Expert system approach in design of mechanical components

1988, Engineering with Computers


The present investigation is aimed toward the development of knowledge-based aids for the design of mechanical systems. We have developed and implemented the knowledgebased aid system, which includes MEET and DPMED. The basic approach of MEET follows along the lines of Design = Refinement + Constraint Propagation. This approach has been proven successful in the circuit design domain. Our attempts to utilize MEET have convinced us that we need to extend this methodology to solve mechanical design problems. The DPMED methodology has been applied to design gear-pairs, v-belts, bearings, and shafts. Rules for selecting materials, critical design criteria, and so on are incorporated as part of the rule-system. In order for DPMED to select the design parameter values within the feasible design space, design criteria need to be investigated. Based on these criteria and input/output specifications, DPMED attempts to perform parameter selections. DPMED uses a general hill-climbing algorithm to guide the search.