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This paper presents the main results of an in-depth pioneer research project in the study of digital cities and regions in Portugal. Unlike many other researches that subscribe a technocentric approach, in this research a more sophisticated theoretical framework was adopted focusing on institutional and organizational, as well as on technological factors that, in their inter-relation, influence the outcomes of the different cities and regions. Strengths and weaknesses of the digital cities and regions projects in Portugal are identified, comprising their conception and accomplishment. We also present a set of recommendations which can contribute to the debate and to social learning processes regarding policy formulation, project design and implementation as well as the practices of regional actors in Portugal and other countries of EU. Another primordial objective of the authors is to extend the theoretical and conceptual reflection; we propose namely that the digital cities and reg...
This paper discusses the development of the Portuguese Digital Cities Program (1998Program ( -2006 within the context of the current national public policy framework for the development of the Information Society in Portugal. It explores the case of the Aveiro Digital City and discusses how Portuguese cities and regions are building information and communication networks in both urban and rural environments, with the ultimate goal of promoting regional development. It is argued that such networks have the potential to attract and mobilize people into a "culture of knowledge" and make public administration and free markets more effective, but require adequate infrastructures, incentives and institutions. The analysis builds on the co-evolution of human and social contexts at a territorial level and the endogenous process of technological change, namely in terms of local and regional adoption of information and communication technologies.
The development of case studies in selected Portuguese cities and regions which have been engaged in ”digital city” projects is considered in this paper in a way to discuss main challenges and opportunities for mobilizing the information society in Europe, with emphasis for the conditions affecting less favourable zones. It is argued that value-based networks have the potential to make both public administration and markets more effective, which helps promoting learning trajectories for the inclusive development of society, but require effective infrastructures, incentives and adequate institutional frameworks.
The development of case studies in selected Portuguese cities and regions which have been engaged in "digital city" projects is considered in this paper in a way to discuss main challenges, and opportunities, for mobilizing the information society in Europe, with emphasis for the conditions affecting less favourable zones. It is argued that value-based networks have the potential to make both public administration and markets more effective, which helps promoting learning trajectories for the inclusive development of society, but require effective infrastructures, incentives and adequate institutional frameworks. The analysis builds on the concept of social capital, as a relational infrastructure for collective action, but the main contribution of the paper is presented in terms of a knowledge-based view of the territory to foster institutionally organized metropolitan systems of innovation and competence building.
Journal of Telecommunications System & Management, 2013
Making information and telecommunications available is a permanent challenge for cities concerned with urban planning and development focused on citizens' quality of life and effective municipal management. The objective is to describe the digital city projects in Vinhedo and Pedreira. The Vinhedo project emphasized information and information systems, while the Pedreira project stressed telecommunications based on an open access metropolitan network. The research methodology consisted of action-research case studies covering city hall and local municipal departments and organizations. Both projects resulted in benefits for the municipalities involved, notably modernization of municipal management activities and telecommunications and improved access to public services as a result of the availability of information and increased internet use brought about by digital inclusion. The paper concludes by reiterating the importance of collectively implemented projects when it is accepted that they are instruments that can contribute to municipal management, the implementation of projects for strategic digital cities, decisions taken by public managers and citizens' quality of life.
Telematics and Informatics, 2011
Making information and telecommunications available is a permanent challenge for cities concerned with urban planning and development focused on citizens' quality of life and effective municipal management. The objective is to describe the digital city projects in Vinhedo and Pedreira. The Vinhedo project emphasized information and information systems, while the Pedreira project stressed telecommunications based on an open access metropolitan network. The research methodology consisted of action-research case studies covering city hall and local municipal departments and organizations. Both projects resulted in benefits for the municipalities involved, notably modernization of municipal management activities and telecommunications and improved access to public services as a result of the availability of information and increased internet use brought about by digital inclusion. The paper concludes by reiterating the importance of collectively implemented projects when it is accepted that they are instruments that can contribute to municipal management, the implementation of projects for strategic digital cities, decisions taken by public managers and citizens' quality of life. Citation: Rezende DA (2013) Digital City Projects: Case Studies of Vinhedo and Pedreira, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. J Telecommun Syst Manage 2: 107. Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1000107 J Telecommun Syst Manage ISSN: 2167-0919 JTSM, an open access journal Citation: Rezende DA (2013) Digital City Projects: Case Studies of Vinhedo and Pedreira, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. J Telecommun Syst Manage 2: 107.
