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Abstract The aim of this study is to assess the impact of internet on the quality of news in Wazobia Fm, Lagos. Using Uses and Gratifications Theory, Diffusion of Innovation theory, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Technology Appropriation Model (TaM). The sample size for the study was 145 using simple random sampling techniques as the sample procedure; the study used data obtained through primary source of information with a structured questionnaire. The data analysis was done using statistical tools such as simple percentage. The basis of the findings shows that the effect of internet on the quality of news in Wazobia Fm, Lagos is for easy creation and distribution of media contents, high sound and picture qualities, easy switch from one station to another, as well as continuity in terms of operations. Findings from the study shows that the use of internet by Wazobia Fm, Lagos influence its quality of news to high extent. The study shows that the media practitioners in Wazobia Fm, Lagos access the internet easily. The study also shows that Wazobia Fm, Lagos utilize internet in its enhancement of news quality daily. Also findings shows that high cost of accessories, ignorance/lack of technical know-how about the internet, as well as lack of access to Internet Facilities are the challenges faced by Wazobia Fm, Lagos in its use of internet. The study concludes that internet influence the operations and quality of News in Wazobia Fm, Lagos positively. The study recommends that Broadcast media stations should invest in the procurement of new media technologies that are in tune with modern technological advances. Keywords: Impact, Internet, Quality, News, Media.
New Media and Mass Communication, 2014
As media industry especially in developing countries continue to work towards the digitization of its operations media organizations in Nigeria are not left out in this drive. ICT is now an indispensable part of everydayexistence of every radio/television station and newspaper/magazine outfits. This study explores the effect of ICT on news processing in Borno Radio Television (BRTV) with a focus on ICT effects on news processing. The study used the survey method and from a response rate of 88%. The findings indicates that ICT has positive effect on the computerization of news processing in BRTV Maiduguri, the findings also indicates that 75% think ICT is very relevant in the computerization of news processing, 22.7% believe that it is relevant, 2.3% said it is not relevant. The findings further indicates that the following were the constraints in the use of ICT in news processing: network failure, inadequate power supply, very complex and time consuming, limitation placed by NBC Act on the use of certain ICT, server problem, access charges, inadequate computer technology in newsroom. The study recommends that there is need to computerize the process of news processing in order to facilitate the processing of news in our broadcast stations. broadcast industry more than any other industry because of the timeliness and immediacy of information. The computer system is unique in that writers, editors, and others with a news background designed it and are now responsible for its management and development. The successful integration of electronic technology into the manual world of the newsroom cannot be over-emphasized It could be argued that the media are changing, seemed to have changed. Our century has seen the telephone, film, radio, television become both object of mass consumption and essential tools for the conduct of everyday life. This changing, or reality, to some extent, is enabled and equipped by the development of information communication technology (ICT), which is operationalized by a variety of medium formats, from mass communication facilities, such as radio and TV stations, to personal communication devices, such as personal computers, personal data assistant, and mobile phones. The adoption of computer technology in broadcast industry could be said to have revolutionized and enhanced news processing. Access to information is fundamental to empowerment, recognizing the impact of increasing digital convergence on media has created an enabling environment to ensuring people's access to information through the adoption of this technology. More recently, there has been the addition of communications of computers or other information device, connected
This paper appraised the use of ICTs in enhancing broadcast media production in Nigeria with a focus on NTA and Jay FM Jos, Plateau State.Survey research method was adopted. A sample size of 400 was drawn from the population. Technological determinism and Diffusion of innovations served as the theoretical leaning. Questionnaire served as instrument for data collection. Findings indicate that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are rapidly enhancing efficiency in media productions of the stations. The stations specifically apply the new technologies for news gathering, editing, production and circulation. The study recommends that journalists must bear in mind at all times that the Internet has weak gate-keeping for now;thus, anybody can post any contents on the cyber space. Therefore, it is the responsibility of media practitioners to always verify information and their authenticity before placing them in the media so as to enhance more professionalism and uphold the integrity of the profession.
