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2018, Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People
This research was conducted examining factors which influences financial crunch as seen from the perspective of financing supply and demand sharia bank in Indonesia from January 2003 - June 2015. The secondary data were obtained from Statistics Indonesia (BPS), Bank Indonesia (BI) and Financial Services Authority (OJK). This research conducted with Two Stage Least Square (TSLS) approached.The results showed that financial crunch did not occured in sharia banking in Indonesia from January 2003-June 2015, Third Party Fund (DPK) negatively and significantly influences sharia banking financing supply, Non-Performing Financing (NPF) positively and non-significantly influences sharia banking financing supply, Profit Sharing Rate (TBH) positively and significantly influences sharia banking financing supply, Bank Indonesia Wadiah Certificate (SWBI) positively and non-significantly influences sharia banking financing supply, Bank Indonesia Certificate (SBI) positively and significantly infl...
Financing crunch is a situation where a decline in the financing supply of Islamic banking fastly as a result of a decline in the willingness of banks to channel financing to business. Financing crunch may occur as a result of the economic crisis and macroprudential policy. This study used monthly time series data from January 2007 to December 2015. Data related to the total financing extended by the Islamic banking, total funding (DPK), FDR (financing to deposit ratio) and total financing for SMEs. The research analysis which used is trend analysis in four conditions i.e. (1) the condition of the financial crisis in the United States, (2) the condition of the world economic slowdown, (3) when macroprudential policy is applied to Islamic banking; and (3) LTV and DP policies and LDR Reserve policy. This result is Islamic bank financing in crisis situation and the implementation of LTV and DP policy and LDR Reserve pol icy did not result in a financing crunch on Islamic banking. While the slowdown in financing the SMEs sector is caused by factors of economic conditions.
Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business, 2020
Financing risk is often associated with the risk of default. This risk refers to the potential losses faced by the bank when financing provided to debtors is stuck. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of macroeconomic and bank specific factors on nonperforming financing in sharia commercial bank in Indonesia. The macroeconomic factors included; inflation and Bank Indonesia Certificates Sharia (SBIS). The Bank specific factors included; Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return on Assets (ROA), Operations Expenses to Operations Income (BOPO), and Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR). The period covered under this study was January 2011 to December 2017. Data was collected from Bank Indonesia website and Indonesia Banking Statistics. Contrary to other studies, the inflation and SBIS have not been found statistically significant with nonperforming financing. The results also show that NPF can be explained mainly by Bank specific factors. CAR, ROA, and FDR have a negative effect o...
Ekonomi, Keuangan, Investasi dan Syariah (EKUITAS)
This study aims to analysis of macroeconomic and microeconomic factors in non-performing financing of Sharia Bank in Indonesia. Inflation and the BI7DRR are macroeconomic factors. CAR and BOPO are indicators of microeconomic factors. NPF is a problematic financing indicator. Research methods with quantitative methods described in multiple linear regression analysis models. The population is obtained from the Bank Indonesia and Financial Ratios of Sharia Commercial Banks through the Sharia Indonesia Banking Statistics of the Financial Services Authority. The data is secondary in the form of monthly data for the period January 2018 to November 2022, so that a sample of 59 data was obtained for further analysis. Sampling techniques nonprobability by means of purposive sampling. The results of the study are as follows: (1) The estimation model shows an R2 value of 0,738 which represents the value of the coefficient of determination. This means that 73,80% of the dependent variable varia...
International Journal of Business, Economics, and Social Development
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of DPK, NPF, and SBIS either partially or simultaneously on the distribution of Islamic banking financing in Indonesia. In this research , using quantitative methods and the type of data used is secondary data. The sample used in this study is data on total financing, DPK, NPF and fund placement in Islamic Commercial Bank SBIS which are contained in the monthly Islamic Banking Statistics published by the Financial Services Authority for the period 2015 - 2019. The data analysis technique used in this study is test classical assumption, multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing. The results of this study were processed in the SPSS 22 program.The results showed that partially (t test) the DPK variable had a positive effect on the distribution of financing. This was evidenced by the t count (56.185)> (1.67252) t table and the sig value. 0.000 < 0.005. The NPF variable has a negative effect with t count (-3.914) 0.005...
Financing has an important role for the community and the bank. This research aims to find out the factors influencing the financing level (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises or SME Financing and non-SME Financing) of sharia banks in Indonesia from 2010 until June 2015 by using multiple linear regression model. The results of this research indicate that all of the variables, namely Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificate or SBIS’s bonus rate, inflation rate, Third-party Funds (DPK), Non-Performing Financing (NPF), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Return on Assets (ROA) simultaneously influence both SME and non-SME financing. Partially, SBIS’s bonus rate has no impact on sharia banks’ financing in Indonesia; Inflation has a negative impact on both financing; DPK and FDR has a positive impact on both financing; NPF has a negatif impact on SME financing but has no impact on non-SME financing; and ROA has no impact on both financing
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law), 2021
In Indonesia, non-performing financing in Islamic banking has a significant impact on banking system, soundness level of bank, and national economy. Proper handling can minimize the risks so that Islamic banking can continue to develop. This study elaborated the urgency of handling problematic financing in Islamic banks in the development of the Indonesian Islamic economy. This study is a descriptive analytical study with a normative juridical approach. The data was analyzed juridically and qualitatively. Problematic financing in Islamic banks occurs due to internal and external factors. On the other hands, Islamic economy, including its handling methods, are guided by the Holy Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him). The guidance are understood contextually. One of the ways is through restructuring. Handling problematic financing is a very important thing, not only in terms of the obligation to settle debts and receivables of a legal subject, but also clos...