Cities and their citizens connect through information and public services, and municipal strategies and information technology resources can strengthen urban social relations. The objective is to analyze city strategies, city information, transactional public services, information technology resources, and their relationship with strategic digital city projects. The research methodology included a survey with citizens of the four Southeastern Brazil capital cities: Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and Vitoria. Results revealed 718 non-formal components of a strategic digital city with variations that reflect the identities of each city. The research points out that the four cities have city strategies, city information, public services, and IT-based resources meeting the requirements to be regarded as strategic digital cities. The conclusion reiterates the relevance of city strategies and democratization of the use of city information.
Revista Juridica, 2019
ABSTRACTThroughout the history of humankind, many cities have arisen and built from different needs and purposes. Mainly after the industrial revolution, many cities appear as the result of a process of urbanization, generating a new social context considered by some as the information society, imposing on the state new way of articulating public policies with society. Moreover, with the advent of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) new concepts associated with the city like cyberspace, cybercity, virtual city, electronic city and Digital City arise. The purpose of this work was to discuss the concept of Digital City, from the search for a theoretical reference since the 1980s, understanding the characteristics of projects implemented since then around the world. From this understanding, bring a discussion to the Brazilian context of the Digital City project promoted by the Ministry of Communications (MC) as a public policy of insertion of the population in some Brazili...
Making information available is a permanent challenge for cities concerned to their social, urban and local planning and development, focused on life quality of their citizens and on the effectiveness of public management. The objective is to describe the information and information systems project from the planning of a digital city carried out in Vinhedo-SP, Brazil. The research methodology was emphasized by a case study which turned to be a research-action, comprising the municipal administration and its local units. The results achieved describe phases, sub-phases, approval points and resulting products. The contributions have to do with the practical feasibility of the project. The conclusion reiterates the importance of the project, collectively implemented and accepted, as a tool to help the management of cities, in the implementation of strategic digital city projects, in the decisions of public administration managers, and in the quality of life of their citizens.
Journal of technology management & innovation, 2018
The demand for new ways of managing cities requires faster, more technological and more digital means of interaction and communication. In this context, the strategic digital city applies the resources of information technology in municipal management, based on its strategies. The objective is to analyze the digital planning of the city of Barcelona and its relations with the strategic digital city. The methodology of the selected research is a unique case study in Barcelona, through the research protocol. The results obtained through the analyzes have shown that the digital planning of the city of Barcelona provides information technology and strategy resources that promote practices intrinsic to the strategic digital city, showing that the city of Barcelona applies these resources to the benefit of its inhabitants, making with which this city is increasingly democratic and digital. The analyzes demonstrate how digital planning can be aided by the strategic digital city project, confirming that the population would be increasingly benefiting from the technological and strategic resources. The conclusion reiterates that digital planning makes it possible to have an interface between the population, government and organizations in public passenger transport.
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… -a preliminary version …, 2004
Given the current socio-economic context, in which innovation is a key driver of sustainable development, what are the challenges facing information-based development and cooperation, in a way that contributes to regional policies that stimulate localized learning and indigenous development? This broad question has motivated the work behind the present paper, which considered the development of case studies in selected Portuguese cities and regions and the emerging urbanization trends of increasing urban population, but reduced urban density. It is argued that the progressive integration of mobile ICT´s with sustainable mobility equipments and concepts will facilitate improving well being in urban regions if adequate incentives, infrastructures and institutions are adaptively implemented through a policy learning process. The analysis builds on the concept of local system of innovation and competence building, in a context much influenced by a dynamic of change and a necessary balance between the diffusion of mobile technologies and the social and cultural shaping of information technologies.
