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2021, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science…
13 pages
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Most of the approaches in numerical modeling techniques are based on the Eulerian coordinate system. This approach faces difficulty in simulating flash flood front propagation. This paper shows an alternative method that implements a numerical modeling technique based on the Lagrangian coordinate system to simulate the water of debris flow. As for the interaction with the riverbed, the simulation uses an Eulerian coordinate system. The method uses the conservative and momentum equations of water and sediment mixture in the Lagrangian form. Source terms represent deposition and erosion. The riverbed in the Eulerian coordinate system interacts with the flow of the mixture. At every step, the algorithm evaluates the relative position of moving nodes of the flow part to the fixed nodes of the riverbed. Computation of advancing velocity and depth uses the riverbed elevation, slope data, and the bed elevation change computation uses the erosion or deposition data of the flow on the moving nodes. Spatial discretization is implementing the Galerkin method. Furthermore, temporal discretization is implementing the forward difference scheme. Test runs show that the algorithm can simulate downward, upward, and reflected backward 1-D flow cases. Two-D model tests and comparisons with SIMLAR software show that the algorithm works in simulating debris flow.
A numerical model for routing of flood wave in a part of meandering river is presented. It is based on a modified form of the complete one-dimensional Saint-Venant equations of unsteady flow. These equations were modified such that flows in the meandering river channel, left over bank flood plain, and right over bank flood plain were all identified separately. Thus, the differences in hydraulic and geometric properties and flow-path distances were considered for all three divisions of the valley cross-section. This development differs from conventional one-dimensional treatment of unsteady flows in rivers with flood plain wherein the flow is either averaged across the total cross-sectional area (channel and flood plain) or the flood plain is treated as off-channel storage, and the reach lengths of the channel and flood plain are assumed to be identical. The weighted four-point implicit finite difference method is selected to solve a modified Sain-Venant equations for its versatility and computing efficiency. The numerical model was applied to the Euphrates river at the reach between Haditha dam and Hit city along (124.4 km) to make a sensitivity analysis of the following parameters: maximum flood wave discharge, maximum flood wave elevation, lag time of the peak discharge, lag time of the peak level, and time of arrival of flood wave to a seven major cities along the Euphrates river in a case study and comparing it with a same parameters produced when a conventional one-dimensional treatment of unsteady flows in river with flood plains where the meandering in river is neglected.
After long and intense rains in a mountainous region, large quantities of water flow in the torrents. For some reason, this flow can be obstructed by cross-linked branches and debris (natural dam). When the hydrostatic pressure exerted by the fluid exceeds a given yield value, the dam collapses and the fluid is released inside and outside the torrent bed, as well. Such scenario which is known as a dam-break flow can describe the initiation of certain geological flows, (debris flows, mudflows, etc.). As for any gravity current, the flow description depends on the time scale. Immediately after the dam collapse, the inertial forces are the dominant ones and this configuration can model a flah flood. Flash floods develop at time and space scales that conventional observation systems are not able to monitor, so reliable modelling remains a crucial step. At larger time scale, a viscous regime takes place where the viscous forces become the dominant ones and this configuration can model a ...
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2020
In many cases, the shallow water equation give a very sufficient account of the evolution of flood waves in the rivers. The numerical resolution of these equations was achieved using the MATLAB calculator, using the finite differences method. Initial and boundary conditions were varied to compare results in flood calculations and the impact on the river’s flood height. Also, it is assumed that the flood waves diffuse, hence the use of the model of Barre Saint Venant on the principle of the diffusing wave. The benefits of these simplified processes can be seen primarily in the development of flood forecasting systems. The results obtained take account of the variation.