This study is about “ICTs’ Application and Radio News Reporting in Nigeria: A Study of Bauchi Radio Corporation (BRC) FM, Bauchi”. The research aimed at finding out the influence of the application of ICTs in Radio news broadcasting in Nigeria, using BRC FM as case study. The work made attempt to assess the application of ICTs, the extent and influence of such application as well as the challenges faced in the application wh. The survey research method was used. The questionnaire served as instrument of data collection. A total of 112 respondents were administered the questionnaires, out of which 105 were returned. The data were analyzed using simple descriptive and statistical tools such as simple percentages, tabular presentations and frequency distributions. The study was anchored on the Diffusion of Innovation and Technological Determinism Theories. At the end of the study, the findings revealed that, BRC Bauchi has since adopted the new ICTs and the extent of application and use is high as about 70% of the respondents responded in the affirmative. The findings also discovered that ICTs have great influence on journalists’ responsibilities by ensuring speed, accuracy, efficiency, reliability and qualitative news packages. It also found out that despite the application of ICTs to a very large extent, there are still challenges being faced which hamper utilising them to the fullest such as lack of trained personnel to operate the tools, epileptic power supply, lack of political/ideological will on the part of management etc. Based on these findings, recommendations were made some of which include: rekindling the political will of policy makers on ICTs, curtailing power outages, training and retraining of staff on computer literacy, taking this research on a larger scale etc.
as some measures for an improved adoption and enhanced application of ICTs in the two media. The survey research method was used. The questionnaire and semi-structured interviews served as instrument of data collection. A total of 400 respondents were selected from the population; 200 from the head offices of the NTA and The Guardian Newspapers on equal proportion, (i.,e. 100 apiece), and another200 from those members of the public who have access to the two media under review; 100 from the North [Gwagwalada area of Abuja (50) and Bida L.G.A. in Niger state (50)]; another 100 from the South [Surulere area of Lagos state (50) and Enugu North L.G.A. of Enugu state (50)]. The stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used. The data generated were analyzed using simple descriptive and statistical tools such as simple percentages, tabular presentations and frequency distributions. The study was anchored on the Diffusion of Innovation theory. At the end of the study, the findings revealed that, although the Nigerian mass media (NTA and The Guardian newspapers) have adopted the new ICTs to an extent, yet, the level of adoption and application still falls far below expectations, especially when compared with what is obtainable in the western world. The findings attributed the under utilization of ICTs in the two media to lack of infrastructure e.g. electricity, few trained or skilled ICTs personnel, poor knowledge of ICTs at all levels, from suppliers to users, financial constraints, corruption, poor planning and lack of political/ideological will. The study further revealed that the under utilization of ICTs in NTA and The Guardian newspapers has greatly hampered the quality and quantity of their programmes and contents respectively. Based on these findings, recommendations were made. One, government should intervene by providing enabling environment and basic social amenities e.g. electricity, that would assist in the smooth operation of the new technologies and discourage the re-occurring brain drain in the country. On their part, the media organizations should invest in ICTs development and acquisition, and maintain a regular training and retraining of their staff in computer literacy and on the use of the latest ICTs in the media world, among others.
This study assesses the impact of the new media on the effectiveness of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN). Survey method of research was adopted to execute this work and indepth interview was used and interview guide was the instrument of data collection used. The area of study was NAN Akure zonal office and a purposive sampling was adopted to select respondents from the editorial and marketing departments. Data collected were analysed using the discussion method. The analysis revealed that the News Agency of Nigeria use the internet only for the purpose of disseminating stories and other materials to the head quarters and subscribers, and not for gathering and processing news primarily because of credibility factor which affect most new media source. The study also reveals that the new media pose no threat to the continued existence and operation of NAN. It is here recommended that the New Agency of Nigeria should embrace the new media extensively so as to further enhance its operations as it is done by contemporary news agencies around the world.
The development of radio and later television brought a new dimension to news and events coverage in Nigeria. In 1993 the monopoly of government was broken to allow private participation. This gave the broadcast audience multiple choices of media. The advanced technology in the broadcast media and the development of internet and social media networks further exposed the society to alternative mediums of information. The pervasiveness of these websites in our everyday lives is today changing the face of broadcasting globally and in particular the Nigerian broadcast industry. This paper therefore examines the implication of Internet and social media on broadcast journalism in Nigeria.
