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The Value-Based Software Engineering (VBSE) agenda described in the preceding article has the objectives of integrating value considerations into current and emerging software engineering principles and practices, and of developing an overall framework in which they compatibly reinforce each other. In this paper, we provide a case study illustrating some of the key VBSE practices, and focusing on a particular anomaly in the monitoring and control area: the "Earned Value Management System". This is a most useful technique for monitoring and controlling the cost, schedule, and progress of a complex project. But it has absolutely nothing to say about the stakeholder value of the system being developed. The paper introduces an example order-processing software project, and shows how the use of Benefits Realization Analysis, stakeholder value proposition elicitation and reconciliation, and business case analysis provides a framework for stakeholder-earned-value monitoring and control.
Proceedings of the 2nd Wseas International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, 2008
The number of companies producing software has grown constantly, and it seems that we need software more and more everyday. Lately, several authors have discussed about the importance of cost efficiency and value creation in software development as well in software process and product improvement (SPI). It also seems that several companies have noticed that competition is increasing and cost-efficient companies have perhaps more competitive advantage in global markets than ever. This study discusses about the concepts, principles and practical methods of economic-driven software engineering and outlines us to understand better the content of value-based approach. This is done in part by presenting a conceptual analysis of the economic-driven view of software development including cost estimation and cost accounting and in part by discussing the costefficiency and value characteristics of software processes, products and their improvement. As a summary this study proposes to use value-based approach to find solutions for cost efficiency related challenges. As well it encourages both technical and economical sciences to work together when creating meaningful and practical solutions for our everyday use.
Value elicitation in VBSE is of utmost importance as the whole domain depends on values determined by SCSs. This research aims to clarify value elicitation process with all the necessary details: simplification of SCSs identification process, review and analysis of value dimensions and value elicitation techniques. After all the required analysis, Value Elicitation Framework is proposed that helps in selection and application of appropriate value elicitation technique for a given situation in the project lifecycle. In addition to this proposed framework facilitates the decision making process by introducing the concept of value into it. Validation of VEF is also done by applying the proposed framework on a software project.
Icsoft, 2007
This study tries to advance and define the concepts, principles and practical methods of a valuebased approach, involving definition of the essential concepts of value, cost and worth in software development. These definitions originate from the Value Engineering (VE) method, originally applied and developed for the needs of the production industry. Therefore, for the purposes of this study these concepts are firstly justified and secondly defined. In order to study and evaluate the value-based approach, a method called value assessment is developed and used when assessing processes and products. The results of industrial case show that even though there is still much to do in making the economic-driven view complete in software engineering, the value-based approach outlines a way towards a more comprehensive understanding of it. For industrial users value assessment seems to give a practical help for handling cost and profitability related challenges.
Theory and Practice, 2006
The role of feedback control in software and information system development has traditionally focused on a milestone plan to deliver a pre-specified set of capabilities within a negotiated budget and schedule. One of the most powerful approaches available for controlling traditional software projects is called the Earned Value system. However, the Earned Value Management process is generally good for tracking whether a project is meeting its original plan. It becomes difficult to administer if the project plans change rapidly. And more significantly it has absolutely nothing to say about the actual value being earned for the organization by the results of the project. This chapter begins by summering a set of four nested feedback and feedforward loops that have been successfully used to scope, estimate, control, and improve the predictability and efficiency of software development and evolution. It then proposes an alternative approach for project feedback control. It focuses on the actual stakeholder value likely to be earned by completing the project. And a framework is provided for monitoring and controlling value in terms of a Benefits Realization Approach and business case analysis. An order processing system is used as an example to illustrate the value-based feedback control mechanisms. At the end of this chapter, it presents the conclusions and directions for future research and development. Section 3 summarizes one of the most powerful approaches available for controlling traditional software projects: the Earned Value system. Three recent trends have, however, required information system development organizations to raise their sights above the level of managing and improving development efficiency using traditional capability/schedule/cost milestones. These trends are: 1. The increasingly rapid pace of change in information system technology, market conditions, and business value propositions, making pre-specified plans and requirements ultimately unrealistic. 2. The increasing leverage that software project decisions have on an organization's competitiveness and profitability. Most products and services are becoming increasingly software-intensive. Software project decisions are increasingly becoming of significant value, arising from their impact on the organization's bottom line.
