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The paper presents a conception of the Semantic Web Expert System which is the logical continuation of the expert system development. The Semantic Web Expert System emerges as the result of evolution of expert system concept and it means expert system moving toward the Web and using new Semantic Web technologies. The proposed conception of the Semantic Web Expert System promises to have new useful features that distinguish it from other types of expert systems.
Information & Management, 2005
Convergence of technologies in the Internet and the field of expert systems have offered new ways of sharing and distributing knowledge. However, there has been a general lack of research in the area of web-based expert systems (ES). This paper addresses the issues associated with the design, development, and use of web-based ES from a standpoint of the benefits and challenges of developing and using them. The original theory and concepts in conventional ES were reviewed and a knowledge engineering framework for developing them was revisited. The study considered three web-based ES: WITS-advisor -for ebusiness strategy development, Fish-Expert -for fish disease diagnosis, and IMIS -to promote intelligent interviews. The benefits and challenges in developing and using ES are discussed by comparing them with traditional standalone systems from development and application perspectives. #
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, 2006
The Web has become the ubiquitous platform for distributing information and computer services. The tough Web competition, the way people and organizations rely on Web applications, and the increasing user requirements for better services have raised their complexity. Expert systems can be accessed via the Web, forming a set of Web applications known as Web based expert systems. This paper supports that the Web engineering and expert systems principals should be combined when developing Web based expert systems. A development process model will be presented that illustrates, in brief, how these principals can be combined. Based on this model, a publicly available Web based expert system called Landfill Operation Management Advisor (LOMA) was developed. In addition, the results of an accessibility evaluation on LOMA-the first ever reported on Web based expert systems-will be presented. Based on this evaluation some thoughts on accessibility guidelines specific to Web based expert systems will be reported.
A knowledge based system is an Artificial Intelligence program, whose benefits depend more on the explicit presence of a body of knowledge than the possession of ingenious computational procedures to solve a problem and (Gómez, A.; Juristo, N.; Montes, C. & Pazos, J., 1997,). An expert system is a knowledge based system that represents the experience of a qualified person in a restricted area.
Abstract—Getting a millennium car (a car manufactured from year 2000 upward), is most times not the main issue, but maintaining it is the grand challenge for most people. Maintenances of vehicles start from ability to understand the cause of some minor problems and procedures to fix it up. To prolong the life of the vehicles, there is need for the vehicle users to understand some simple preventive and corrective maintenance even if he/she would need the service of a conventional mechanics. In this case vehicle owners must be able to diagnose some minor mechanical and other related faults in their vehicle. Here we proposed a conceptual framework for development of a web-based expert system to assist in diagnosing mechanical and other related problems in the millennium cars. This system if developed and implemented it would reduce the congestion in a mechanical workshop, also save money on maintenances since the system could render solution and some of the proffers solution could be carried out by non-conventional mechanics. Index Terms— conventional mechanics, web-based expert systems, millennium cars, mechanical faults, mechanical workshop, troubleshoots.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2010
Presently besides the classic "Web of documents" it is now required to build a technology stack to support a "Web of data," the sort of data we find in databases. The vital goal of the Web of data is to enable computers to do more useful work and to build up systems that can support trusted interactions over the network. The title "Semantic Web" refers to the Web of allied data. Semantic Web technologies enable people to create data stores on the Web, build vocabularies, and provide protocols for handling data. Linked data are empowered by technologies such as RDF, SPARQL, and OWL. This paper primarily put the idea behind the understanding by the computer. The goal is to develop techniques for automatic creation of intelligent web applications which collect information from many different sources, combine information, and present it to users in a meaningful way. This paper proposes a model which has been implemented in an internet setup. The aim of the model is to assemble an application for users where the user lists a set of topic names (s) he is interested in, and the system aids in constructing the "best" usertailored structure, where "best" is characterized in terms of what the user knows about topics.