Hydrology Research, 2018
This paper presents a new flood modelling tool developed by coupling a full 2D hydrodynamic model with hydrological models. The coupled model overcomes the main limitations of the individual modelling approaches, i.e. high computational costs associated with the hydrodynamic models and less detailed representation of the underlying physical processes related to the hydrological models. When conducting a simulation using the coupled model, the computational domain (e.g. a catchment) is first divided into hydraulic and hydrological zones. In the hydrological zones that have high ground elevations and relatively homogeneous land cover or topographic features, a conceptual lumped model is applied to obtain runoff/net rainfall, which is then routed by a group of pre-acquired ‘unit hydrographs’ to the zone borders. These translated hydrographs will then be used to drive the full 2D hydrodynamic model to predict flood dynamics at high resolution in the hydraulic zones that are featured wit...
E3S Web of Conferences
Rapid floods induced by extreme precipitation are common events in regions near the Andes mountain range. Growing urban development, combined with the changing climate and the influence of El Niño, have increased the exposure of the population in many regions of South America. Simulations of flash floods in these watersheds are very challenging, due to the complex morphology, the insufficient hydrometeorological data, and the uncertainty posed by the variability of sediment concentration. To address these issues, we develop a high-resolution numerical model of the non-linear shallow water equations, coupled with the mass conservation of sediment, and considering the density effects and changes of rheology in the momentum equation. Based on these simulations we develop a real-time early-warning system, by creating a surrogate model or meta-model from the simulations. Using a small set of parameters, we define storms for a wide range of meteorological conditions, and utilize the high-...
International Journal of Sediment Research, 2020
A Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) model is used to study flow dynamics of a flash flood event in a dry-bed, desert wash, the so-called Tex Wash, near the Tex Wash Bridge on Interstate 10 in the Mojave Desert of California. The evolving free surface of the flash flood is tracked using the level-set method. A bed morphodynamics module is coupled to the hydrodynamics model to calculate the erosion and bed evolution of the mobile bed of the wash under flash flood conditions. Flash floods in a desert wash can be characterized with a number of salient features such as the (1) existence of both the dry-and wet-cells on the bed surface of the wash that correspond to the air and water phases, respectively; (2) presence of various flow regimes, critical, sub-critical, and super-critical in the flow domain; and (3) occurrence of a highly transient and complicated flow field and, subsequently, sediment dynamics throughout the wash. A numerical modeling effort is presented to study a recorded flash flood and the corresponding scour processes in the Tex Wash. The flood event occurred in 2015 and lead to the collapse of the Tex Wash Bridge. The of the current study is to gain insight into the flood flow and sediment transport mechanisms, which resulted in the collapse of the bridge. To that end, a study area, which includes a 0.65 km-long reach of Tex Wash at its intersection with the Tex-Wash Bridge, was selected. The bathymetry of the wash was obtained using light-detection-and-ranging (LiDAR) technology and used to construct the computational domain of the wash and bridge foundations. The transient flow of the flash flood, in both air and water phases, and the evolving morphology of the wash are numerically simulated. The sitespecific numerical simulation revealed the formation of deep scour regions adjacent to the right abutment of the upstream bridge, where significant erosion caused the collapse of the bridge. Moreover, the results show that most of the scour processes take place during the steady phase of the flash flood when the desert stream is filled with water. However, the transient phase of the flash flood is rather short and contributes to a very limited amount of erosion within the stream.
The increasing flash flood hazards in major cities like Kuala Lumpur have caused tremendous damages to the society and this requires more essential countermeasures to be implemented. With the advancement in 3D Computer Graphics and fluid simulation technologies, movie experts can now produce realistic visual effects for fluid objects such as water. This paper describes a study made to model and simulate the flash flood incident that struck Kuala Lumpur on 10 June 2007 using 3D Computer Graphics and fluid simulation techniques. The main goal was to study and examine the stability and effectiveness of this approach as a solution tool for environmental studies. Particle-based technique called Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method were used to model the flash flood behavior. This was done using MAYA plug-in software called GLU3D which was developed based on SPH architecture. Geographical Information System (GIS) data such as Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and remote sensing imagery were used to model the study area. Results show an adequate realism of water movement for the area studied. A prototype of a flood system was developed using MAYA Application Programming Interface (API) to examine the real-time effectiveness of flood movement. The study has verified the usability of 3D computer graphics and fluid simulation particle based technique for environmental study purposes. The main contribution the study was to show that this approach can produce a realistic visualization thus enable more precautions and countermeasures to prevent the disaster.