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, 2016
The purpose of this study was to determine the utilisation of the Internet by broadcast journalists in two states in Nigeria, namely Rivers and Bayelsa States. The survey method was employed to gather information from a sample of three hundred (300) broadcast journalists systematically selected from a total population of 601 radio and television broadcast journalists in the two states. In order to elicit relevant data for the study from the respondents, a 21-item questionnaire was used and the Kuder-Richardson formula 21 (KR-21) was used to establish reliability of the research instrument at 0.70. The results show that the Internet has changed the way broadcast journalists in Rivers and Bayelsa States perform their professional duty especially in the use of Internet tools for gathering information and surveillance of their immediate environment and beyond. The findings also suggest that there is a shared perception between television and radio broadcast journalists in Rivers and Bayelsa States on the time they spent on the Internet and the utilisation of Internet tools in their professional practice. The conclusion is that broadcast journalists in the two states have good knowledge of Internet tools and they use these tools to carry out their jobs effectively. Accordingly, it was recommended among others, that the journalists should continue with the use of Internet tools to get useful information and to broadcast useful information to listeners/viewers but they should consider the application and use of new technologies like the Internet as complimentary rather than a replacement for basic journalism skills which sets them apart as professionals.
Styles of Communication, 2021
Just about two decades or more ago, journalists and audience relied heavily on direct sources and heavily relied on them for firsthand information on happenings. Whereas journalists relied on people (sources) and events for news, audience patiently waited for journalists to process news and get them delivered at news time. However, all that has changed in modern timesand the phenomena responsible for that are technological innovations such as the new media, of which social media is part and parcel. Advancement in technology is bridging the gap and ensuring things are done differently. Social media is gradually gaining the influence of being a major source of news for allaudience and journalists alike. The innumerable ways newsroom staff explore possibilities of the technology is what this research sought to unravel. With the use of survey methodology, the study investigated specific ways social media is affecting newsroom operations of television stations in Nigeria. Findings of the research show that social media adoption in the media organisations studied is reasonably high and the platforms serve as sources of news just as they are equally used for news dissemination. The study recommends that while the adoption is necessary, users of social media (especially journalists) must be wary as platforms can easily be used to spread unverified information and outright misinformation.
Internet has emerged as a communication medium and its impact on society, commerce and the government is already phenomenal. As the nerve centre of the new media technologies, it has revolutionized the whole business of mass communication. This paper therefore examines the media convergence that the Internet has created and its revolution of the nature of mass communication. It also explores the various dimensions by which the digital revolution has affected all aspects ofmediaprofession, fromproduction, distribution, storage and use of media content, to the practice of media profession.
The advent of Internet has brought together those near and far, transcending boundary barriers, in time and space worldwide and this has been made possible via computer. Thus, the latest effect of computer bothers on the use of it to propagate journalism worldwide via the Internet. The timely update of on-line newspaper, its universality, easy accessibility, easy navigation, interactivity features and other unique features of it have brought popularity to Internet newspaper. Due to its unique features readers' taste is already moving towards on-line newspaper. Though the effect is relatively small as at now, this research tries to explore the influence of Internet on newspaper readership looking at both on-line and hardcopy ; with the aim of finding-out who on-line readers are, to know how often newspaper readers visit the Internet and to find out if on-line will replace hardcopy newspaper. Survey method was adopted to generate data from respondents in order to arrive at the research findings. The findings reveal that younger ages read on-line copies more than the older ones though; hardcopy still thrives beyond reasonable doubt. However, print media has on-line competitor. Recommendations were made based on the findings. CHAPTER ONE
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science
The drift of readers, viewers and advertisers from newspapers and broadcast stations to online news publications is not only limited to the developed world but has also become a visible trend in the developing countries such as Nigeria. Since Professor Marsha MacLuah opined in 1987 that the world would become a hamlet of communication, online publication has truly made the world a global village by providing easy access to the media contents which the readers at their convenient times and places can read as the news breaks. This study examines trends and patterns of online publications in Nigeria. This study is anchored on two theories: the technological determinism theory and the mediamorphosis theory of mass communication. It employs content analysis as its design so as to know what constitutes the trend and pattern of online newspapers in Nigeria, in this case, Sahara Reporters and Premium Times. After the analysis of trends of the two selected online news media shows that the selected media, it was discovered that they have a penchant for deep investigative stories and multimedia presentation with hyperlinks that make it easy for readers to navigate to other sections of the stories. It was also discovered that the two online newspapers usually link their stories to video clips which the readers could watch with their mobile devices. This can be concluded to be one of the major innovations that drive online newspapers, which has also increased the adoption of the news platforms by online audiences. It was recommended that media owners should not allow the commercial interest to derail them from the media social responsibility expected of it in the society by using latest technology to make access to information easy for their readers.
