Mülk ve Mülkiyet

2021, Turkish Studies-Social Sciences


Territory and territoriality are key concepts in several fields of science such as ethology, ecology, politics, law, sociology, psychology, anthropology and geography. The use of these two concepts may vary due to both concepts being included in different disciplines and due to semantic changes with time. The fact that they serve numerous scales and objectives from the daily lives of people to global forms which are the ultimate levels of political organizations complicates methodological approaches and analyses of these concepts. Understanding the substance of these concepts in terms of the formation of political, economic, socio-cultural, personal and spatial textures in geographical contexts of these concepts is vital for the accurate conducting of spatial analyses. Within this framework, in the literature part of this study, these concepts are discussed through approaches in different fields, primarily geography. Therefore, this study is written in an interdisciplinary and holistic approach based on literature regarding territory and territoriality in several scientific fields and geography. At the outset of the study, the etymology of the territory and territoriality concepts is examined. It is followed by the ontological connection of the concepts to the concepts 'mülk' (territory) and 'mülkiyet' (territoriality), which are argued to be their Turkish equivalents. Territory and territoriality are analysed in different disciplines and their interdisciplinary dimension are examined. The quality of these concepts which is observed in three different forms in spatial terms is presented in the final part of this study. The concepts, which materialize in spatial terms, as spatial behaviours, political formations and socio-cultural areas, are analysed with examples.