Water, 2016
An integrated 1D-2D model for the solution of the diffusive approximation of the shallow water equations, named FLO, is proposed in the present paper. Governing equations are solved using the MArching in Space and Time (MAST) approach. The 2D floodplain domain is discretized using a triangular mesh, and standard river sections are used for modeling 1D flow inside the section width occurring with low or standard discharges. 1D elements, inside the 1D domain, are quadrilaterals bounded by the trace of two consecutive sections and by the sides connecting their extreme points. The water level is assumed to vary linearly inside each quadrilateral along the flow direction, but to remain constant along the direction normal to the flow. The computational cell can share zero, one or two nodes with triangles of the 2D domain when lateral coupling occurs and more than two nodes in the case of frontal coupling, if the corresponding section is at one end of the 1D channel. No boundary condition at the transition between the 1D-2D domain has to be solved, and no additional variable has to be introduced. Discontinuities arising between 1D and 2D domains at 1D sections with a top width smaller than the trace of the section are properly solved without any special restriction on the time step.
Bridging the Gap, 2001
Water Resources, 2019
The river floods happening in populated areas are serious natural risks that give rise to human and economic losses. In order to predict the consequences of river floods and to implement preventive and corrective measures, the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation play, nowadays, a very important role. Among the wide variety of software available for the numerical simulation in fluvial dynamics we have used, in this work, the hydrodynamic model IBER, which is free access simulation software for solving 2D shallow water models. In this paper we focus our attention in floods happening in the vicinity of the confluence of two rivers where there are also crops, with economic importance for the inhabitants of the area that may be affected by the inundation. As an example of this type of geographical region we have used data obtained from the region Las Omañas in NW Spain where, although there is the confluence of rivers Luna and Omaña, the confluence region does not belong to the study area, since we pay our attention to the inundations happening in the village Las Omañas, which is due to the action of one of both rivers, namely the river Omaña.
A dam-break flood model based on a contravariant integral form of the shallow water equations is presented. The numerical integration of the equations of motion is carried out by means of a finite volumefinite difference numerical scheme that involves an exact Riemann solver and which is based on a high-order WENO reconstruction procedure. An original scheme for the simulation of the wet front progress on the dry bed is adopted. The proposed model capacity to correctly simulate the wet front progress velocity is tested by numerically reproducing the dry bed dam-break problem. The model is adopted for the real case study of the Rio Fucino lake-dam collapse and subsequent flood wave propagation, downstream of the Campotosto reservoir (Italy).
Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2003
Simulation des évènements hydrologiques extrêmes dans les cours d'eau naturels par une méthode en volumes finis ABSTRACT The need for mitigating damages produced by extreme hydrologic events has stimulated the European Community to fund several projects. The Concerted Action on Dam-break Modelling workgroup (CADAM) performed a considerable work for the development of new codes and for the adequate verification of their performance. In the context of the CADAM project, a new 2D computer code is developed, tested and applied, as described in the present paper. The algorithm is obtained through the spatial discretisation of the shallow water equations by a finite volume method, based on the Godunov approach. The HLL Riemann solver is used. A second order accuracy in space and time is achieved, respectively by MUSCL and predictor-corrector techniques. The high resolution requirement is ensured by satisfaction of TVD property. Particular attention is posed to the numerical treatment of source terms. Accuracy, stability and the reliability of the code are tested on a selected set of study cases. A grid refinement analysis is performed. Numerical results are compared with experimental data, obtained by the physical modelling of a submersion wave on a portion of the Toce river valley, Italy, performed by ENEL-HYDRO and considered as representative of a real life flood occurrence.