Naukovij vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo gìrničogo unìversitetu, 2022
Purpose. Use of a non-relational database management system is proposed while developing a database of a prototype of expert system with using a semantic model of the knowledge. Methodology. The study compares traditional relational approach with the proposed non-relational one in terms of the formation of certain queries. The following indices are used to compare effi ciency of two management systems for the databases: particular query set (in MySQL and Cypher languages); runtime for the specifi ed record size (i.e. their processing speed); ease of understanding: and software support of the queries. Findings. It has been identifi ed that the graph model is a more expedient solution in the process of designing semantic networks and their development where complex hierarchical relationships between objects have to be stored and processed. Architecture of the graph database has been applied in terms of the specifi c example. A prototype of an expert system has been developed to demonstrate the capabilities of the created system of logical inference. The classifi er of sciences was chosen as an example in the subject area. Originality. A prototype of the expert system, using the proposed non-relational approach, has been designed involving modern service-oriented architecture (SOA). The abovementioned helped separate the database from the inference engine and the user interface, facilitate perception as well as update and code debugging. Service-oriented architecture makes the system more fl exible and robust. Practical value. The developed software is meant to develop both simple expert systems and medium-complex ones.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
The Semantic Web technology is an efficient mechanism to query or infer knowledge on a global scale using the internet by providing logical reasoning through rule based system. In this paper application of semantic web technology is discussed in context of agriculture knowledge management and delivery. In agriculture, adoption of newly developed technology is essential to enhance crop production. However, timely dissemination of authenticated agriculture information for decision making at larger scale to diversified end user has always been a challenge due to several reasons. One of the reasons is storing and delivering agriculture knowledge in machine readable form. In this paper a frame work based on semantic web is presented for collection, storing and updating of agricultural information at centralized location and delivering knowledge through intelligent decision support system through semantic web. The frame work utilizes rule based system for querying information from agriculture knowledge base.
The web was designed as an information storage space, with the goal that it should be useful not only for human-human communication, but also that machine would be able to participate and help. The major obstacle to this has been the fact that most information on the web is designed for human consumption, and even if it was derived from a database, the structure of the data is not evident to a robot browsing the web. Leaving aside the problem of artificial intelligence of training machine to behave like people, the Semantic Web approach instead develops languages for expressing information in a machine readable form. This paper gives a road map of technology from the Web of today to a Web in which machine reasoning will be ubiquitous and powerful.
Expert Systems with Applications, 2005
In this paper, we advocate the use of ontology-supported website models to provide a semantic level solution for a search engine so that it can provide fast, precise and stable search results with a high degree of user satisfaction. A website model contains a website profile along with a set of webpage profiles. The former remembers the basic information of a website, while the latter contains the basic information, statistics information, and ontology information about each webpage stored in the website. Based on the concept, we have developed a Search Agent which manifests the following interesting features: (1) Ontology-supported construction of website models, by which we can attribute correct domain semantics into the Web resources collected in the website models. One important technique used here is ontology-supported classification (OntoClassifier). Our experiments show that the OntoClassifier performs very well in obtaining accurate and stable webpages classification to support correct annotation of domain semantics. (2) Website models-supported Website model expansion, by which we can collect Web resources based on both user interests and domain specificity. The core technique here is a Focused Crawler which employs progressive strategies to do user query-driven webpage expansion, autonomous website expansion, and query results exploitation to effectively expand the website models. (3) Website models-supported Webpage Retrieval, by which we can leverage the power of ontology features as a fast index structure to locate most-needed webpages for the user.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2013
One of the largest area of applications of artificial intelligence is in expert systems, or knowledge based systems as they are often known. This type of system seeks to exploit the specialised skills or information held by group of people on specific areas. It can be thought of as a computerised consulting service. It can also be called an information guidance system. Such systems are used for prospecting medical diagnosis or as educational aids. They are also used in engineering and manufacture in the control of robots where they inter-relate with vision systems.
This paper presents a developing process for Web based expert systems and specifically focuses on the developing process of their corresponding Web sites. As a case study, the architecture of a Web site/application, which includes the Landfill Operation Management Advisor (LOMA) expert system, will be presented. The Web site/application is available at since November 2002. Based on the gained experience, useful tips will be given on the construction of such Web sites/applications. Moreover, some explanations will be recorded supporting the assertion that Web based expert systems can be considered as a category of Web engineering applications.
Machines that provide decision support have traditionally used either a representation of human expertise or used mathematical algorithms. Each approach has its own limitations. This study helps to combine both types of decision support system for a single system. However, the focus is on how the machines can formalise and manipulate the human representation of expertise rather than on data processing or machine learning algorithms. It will be based on a system that represents human expertise in a psychological format. The particular decision support system for testing the approach is based on a psychological model of classification that is called the Galatean model of classification. The simple classification problems only require one XML structure to represent each class and the objects to be assigned to it. However, when the classification system is implemented as a decision support system within more complex realworld domains, there may be many variations of the class specificat...