The convergence of mobile media, wireless networks, digital data visualizations and social web applications have led to a radical change in our experiences of turban settings. Today, more than ever, the city of the future is evolving at the interface of mobile media practices, digital infrastructures and web-based networks. The formation of digital infrastructures and networks thus creates a key foundation for the sustainable development of the informational city. Cities investing in the development of digital infrastructures and services can expect an exhaustive reshaping of their political and administrative actions consistent with open government, and an improved regulation of the cooperation and codetermination among social institutions, companies and citizens. In terms of urban planning, these expectations of the informational city can be understood as an indicator of an extensive reorientation of urban ways of life. Against this background, the following questions are central to this study: what significance does the development of the informational city have in forming new kinds of social and cultural interaction in a digital society? To what extent can the digitalization of the urban be understood as a societal gauge? In response to these questions, I would like to closely examine the infrastructures of media technology, and its potential applications, to map out its effects on all actors involved.
Tampere is a Finnish city with a powerful industrial past. Like many other cities around the world, Tampere has been struggling to keep up with the changing demands of globalisation. Recently, special efforts have been made to shape Tampere into a high-performing informational city. This volume provides insights into the overall dynamics of local development strategies as well as concrete aspects and stages in the development of Tampere. Current challenges and possible future directions for the city are also discussed. The chapters in the book represent various viewpoints on local development, including history, knowledge economy, democratic e-governance, e-education, e-health, culture and e-inclusion. In addition, some of the articles provide international comparisons with other regions in similar situations. Contributions from both local and international experts are included. Due to its multidisciplinary approach, this book can be used for teaching in several fields. As a comprehensive analysis of an informational city, this book is useful for academics and practitioners who are looking for solutions to local development in a global age.
Making information and telecommunications available is a permanent challenge for cities concerned to their social, urban and local planning and development, focused on life quality of their citizens and on the effectiveness of public management. Such a challenge requires the involvement of everyone in the city. The objective is to describe the information and telecommunications project from the planning of a digital city carried out in Vin-hedo-SP, Brazil. It was built as a telecommunications infrastructure of the kind of ''open access metropolitan area networks'' which enables the integration of citizens in a single telecommunications environment. The research methodology was emphasized by a case study which turned to be a research-action, comprising the municipal administration and its local units. The results achieved describe, by means of a methodology, the phases, sub-phases, activities, approval points and resulting products, and formalize their respective challenges and difficulties. The contributions have to do with the practical feasibility of the project and execution of its methodology. The conclusion reiterates the importance of the project, collectively implemented and accepted, as a tool to help the management of cities, in the implementation of Strategic Digital City Projects, in the decisions of public administration managers, and in the quality of life of their citizens.
E-Government is being developed according to Government strategic plans. These plans constitute a framework for digital public services that will benefit both citizens and public administration. The Digital City can support e-Government evolution by offering a global environment for public transactions. The Digital City’s definition is extended to “the global Information Environment, focusing on the needs of a city area”. Moreover, the Digital City comprises a new virtual environment, which administers others –in either the private or public sector– where both marketing and social aspects must be administered and support public benefit. In this paper both the contribution of the Digital City to e-Government and the development methodology of the Digital City of Trikala, Greece (e-Trikala), are presented. The methodology shows the procedure by which the Digital City forms an e-Government environment, offering more than administrating services. Furthermore, the methodology can be considered as a general implementation model for developing similar municipal-area environments for e-Government. The model adopts participatory design issues, while on the other hand some relative considerations are analyzed.
Neighbourhood & City - Between digital and analogue perspectives | Bairro & Cidade - Entre perspetivas digitais e analógicas. CyberParks Project. Series Culture and Territory (3). Lisbon: Edições Universitárias Lusófona. 415 pages. ISBN 978-989-757-077-3., 2019
The chapter considers the link between urban transformations in the Mouraria neighbourhood in Lisbon and the digital environment.The guiding thread of reflection is based on the tension between the production of sociocultural symbolic local references, and their (dis)appropriation by a creative economy that, relying on digital as a resource, helps to reshape the sociocultural local world into marketing. It concludes that digital has, not only a tangible social dimension, but also a tangible dimension in the processes of urban transformation. As such, it is pertinent to create alternative ways in defence of the right to the city that economize the social and its imageries taking more advantage of the articulated combination between real-digital. in: Menezes, Marluci and Smaniotto Costa, Carlos (Eds.) (2019). Neighbourhood & City - Between digital and analogue perspectives | Bairro & Cidade - Entre perspetivas digitais e analógicas. CyberParks Project. Series Culture and Territory (3). Lisbon: Edições Universitárias Lusófona. 415 pages. ISBN 978-989-757-077-3. Available:
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