On Testing for Independence between Several Time Series

2011, SSRN Electronic Journal


This paper aims at developing a robust and omnibus procedure for checking the independence of two time series. Li and Hui (1994) proposed a robustified version of Haugh's (1976) classic portmanteau statistic which is based on a fixed number of lagged residual cross-correlations. In order to obtain a consistent test for independence against an alternative of serial crosscorrelation of an arbitrary form between the two series, Hong's (1996a) introduced a class of statistics that take into account all possible lags. The test statistic is a weighted sum of residual cross-correlations and the weighting is determined by a kernel function. With the truncated uniform kernel, we retrieve a normalized version of Haugh's statistic. However, several kernels lead to a greater power. Here, we introduce a robustified version of Hong's statistic. We suppose that for each series, the true ARMA model is estimated by a n 1/2-consistent robust method and the robust cross-correlation is so obtained. Under the null hypothesis of independence, we show that the robust statistic asymptotically follows a N (0, 1) distribution. Using a result of Li and Hui, we also propose a robust procedure for checking independence at individual lags and a descriptive causality analysis in the Granger's sense is discussed. The level and power of the robust version of Hong's statistic are studied by simulation in finite samples. Finally, the proposed robust procedures are applied to a set of financial data.