Abstract: The one-dimensional (1-D) hydrodynamic model ISIS has been extensively used for designing river engineering and irrigation schemes and mapping flood risks. This paper presents the integration of a two-dimensional (2-D) model with ISIS to enhance its capability for simulating floodplain flows. The 2-D model is based on the DIVAST model, a research model widely used for predicting flows and water quality indicators in estuarine and coastal waters. One of the main advantages of using DIVAST is that the model has a very robust subroutine for simulating flooding and drying processes. In this study DIVAST is dynamically linked to the ISIS model and the linked model is used to predict overland flood flows. In order to increase the flexibility of the DIVAST model for dealing with complex flow situations while minimise the computational time, several modelling options were considered. These options include the so called hydrodynamic approach, gravity wave approach and flood wave approach. A series of numerical tests were undertaken to assess the accuracy and efficacy of these approaches for simulating flows over initially dried land and dam-break flows. The model was then used to predict the flood flow in an urban area for an assumed extreme flood flow condition.
Abstract The one-dimensional (1D) hydrodynamic model ISIS has been extensively used for designing river engineering and irrigation schemes and mapping flood risks. This paper presents the integration of a two-dimensional (2D) model with ISIS to enhance its capability for simulating floodplain flows. The 2D model is based on the DIVAST model, a research model widely used for predicting flows and water quality indicators in estuarine and coastal waters. One of the main advantages of using DIVAST is that the model has a very robust subroutine for simulating flooding and drying processes. In this study DIVAST is dynamically linked to the ISIS model and the linked model is used to predict overland flood flows. In order to increase the flexibility of the DIVAST model for dealing with complex flow situations while minimising the computational time, several modelling options were considered. These options include the so-called hydrodynamic approach, gravity wave approach and flood wave approach. A series of numerical tests were undertaken to assess the accuracy and efficacy of these approaches for simulating flows over initially dried land and dam-break flows. The model was then used to predict the flood flow in an urban area for an assumed extreme flood flow condition.
The paper concerns numerical simulation of rapidly varied water flow resulting from flash flood propagation in a built-up floodplain. As the mathematical model of free surface unsteady water flow, the shallow water equations are assumed. In order to solve the equations, a numerical scheme of finite volume method is applied. For approximation of mass and momentum fluxes, the Roe method is used. Two methods of built-up area representation in a numerical model are presented in the paper-exclusion of the buildings from the numerical mesh of flow area and substitution of the buildings with high friction zones. In order to assess the quality of the numerical results obtained using both methods, the flow in the model city area with the building group representing a simplified town configuration was simulated. The numerical results were examined against the experimental data available due to laboratory depth measurements. The experiment of model city flooding was carried out in the hydraulic laboratory of Gdańsk University of Technology. Finally, the influence of the type of the boundary conditions imposed on building walls on simulation results is studied.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The modelling results of outburst floods and debris flows, which can possibly occur in the Daraisit River Valley, are presented in this paper. The modelling was carried out according to 2 scenarios: the outburst of Lake Sist, the formation of a debris flow on a large tributary of the Daraisist River. The FLO-2D hydrodynamic model and the modernized transport-shear mudflow model developed by Yu.B. Vinogradov were applied in this study. The evaluation of the outburst flood discharge was carried out on the basis of a bathymetric survey. A digital elevation model (DEM) ALOS PALSAR with a resolution of 12.5 m was used as relief data for the valley, and survey data from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was applied for the debris flow fan. As a result, maps of the spatial distribution of velocities and depths for the rivers Daraisist and Pyanj were obtained. The most vulnerable areas within the Sist village were also identified.