IET Software, 2014
In the value-based software (VBS) development, an innovative idea is realised in order to gain an economic leverage. The VBS systems deal with financial streams and this thing make them different from the conventional systems. The success of a VBS system is associated with a valuable set of requirements. The valuable requirements can only be gathered from success critical stakeholders. To select a set of success critical stakeholders, different stakeholders identification and quantification (SIQ) approaches are presented by the researchers. The current approaches cannot be adopted as a standard as different methods and processes are adopted in different approaches. In this study, the aim is to find out the reported evidence based attributes or characteristics of the stakeholders and their usage context in terms of their application in different domains, stakeholders' quantification metrics, the reported stakeholder types and the reported issues of VBS development. The standard systematic literature review guidelines are used as given by Barbara Kitchenham. The literature evidence shows that there is a need to explore all the possible stakeholders' attributes. The stakeholders' metrics can be derived by using the stakeholders' attributes and a new SIQ framework can be proposed for the VBS systems.
Proceedings of the Design Society, 2021
Value Analysis (VA) is a collaborative method that could be used to make a decision in the early phase of complex projects. In this framework, Stakeholders are involved into the process of decisionmaking and project success is facilitated. Systeme Architechting (SA) is a set of processes used for the conceptual phase of the design of complex systems while System Engineering (SE) is the set of processes used for the design phase of the system. In complex projects, Stakeholders are multiple and carry specific technical, social and environmental expectations that define their perceived Value of the project. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that VA and SA are two complementary approaches to collect and analyse Stakeholder needs in a complex project. The article presents an analysis of the literature review on VA and SA / SE. Based on this analysis, an illustration case is proposed to show how to integrate VA into SA to understand the needs of Stakeholders. The article concludes t...
Recent research reveals that less than %20 of projects achieve their time, cost and quality objectives, and Project Management is one of the key factors in the success of projects. Considering that each project is unique, appropriate tools, techniques and methods must be adopted in relation to the scale, complexity and the particular characteristics of each project. The Project Management Plan is developed for this purpose. If the functions of the plan and its components are not properly evaluated for each project, besides the incurrence of extra costs, the plan may not be very effective. Today Value Engineering Methodology is one of the most successful tools for cost reduction, as well as performance and quality improvement for a system or a product. This article is part of an ongoing research that is being carried out to investigate the potential of this methodology for the optimization of the Project Management Plan. In addition to a clear explanation of the problem, Value Engine...
INCOSE International Symposium, 2019
How value emerges from the interactions between different classes of stakeholders (like customers, service providers, suppliers, acquirers and so on) and the ways and means to enhance the interactions is a phenomenon that is increasingly becoming a significant game changer in any human endeavor. Increasingly, stakeholders expect something of interest to emanate for them whenever they participate in an endeavor. This thing that the stakeholders wish to create or experience is subjective and every stakeholder has their own perception of what this thing is. It is often the case that the thing that enthuses a stakeholder is the perceived value that they feel they can obtain; and the thing that they experience or create when participating in the endeavor is the actual value. In this situation, stakeholders often try to minimize the gap between their perceptions and actuals. This is often difficult to achieve as the notion of what is of value is time and stakeholder dependent. In order to address these issues, in this paper, a systematic approach to facilitate stakeholder value creation is presented and the underlying rationale for the approach discussed. This approach is based on the premise that in all human endeavors, goal or purpose of the endeavor, human centric processes, quality of these human-centric processes, outcomes and the quality of the outcomes determine the value that different stakeholders create or experience. It is essential to understand, establish and articulate the right value influencing factors and criteria so that value is created for all stakeholders. This is further substantiated by the system value cycle wherein value created by the stakeholder by utilizing one or more systems. A set of eight different processes to institutionalize the stakeholder value creation dynamics is also presented to aid in the value co-creation, sustenance and transformation.