I examine in this study what constitute the motivations/gratifications for the pervasiveness of interactive technology (mobile phone and Internet) use for participatory programming among broadcast journalists. A survey was modelled after similar studies on motivations for citizen journalism (Jack, 2009), against extant theoretical frameworks of technology adoption, including adaptive structuration and uses and gratification theories. A matrix was also constructed to pre-test what constitute the motivations/gratifications for the use of interactive technology in the production and dissemination of participatory programming. Hence, broadcast journalists in a purposively selected FM radio station in southwest Nigeria were sampled. Findings showed that broadcast journalists’ motivation to use interactive technology for participatory programming is geared toward information dissemination. In achieving this, broadcast journalists rely more on text-based (quasi-synchronous) new media platforms rather than a more convenient but costlier voice call channel to act the social responsibility (information dissemination and mobilization) roles. Poor telecom connectivity is a significant threat. The study, while contributing to the current discourse on the convergence of radio, also practically advances the concept of participatory communication and newsroom technology adoption beyond the theoretical and speculative dimensions.
Global Media Journal, 2021
Advancements in the use of the internet have substantially permeated the practice of journalism, especially in the realms of news gathering, news processing, and news dissemination. Despite the availability of research and a vast number of literatures on the impacts of the internet on journalism, little or no research exists on the impacts of the internet on the practice of journalism in Kano State, Nigeria, focusing on newsgathering, news processing, and news dissemination. Hence, the urge for this research gap to be closed, a situation to lead to the carrying of this study. The study had one specific objective as follows: to examine how the internet has influenced the practice of journalism in the areas of (a) news gathering, (b) news processing, and (c) news dissemination in Kano State, Nigeria. Using quantitative research design, specifically survey, with a sample of 123 practising journalists drawn from the population of 800 journalists and staff at the Editorial Department of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) offices in Kano State, a questionnaire was used to collect data and analyze using descriptive methods (tables of frequency and percentage). The study found that the internet has affected journalistic practices both positively and negatively in Kano State and has made sourcing news stories easier. However, as poor information can also be easily spread, which would reduce the credibility of journalists, this study recommends that media organizations must fashion out ways to replace and boost their resources which the internet has taken over.
The arrival of new media has generated tensions, arguments and debate about the prospects and future of the newspaper industry all over the world. In Northern Nigeria today, media technologies have led to many changes that are seen in the newspaper industry. For instance, technology has broken distance, making communication easier and the information around the world more accessible; it has shrunk both time and space. This situation has generated debates among scholars, about whether the new media technologies would eventually wipe out the conventional media or at least further redefine them. Within this context, this study aims to examine the Mediatization of the net and Internetization of the print media in Northern Nigeria. The study was anchored on the theoretical lens of Diffusion of Innovation Theory. The study adopted the traditional approach of the positivist research design, which informed the choice of survey method, whereby a self-administered questionnaire in the form of...
This study investigated how ICTs have influenced broadcasting in three broadcast stations in Edo state, Nigeria. Anchored on the diffusion of innovation theory, the study adopted the survey research design and used the questionnaire as an instrument for data collection. Findings from the study reveal that ICTs have greatly influenced broadcast operations in the stations, especially in the areas of gathering information, production and editing of programmes, relay of programmes, display of programmes, and storage of aired programmes. Findings also show that ICTs have a positive influence on broadcasting in the stations and that the lack of in-depth training, erratic power supply, high cost of ICTs, poor Internet facilities, authenticity of news sources and inadequate supply constitute some of the challenges faced by the stations' broadcast practitioners. The study recommends that the government of Edo State should make efforts to ensure the provision of stable power supply while the owners of broadcast stations should adequately supply ICTs so that broadcast practitioners can effectively use them for enhanced communication.