Natural Hazards, 2009
This paper reports on the numerical modelling of flash flood propagation in urban areas after an excessive rainfall event or dam/dyke break wave. A two-dimensional (2-D) depth-averaged shallow-water model is used, with a refined grid of quadrilaterals and triangles for representing the urban area topography. The 2-D shallow-water equations are solved using the explicit second-order scheme that is adapted from MUSCL approach. Four applications are described to demonstrate the potential benefits and limits of 2-D modelling: (i) laboratory experimental dam-break wave in the presence of an isolated building; (ii) flash flood over a physical model of the urbanized Toce river valley in Italy; (iii) flash flood in October 1988 at the city of Nîmes (France) and (iv) dam-break flood in October 1982 at the town of Sumacárcel (Spain). Computed flow depths and velocities compare well with recorded data, although for the experimental study on dam-break wave some discrepancies are observed around buildings, where the flow is strongly 3-D in character. The numerical simulations show that the flow depths and flood wave celerity are significantly affected by the presence of buildings in comparison with the original floodplain. Further, this study confirms the importance of topography and roughness coefficient for flood propagation simulation.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2014
A modeling system for the estimation of flash flood flow velocity and sediment transport is developed in this study. The system comprises three components: (a) a modeling framework based on the hydrological model HSPF, (b) the hydrodynamic module of the hydraulic model MIKE 11 (quasi-2-D), and (c) the advection-dispersion module of MIKE 11 as a sediment transport model. An important parameter in hydraulic modeling is the Manning's coefficient, an indicator of the channel resistance which is directly dependent on riparian vegetation changes. Riparian vegetation's effect on flood propagation parameters such as water depth (inundation), discharge, flow velocity, and sediment transport load is investigated in this study. Based on the obtained results, when the weed-cutting percentage is increased, the flood wave depth decreases while flow discharge, velocity and sediment transport load increase. The proposed modeling system is used to evaluate and illustrate the flood hazard for different riparian vegetation cutting scenarios. For the estimation of flood hazard, a combination of the flood propagation characteristics of water depth, flow velocity and sediment load was used. Next, a well-balanced selection of the most appropriate agricultural cutting practices of riparian vegetation was performed. Ultimately, the model results obtained for different agricultural cutting practice scenarios can be employed to create flood protection measures for flood-prone areas. The proposed methodology was applied to the downstream part of a small Mediterranean river basin in Crete, Greece.
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, 2008
Impacts to the built environment from hazards such tsunami or flash floods are critical in understanding the economic and social effects on our communities. In order to simulate the behaviour of water flow from such hazards within the built environment, Geoscience Australia and the Australian National University are developing a software modelling tool for hydrodynamic simulations. The tool is based on a finite-volume method for solving the Shallow Water Wave equation. The study area is represented by a large number of triangular cells, and water depths and horizontal momentum are tracked over time by solving the governing equation within each cell using a central scheme for computing fluxes. An important capability of the software is that it can model the process of wetting and drying as water enters and leaves an area. This means that it is suitable for simulating water flow onto a beach or dry land and around structures such as buildings. It is also capable of resolving hydraulic jumps well due to the ability of the finite-volume method to handle discontinuities. This paper describes the mathematical and numerical models used, the architecture of tool and the results of a series of validation studies, in particular the comparison with experiment of a tsunami run-up onto a complex three-dimensional beach.
The disaster caused by dam failure causes a lot of casualties. The flash flood caused by the failure may propagate downstream and destroy every things along the reach to some distance. In order to understand such flood, a numerical simulation study is conducted. The failure of Situ Gintung Dam that was recently occured can be used for comparison. Simulation for other dams, therefore, can also be conducted for preparing the waming system necessary to be set. Simulation of t1ush flood is the peculiar one. This because the degree of non-linearity of the phenomenon is high and the Froude number of the flow is also high. This paper presents an experience in conducting 2D numerical simulation study of the flash flood propagation downstream of the Situ Gintung dam using FESWMS software. A I D numerical simulation study using HEC-RAS 4.0 Beta version has been done and presented in Rahardjo, et aI, 2009.
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