In this era of progress and innovation, every product and service has certain value attached to it. Similar is the case with software products and services. These also assign some value to the stakeholders for whom this product or service has some meaning. Software Engineering (SE) deals with the development of quality software product that fulfills stakeholder's requirements. There are many valuation techniques which are being used to establish value of software products and services. However, irony of the situation is that current practices in software engineering are value neutral in essence. Value Based Software Engineering (VBSE) takes into consideration the value assigned to the software product and to the stakeholders who have interest in that software. However, VBSE as a theory has not redefined the term "Value" for the discipline of software engineering. In this paper, we present an analysis of current definitions of value as well as valuation techniques and subsequently, we have presented a case for the need to redefine the term value and modification of current valuation techniques for software engineering.
PLOS ONE, 2015
Value-based requirements engineering plays a vital role in the development of value-based software (VBS). Stakeholders are the key players in the requirements engineering process, and the selection of critical stakeholders for the VBS systems is highly desirable. Based on the stakeholder requirements, the innovative or value-based idea is realized. The quality of the VBS system is associated with the concrete set of valuable requirements, and the valuable requirements can only be obtained if all the relevant valuable stakeholders participate in the requirements elicitation phase. The existing value-based approaches focus on the design of the VBS systems. However, the focus on the valuable stakeholders and requirements is inadequate. The current stakeholder identification and quantification (SIQ) approaches are neither state-of-the-art nor systematic for the VBS systems. The existing approaches are time-consuming, complex and inconsistent which makes the initiation process difficult. Moreover, the main motivation of this research is that the existing SIQ approaches do not provide the low level implementation details for SIQ initiation and stakeholder metrics for quantification. Hence, keeping in view the existing SIQ problems, this research contributes in the form of a new SIQ framework called 'StakeMeter'. The Sta-keMeter framework is verified and validated through case studies. The proposed framework provides low-level implementation guidelines, attributes, metrics, quantification criteria and application procedure as compared to the other methods. The proposed framework solves the issues of stakeholder quantification or prioritization, higher time consumption, complexity, and process initiation. The framework helps in the selection of highly critical stakeholders for the VBS systems with less judgmental error.
The fast-growing movement of the modern societies shows increasing implementation of operational projects in the areas of IT in organizational and national levels. And it is special and important because of the very high risks that large projects (and even small ones) experience, so we decided to examine the role of value engineering in the process of project implementation and to deal with it step by step in our project, hence the importance of beginning to define value engineering and its position among the different nations. Finally, we have proposed the expression of different techniques used in value engineering with different phases of expression during the life of IT projects, using techniques based on the proposals presented.
Wseas Transactions on Information Science and Applications, 2008
This study tries to advance and define the concepts, principles and practical methods of a valuebased approach, involving definition of the essential concepts of value, cost and worth in software development. These definitions originate from the Value Engineering (VE) method, originally applied and developed for the needs of the production industry. Therefore, for the purposes of this study these concepts are firstly justified and secondly defined. In order to study and evaluate the value-based approach, a method called value assessment is developed and used when assessing processes and products. The results of industrial case show that even though there is still much to do in making the economic-driven view complete in software engineering, the value-based approach outlines a way towards a more comprehensive understanding of it. For industrial users value assessment seems to give a practical help for handling cost and profitability related challenges.
Value-Based Software …, 2006
The Value-Based Software Engineering (VBSE) agenda described in the preceding article has the objectives of integrating value considerations into current and emerging software engineering principles and practices, and of developing an overall framework in which they compatibly reinforce each other. In this paper, we provide a case study illustrating some of the key VBSE practices, and focusing on a particular anomaly in the monitoring and control area: the "Earned Value Management System". This is a most useful technique for monitoring and controlling the cost, schedule, and progress of a complex project. But it has absolutely nothing to say about the stakeholder value of the system being developed. The paper introduces an example order-processing software project, and shows how the use of Benefits Realization Analysis, stakeholder value proposition elicitation and reconciliation, and business case analysis provides a framework for stakeholder-earned-value monitoring and control.