World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 2022
There is an ongoing debate that conventional print media are becoming seriously threatened and facing possible extinction due to the penetrating presence of the digital media. This paper discusses, from the perspectives of the audience and media managers, the situation as it evolves in Nigeria. Applied and survey research methods are adopted for the study. Roger Fidler's theory of Mediamorphosis and the Toronto School's Medium theory constitute the theoretical framework. The study identifies that traditional print media are becoming endangered due to low circulation figure, dwindling advertisement revenue, and even closures of newspaper businesses. It, therefore, concludes that change has indeed swept through the media environment, and conventional media in Nigeria should adapt to this change in order to remain relevant. In recommending the way forward, the paper advises Nigerian newspaper owners and managers to create new ideas, new value propositions, and new ways to engage with customers so as to improve on their revenue and ultimately remain in business.
This study discusses the Importance of ICT in modern day broadcast journalism in Nigeria. Needless to say that the advent of ICT has brought about dramatic changes in the practice of journalism as a profession in terms of news gathering, news reporting, presentation and speed of delivery. Two theories were used as theoretical framework for the study rest. The theories are Diffusion of Innovation Theory and Development Media Theory. Diffusion of Innovation Theory holds that an idea or innovation spreads throughout a society in a predictable pattern. Application of ICT to practice of journalism is an innovation that aims at increasing efficiency and prompt delivery of news to masses. Development Media Theory posits that, media should provide platforms that can accelerate the development of their respective countries by way of giving the public quality news, entertainment, and political education etc. It aims at developing the productive capacity of the nation through economic, health and political information that would develop the minds of the public so as to be able to makeinformed electoral decisions.The study recommends that media practitioners should keep themselves abreast of new development in their profession as ICT provides ample opportunities for excellence in the practice of modern day journalism. Its acceptance by professional journalist will reduce or eliminate the gap between journalists in the advanced countries and those in the developing countries like Nigeria. Media Professionals are encouraged to avail themselves of opportunities that provide for training in ICT so as to enhance proficiency on job performance.
IOSR Journal of Business and Management
This study seeks to investigate youths' attitude towards news media listenership. Specifically, it examines the relationship between youths' attitude (affective, behavioural, and cognitive attitude) towards news on radio and satisfaction with such news quality. It also examines the difference in the interest of young men and women towards news genre. 249 respondents were sampled from Federal Polytechnic Uwana, Afikpo and Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Correlation results show that the affective, behavioural and cognitive components of attitude correlates positively with young satisfaction with quality of news on radio. Also interest in news differs between young men and women. The implication of the findings is discussed.
Abstract This study assessed the use of radio and other means of information dissemination among the residents of Ado-Ekiti. It is a survey research employing descriptive research design of the survey type, the instrument used to collect data was questionnaire. The sampled population was one hundred and twenty residents of Ado-Ekiti (120) were selected to participate in the study using simple random sampling technique while the collected data was analysed using tables, bar chart, simple percentage and frequency count, mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed that radio is the most important instrument in information dissemination because it reaches larger percentage of the people irrespective of their location; it promotes the level of awareness of the people on socio-political and economic issues and it also enable people to be adequately informed about programmes and activities of the government. The cost of accessing information through radio, television and use of mobile phone were not expensive as shown by the study while that of internet, satellite and cable television were expensive. Radio was mostly used to access information followed by mobile phone, television, newspaper, social network, satellite and cable television followed by the internet. The three major problems facing the residents of Ado-Ekiti in accessing information were poor television signals, high cost of purchase, installation and subscription of satellite television and many cannot afford the cost of internet connectivity. It was concluded that more need to be done to improve accesordss of the residence of Ado- Ekiti to information most especially the internet and cable television. Key words: Information, information dissemination, radio, tele
IJRSS, 2021
The drift of readers, viewers and advertisers from newspapers and broadcast stations to online news publications is not only limited to the developed world but has also become a visible trend in the developing countries such as Nigeria. Since Professor Marsha MacLuah opined in 1987 that the world would become a hamlet of communication, online publication has truly made the world a global village by providing easy access to the media contents which the readers at their convenient times and places can read as the news breaks. This study examines trends and patterns of online publications in Nigeria. This study is anchored on two theories: the technological determinism theory and the mediamorphosis theory of mass communication. It employs content analysis as its design so as to know what constitutes the trend and pattern of online newspapers in Nigeria, in this case, Sahara Reporters and Premium Times. After the analysis of trends of the two selected online news media shows that the se...
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