This paper continues the research in the area of the Semantic Web Expert System (SWES). The main purpose of this paper is to present a way to adapt the Jena framework for fuzzy inference. This is necessary, because the Jena framework has no built-in way to infer using fuzzy values. The Jena framework with the ability of fuzzy inference implies as part of a Semantic Web Expert System, which is being designed to use OWL (Web Ontology Language) ontologies from the Web, to generate rules from these ontologies and to supplement or even to develop its knowledge base in automatic mode. Available publications show that the problem of the Jena framework adaptation for fuzzy inference is not investigated deeply enough.
this paper, we present a .new approach to enhancing an expert system with an explanation facility. The approach comprises both software components and a methodology for assembling the components. The methodology is minimally intrusive into existing expert system development practice
Similar to many legacy computer systems, expert systems can be accessed via the Web, forming a set of Web applications known as Web based expert systems. The tough Web competition, the way people and organizations rely on Web applications and the increasing user requirements for better services have raised their complexity. Unfortunately, there is so far no clear answer to the question: How may the methods and experience of Web engineering and expert systems be combined and applied in order to develop effective and successful Web based expert systems? In an attempt to answer this question, a development process meta-model for Web based expert systems will be presented. Based on this meta-model, a publicly available Web based expert system called Landfill Operation Management Advisor (LOMA) was developed. In addition, the results of an accessibility evaluation on LOMA – the first ever reported on Web based expert systems – will be presented. The idea behind the presentation of the ac...
Semantic Web (SW) is an emerging research field that has application in different domains such as e-government services, richly interlinked library systems, Web search engines, enterprise knowledge stores, and other. The term “Semantic Web” refers to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) vision of the Web of linked data (called also the Web of Data) as “ extension of the current Web in which information is given a well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation” (Berners-Lee, Hendler, & Lassila, 2001). Since then, many specifications, guidelines, languages, and tools have been developed that facilitate software development, improve performance and create new business opportunities.
Similar to many legacy computer systems, expert systems can be accessed via the Web, forming a set of Web applications known as Web based expert systems. The tough Web competition, the way people and organizations rely on Web applications and the increasing user requirements for better services have raised their complexity. Unfortunately, there is so far no clear answer to the question: How may the methods and experience of Web engineering and expert systems be combined and applied in order to develop effective and successful Web based expert systems? In an attempt to answer this question, a development process meta-model for Web based expert systems will be presented. Based on this meta-model, a publicly available Web based expert system called Landfill Operation Management Advisor (LOMA) was developed. In addition, the results of an accessibility evaluation on LOMAthe first ever reported on Web based expert systems -will be presented. The idea behind the presentation of the accessibility evaluation and its conclusions is to show to Web based expert system developers, who typically have little Web engineering background, that Web engineering issues must be considered when developing Web based expert systems. . Alexandre Alapetite is an informatics engineer from the universities of Montpellier and Toulouse, France, and at the time of this publication, he was a PhD student at Risø National Laboratory. Ioannis Dokas and Alexandre Alapetite worked together at Risø from the 16 th to the 22 nd of October 2005. This collaborative work was then followed by some electronic exchanges and resulted in a poster with a 4-page article presented on
In this paper we will discuss a survey on various work done in different areas using Expert System(ES). Different methods and algorithms are used in different areas to solve the problem. An expert system is created to solve problems in a particular narrow domain of expertise. There are two different ways developers look at application areas for ES i.e. first, functional nature of problem and secondly, the application domain. One of the key characteristics of an ES is the explanation facility. With this capability, an ES can explain how it arrives at its conclusion. This survey is aimed at reviewing the recent scientific aspects of various research done on ES using different techniques like Case Based Reasoning(CBR), Rule-Based, Fuzzy Logic etc. Keywords— Expert System, Case Based Reasoning, CLIPS,
Nyhong, 2023
Expert systems have emerged around mid-1970s under the umbrella of Artificial Intelligence and as soon as convincing success was attained, the field was transformed into an established branch of computer science. The potential of expert systems that emulate human knowledge and skill has also encouraged the development of many applications in various areas. Expert systems contain specialized knowledge elicited from a domain expert. Various expert system building tools or shells exist to greatly facilitate and speed up the development of expert systems. Some of the new generation tools also allow an expert system to be delivered over the Internet. This article introduces expert system and knowledge engineering concepts and discusses issues related to expert system design and development in various areas.
Expert systems use human knowledge to solve problems that usually require human intelligence. The education system will be revolutionized with the introduction of expert systems in this area through proper planning of the learning process, increasing decision-making abilities and advising students. The research aims to design and develop an expert system capable of solving the problems of academic guidance in King Khalid University. The system uses business intelligence techniques and tools to improve the decision making process based on the regulations and variables in the work in a manner that simulates the academic advisor who plays the role of the human expert in the system. The use of the Expert System is useful as an instructional and teaching tool because it is equipped with unique features that allow users to ask questions about how and why. In any way, the study concluded that expert systems in education have great potential but are largely inactivated due to lack of research's and documents. This paper emphasizes that the concepts should be applied in the field of education as well as academic guidance.
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