Procedia Computer Science, 2011
The fast-growing movement of the modern societies shows increasing implementation of operational projects in the areas of IT in organizational and national levels. And it is special and important because of the very high risks that large projects (and even small ones) experience, so we decided to examine the role of value engineering in the process of project implementation and to deal with it step by step in our project, hence the importance of beginning to define value engineering and its position among the different nations. Finally, we have proposed the expression of different techniques used in value engineering with different phases of expression during the life of IT projects, using techniques based on the proposals presented.
Journal of Software Engineering & Intelligent Systems, 2016
Value Based Software Engineering (VBSE) deals with the development of economic driven software systems. In such systems, a business idea is implemented in order to gain the market leverage. For the realization of an idea, the requirements must be highly valuable. The valuable requirements can only be obtained from a key set of valuable stakeholders. Researchers presented different stakeholder identification and quantification (SIQ) approaches. The current approaches do not provide low level details in order to carry out the SIQ process, and most of these approaches deal at a very high level of abstraction. This paper focuses on the problems of existing SIQ process and identifies the key stakeholder attributes in order to streamline the SIQ process. In this research, a survey is conducted in the software industry of Pakistan and Malaysia. The survey reports the problems faced by the software industry in the SIQ process. Moreover, the key stakeholder attributes are also reported which may be used to solve the key problems of the SIQ process.
The paper considers the implementation of value management at the strategic interface between client organisations and capital projects. The ill-defined strategic problems which characterise the early stages of design will be contrasted with the well-defined problems which occur during the later stages. It will be further argued that the paradigm of traditional value engineering takes it for granted that design problems can be pre-determined and remain static over time. In contrast, the methodology of SMART value management recognises that it is not sufficient merely to 'achieve the required functions cost-effectively'. It is initially necessary to ensure that the key project stakeholders have developed a shared understanding of the strategic objectives. The methodology of SMART value management will be introduced as an approach which is both sound in its theory and practical in its implementation.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering - EASE '16, 2016
Context: In this paper we present an exploratory study on the insights of organizations into the perceived value of their software projects. Our study is based on the notion that quantifying and qualifying project size, cost, duration and defects needs to be done in relation with stakeholder satisfaction and perceived value. Objectives: We expect that bringing perceived value into the equation will help in increasing the impact such organizations deliver. Method: In order to find out whether our approach is practically feasible in an industrial setting, we performed an exploratory study in a Belgian telecom company. Results: In this study we evaluate 22 software projects that were delivered during one release. Fiftythree (53) key stakeholders provide stakeholder satisfaction and perceived value measurements in 103 completed surveys. Conclusions: We conclude that a focus on shortening overall project duration, and improving communication on intermediate progress improved stakeholder satisfaction and perceived value. Our study does not provide any evidence that steering on costs helped to improve these. CCS Concepts • General and reference ➝ Cross-computing tools and techniques ➝ Metrics.
Eliciting the value proposition in Value Based Software Engineering (VBSE) is critical. Everything within VBSE is dependent on the value propositions of success critical stakeholder (SCSs). This paper present presents a novel approach for elicitation of value from the SCSs from different dimensions. We propose a Value Elicitation Framework (VEF) in order to resolve the problem of selection and application of appropriated value elicitation technique for a given situation. We applied the VEF on a small commercial project to demonstrate the execution of VEF in practice and evaluate its effectiveness. Results show that decision makers felt more confident in decision making while using VEF as decisions are taken on basis of actual value rather than mere guess. We also found that SCSs were mainly using Business, Economic and Technical Values in making decisions.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2021
Value Analysis (VA) is a collaborative method that could be used to make decision-making in complex projects. System Engineering (SE) is a design method used in complex projects. In complex projects, stakeholders are multiple and carry specific technical, social and environmental expectations that define the value of the project. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that VA and SE are two complementary approaches to collect and analyze Stakeholder' expectations in a complex project. The paper presents a literature review on VA and SE that show the complementarity of the methods to involve Stakeholders in projects. From this analysis, a case study is proposed to illustrate the complementarities of the method. The paper concludes that the two methods VA and SE can be combined to analyze and track multiple dimensions of value (as economic, social and environmental) in a complex project context.
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