımsız bir cumhuriyet haline geldiği 1944 yılından bu yana, bölgenin tarihsel ve kültürel mirası üzerinde ciddi bir şekilde yaşanmakta olan bu kavganın temeli bu bölgelerdeki çok sayıda tarihsel olaya ve tarihi şahsiyetlere ilişkin olup başta tarihçiler ve ülkelerin tarihyazımları olmak üzere, siyasetçiler ve diğer kamu aktörlerince tartışılmaktadır. Her iki ülke de kendi tarihyazımlarında bölge tarih ve kültürel mirasının ulusal karakterini vurgulamakta ve kendine mal etmektedir. İki ülkenin takınmış olduğu bu tutum, söz konusu "tarihi" ve "kültürü" paylaşma tartışmasını politik ve ideolojik kılmaktadır. Söz konusu anlaşmazlıkların kaynağı siyasi olduğu gibi çözüme de siyasi araçlar ile varılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Buradan hareketle, bu çalışmada iki ülke arasındaki tarihsel ve kültürel mirasa ilişkin anlaşmazlıklar ele alınarak tarih ile iktidar ilişkisi ortaya konulacaktır. Diğer bir ifadeyle, bu çalışmada iki ülke arasındaki tarihsel mirası konusundaki yaşanan anlaşmazlıkları ve kavgaların konu ederek tarih/tarihyazımın nasıl siyasallaştırıldığını ve söz konusu bu siyasallaştırma veya ideolojikleştirilmenin iki ülke arasındaki nasıl bir siyasi sorun kaynağı halie geldiğini incelenecektir. Bu çalışmanın temel iddiası söz konusu kavgasının temel motifi milliyetçilik ideolojisi olduğu ve özünde iki milliyetçili ideolojilerinin çatışmasının yansıtmaktadır.
The 19th century marked the beginning of American and British Protestant missions penetrating Albanian lands and the wider Ottoman Empire. Since then, the British Bible Society and the American Board of Commissioners have sent missionaries to these areas. The headquarters of the British Bible Society's mission to the Ottoman Empire was in Istanbul. As a result, a new community of Protestants began to crystallize. The first conversion of the population to the Protestant faith is observed to have occurred in the second half of the 19th century. This article aims to highlight the statistical data obtained from Ottoman documents proving the existence of this religious community. For a long time in Albanian historiography, four nations have been claimed to be present among Albanians in the 19th century, with studies in this field developed in recent years. This study aims to bring data from Ottoman annual reports and population registers to discuss the existence of the Protestant community in a multinational empire. Protestant missionaries had an important role and spiritually influenced the indigenous population by promoting faith and reawakening national consciousness. The transformation of populations was rapid in the Eastern regions of the Ottoman Empire. Concerning peripheral areas such as Albanian lands, some scarce data have been found on the main provinces located in these lands. The drafting of this study relied on Ottoman documents and sources translated by Turkish authors, as well as Albanian, English, and Turkish monographs and articles from various authors.
Balkan Tarihi Araştırmaları II, 2022
kapak jenerik içindekiler / cover - generic - content
3 Reval Görüşmeleri 9 Haziran 1908 tarihinde günümüzde Estonya'nın başkenti olan Tallinn'de İngiltere Kralı VII. Edward ile Rus Çarı Nikola'nın yaptığı görüşmedir. Reval Görüşmeleri'nde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile ilgili konular da ele alınmıştır.
IDEFE, 2024
The Proceedings of the 4th International Balkan Studies Congress present a rich tapestry of interdisciplinary research that delves into the complexities of the Balkan region. Scholars from diverse disciplines—history, literature, sociology, political science, economics, law, and cultural studies—convene to offer fresh insights into the historical and contemporary dynamics shaping the Balkans. This volume stands as a testament to the power of collaborative scholarship, highlighting original academic contributions that explore the region’s multifaceted narratives. Through thought-provoking analyses and cross-cultural dialogue, it provides a valuable resource for academics, researchers, and anyone interested in deepening their understanding of the Balkans’ pivotal role in global history and contemporary affairs. With the support of esteemed academic institutions and partners, this collection invites readers to engage in a dynamic discourse on the challenges and opportunities facing the Balkans in an interconnected world.
The Balkans could not exist with positive agendas in the formation and writing of 19th and 20th-century world history. As a region with an imperial legacy, it struggled to achieve phenomena such as balance, stability, trust, and security amidst numerous internal and external processes such as migration, nationalization, irredentism, imperialism, communism, failed states, and wars. In this context, the Eastern Question was influenced by concepts and descriptions such as Balkanization and ethnic nationalism. Since 1990, and especially after 2000 with the EU integration processes, it is possible to say that the Balkans have moved closer to political, cultural, and economic balance and stability. Consequently, research on the region’s history, dynamics, sociology, and economy has increased. The study of Balkan history generally involves understanding the rich and complex history of the region, its ethnic and religious diversity, the transition from empires to nation-states, dynamics of conflict and cooperation, changes in the post-Cold War period, integration processes with the European Union, and regional/international interventions for regional stability. Since 2000, research units based in Athens, Istanbul, Belgrade, Sofia, Sarajevo, etc., have begun to include cultural studies, microhistorical studies, migrations, biographies, thereby creating a rich literature on the region. This volume aims to make a small contribution to the emerging research trends in the field of Balkan studies. In this volume, young and qualified researchers from various countries in the Balkans examine topics ranging from military borders to migrations, periodicals to orphan institutions, and the Çanakkale War to dervish lodges.
