German Europe: Strategies of Power in the Euro Crisis



This article delivers a contribution to the debate about the Euro crisis. With that purpose, our starting point shall be the book German Europe by the renowned sociologist Ulrich Beck. Analyzing the main ideas expressed in that book, we shall discuss more deeply the future perspectives of the European Union and its common currency, the Euro. In doing this, we shall consider different elements, in order to offer a complete overview of the situation: in particular, we will discuss economic, social and political themes. It will be interesting comparing Beck’s ideas with those of other important thinkers, especially with regard to themes such as the role of the EU in the world politics and the ways in which it could become a more democratic institution. A significant part of this work shall be dedicated to the predominant role of Germany and Chancellor Angela Merkel. According to Beck, she is the undiscussed leader of Europe, as with her peculiar political decisions and way of acting she influences and directs the functioning of European Union decisively.