2015 yılında iki Yunan askeri müzecilik uzmanı 1912-1913 Balkan Savaşlarının harp hatıra materyallerine ilişkin bir kitap yayınlamışlardır. Önsöz ve girişin yanısıra kitap, iki savaşın düşman ordularının üniformaları, madalyaları ve özel eşyalarına altı bölüm ayırmıştır. Kitap özel eşyaların yüksek kalitedeki renkli fotoğrafları, çizimleri ve kısa açıklamaları ile doludur. Bu derlemenin kaynakları, Yunan askeri müzelerinin koleksiyonları ve yazarlardan biri olan Nikoltsios’un kişisel koleksiyonudur. “Balkan Savaşlarından Geriye Kalanlar” yazarların müzecilik deneyimini, görsel materyalin tasarım ve sunumundaki artistik, estetik algı ve uslubunu yansıtır.
Contents Articles 11-32 The Role of the Vlachs in the Bogomils’ Expansion in the Balkans Octavian Ciobanu, PhD., Grigore T. Popa University 33-62 Sembolik Etnisitenin Uzunyayla Abaza ve Çerkeslerinde Tezahürü: Sülale Damgaları Didem Çatalkılıç, Dr. 63-87 “Kölelerin İsyanı”nı Bastırmak: Bulgaristan’da Yasaklanan Bir Film ve Türkiye Cengiz Yolcu, PhD. cand., Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, Department of History 89-112 Post-genocidal Balkans Peace: Human Justice, Morality, Memory and Oblivion Faruk Hadžić, Independent researcher/scholar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Book Reviews 113-117 Georgi Zelengora, Türkiye’deki Pomaklar. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2017, 208 sayfa. ISBN: 978-975-16-3425-2. Dilara Avcı, Arş. Gör., Arş. Gör., Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi 119-126 Ozan Erözden, Geçmişle Yüzleşme ve Ceza Adaleti: Yugoslavya Deneyimi. Ankara: Dost Kitapevi Yayınları, 2017, 263 sayfa. ISBN: 0000-0003-1081-9397. Nazlıcan Çınar Aslan, Yıldız Technical University
General Information Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies is an interdisciplinary refereed journal focusing on the humanities and social sciences of the Balkan countries and the former Soviet republics. The journal welcomes contributions in the fields of history, economics, politics, international relations, culture, art, geography, literature, theology, ethnography and environmental sciences. The idea behind this initiative is to extend a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary approach over issues of regional importance. Under this light, the journal aspires to act as an academic forum for scholars in historical as well as contemporary context on a wide range of cross-regional issues and to provide the epistemological framework for a comparative investigation, which would enhance our understanding of the Balkan, and Black Sea societies, polities and communities. Furthermore, manuscripts connecting the region with wider scopes, such as technological applications, will be also considered.
Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, 2022
Balkan and Black Sea Studies is an interdisciplinary refereed journal focusing on the humanities and social sciences of the Balkan countries and the former Soviet republics. The journal welcomes contributions in the fields of history, economics, politics, international relations, culture, art, geography, literature, theology, ethnography and environmental sciences. The idea behind this initiative is to extend a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary approach over issues of regional importance. Under this light, the journal aspires to act as an academic forum for scholars in historical as well as contemporary context on a wide range of cross-regional issues and to provide the epistemological framework for a comparative investigation, which would enhance our understanding of the Balkan, and Black Sea societies, polities and communities. Furthermore, manuscripts connecting the region with wider scopes, such as technological applications, will be also considered.
Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies 7 December 2021, 2021
Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies is an Istanbul-based journal aiming at strengthening academic exchange among social scientists from Turkey, the Balkans, the Caucasus and Eastern European countries. We started the journal in 2018 and have published seven issues until now. The seventh issue includes four research articles and two book reviews.
Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, 2021
Balkan and Black Sea Studies is an interdisciplinary refereed journal focusing on the humanities and social sciences of the Balkan countries and the former Soviet republics. The journal welcomes contributions in the fields of history, economics, politics, international relations, culture, art, geography, literature, theology, ethnography and environmental sciences. The idea behind this initiative is to extend a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary approach over issues of regional importance. Under this light, the journal aspires to act as an academic forum for scholars in historical as well as contemporary context on a wide range of cross-regional issues and to provide the epistemological framework for a comparative investigation, which would enhance our understanding of the Balkan, and Black Sea societies, polities and communities. Furthermore, manuscripts connecting the region with wider scopes, such as technological applications, will be also considered.
Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, 2023
Balkan and Black Sea Studies is an interdisciplinary refereed journal focusing on the humanities and social sciences of the Balkan countries and the former Soviet republics. The journal welcomes contributions in the fields of history, economics, politics, international relations, culture, art, geography, literature, theology, ethnography and environmental sciences. The idea behind this initiative is to extend a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary approach over issues of regional importance. Under this light, the journal aspires to act as an academic forum for scholars in historical as well as contemporary context on a wide range of cross-regional issues and to provide the epistemological framework for a comparative investigation, which would enhance our understanding of the Balkan, and Black Sea societies, polities and communities. Furthermore, manuscripts connecting the region with wider scopes, such as technological applications, will be also considered.
Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences is a peer reviewed and internationally indexed international academic journal published quarterly.
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