The research aimed to analyze the stability of Islamic banking industry and its determinants in Indonesia. The same analysis was also done to the conventional banking industry as Indonesia practices dual banking systems. Using monthly data on Indonesian Banking Statistics for 2008-2013, this research implemented the Banking Stability Index (BSI) model for predicting the bank's stability. The analysis began with measuring BSI then using VECM to examine the effect of variables on BSI. The result showed that the BSI of both banking system was exhibiting the moderate level of stability though Islamic banking is more stable and safe way of financing than conventional banking. The shocks of inflation, exchange rate, efficiency, income diversity, liquidity, and Industrial Production Index responded positively by Islamic Bank' stability, while interest rate and market share responded negatively. In another hand, conventional bank' stability responded positively the shock of the exchange rate, income diversity, interest rate, liquidity, and market share, 372 IQTISHADIA Vol. 11 (2) 2018 while other variables responded negatively. The results of shocking variables strongly indicated that the conventional banking is more vulnerable than Islamic banking. Islamic banking looked tend to the shock resistance and less volatile. This conclusion, however, might be still questioned as the BSI was not designed specifically for Islamic banking. Therefore, constructing an Islamic BSI (under Islamic banking characters) was important to measure the banking stability more appropriate and to develop a proper early warning system for Islamic banking industry.
Journal of Islamic Economics and Social Science, 2021
Problematic financing or often referred to as Non-Performed Financing is financing that has difficulty paying off, either due to lack of accuracy in the analysis of lending or due to economic conditions that experience instability which results in failure in most economic activities. The research conducted is examining the problematic financing whether it influences the decisionmaking of financing with various Islamic contracts, namely the mudharabah, musyarakah, Murabaha, salam, istishna, Ijarah, Qard, and Hiwalah agreements and examines the strategies carried out by the Shari'ah Commercial Bank to do handling the problematic financing. So that it is in line with the research objectives, namely the desire of researchers to find out more deeply the problem of financing problems at Shari'ah Commercial Banks that should have an effect on the policies of channeling funds to the public related to management and minimizing risk and handling policies for the problem financing. The study was conducted with quantitative and descriptive methods, with the results of the study that NPF In Mudharabah, Murabahah, and ijarah contract financing there is a positive relationship between the two variables, so it can be concluded that the increase in NPF does not affect the fund distribution policy with mudharabah agreements, because The contract positively increases, while the NPF for financing with Musyarakah, Istishna and qardh contracts has a negative relationship so it can be concluded that the NPF in financing with the Musharaka contract has a negative effect in the sense that the Shari'ah Commercial Bank in general distributing financing to customers is limited due NPF by paying attention to redline facilities, BUS only provides financing facilities for businesses that contain minimal risks. NPF in general, Sharia Commercial Banks do not really influence policies in financing distribution to customers with various financing agreements. The results of the regression determination analysis show that the percentage effect of NPF on financing distribution policies with mudharabah, musyarakah, Murabaha, Murabaha, istishna, ijarah, and qardh contracts in Islamic Commercial Banks is 33.8%, while the remaining 66.2% is influenced by variables others not formulated in this research model. The Sharia Commercial Bank in dealing with Non-Performed Financing issues generally refers to the MUI Sharia Board Fatwa, Bank Indonesia Regulations, and OJK Regulations, which are with rescheduling, reconditioning, restructuring and Write Off. This research is expected to be useful for stakeholders related to this research and for future researchers to be able to improve further research.
Proceedings of MICoMS 2017
Purpose-The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of macro-and micro-economic variables on the ratio of troubled financing (Non-Performing Financing, NPF). Design/Methodology/Approach-The method used in this research is the data panel fixed effect with 13 banks and 4 periods of data report (semi-annual report 2014-2015). Findings-The regression result achieved that variable inflation significantly influences the ratio of NPF. Variable Gross Domestic Product and assets total significantly influence the ratio of NPF too. While the SBI sharia's variable and Financing to Deposit Ratio did not significantly affect NPF in Syariah's Unit of Aceh Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) in Indonesia. Research Limitations/Implications-This study uses panel data which are a combination of time series data and cross-section. Practical Implications-The policymakers can design a macro-policy carefully and better fiscal policies.
Journal of Islamic Finance, 2016
This study uses dynamic panel data methods to examine the factors affecting credit risk in Indonesian Islamic banks. The panel data is collected from 11 full-fledged Islamic banks and 22 Islamic business units (windows) in conventional banks from 2004-2012, taking into account both macroeconomic variables and bank-specific variables. The Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), as proposed by Arellano and Bond (1991), is utilized to estimate the model. The results show that the GDP growth rate and the unemployment rate with a one-year lag have a strong effect on the level of the non-performing financing. Moreover, bank-specific variables such as bank's diversification and financing structure have a positive effect on the problem financing although its direction is not as expected. It is hoped that the findings could draw attention to factors affecting credit risk in Islamic banks so that credit risk can be properly managed.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022
This study was conducted to examine the effect of the Financing Scheme in Islamic Commercial Banks which includes Murabahah, Mudharabah, Musyarakah, and Ijarah financing on Financing Risk or known as Non Performing Loans (NPL) in conventional banks and Non Performing Funding (NPF) in Islamic banks. The variables used in this study are the independent variables consisting of Murabahah, Mudharabah, Musyarakah, and Ijarah, and the dependent variable is the Risk of Financing or Non Performing Financing (NPF). The object used in the study is Islamic Commercial Banks registered with the OJK during the 2016-2020 period. This research is quantitative research of causality with multiple linear regression analysis method. The sample used is Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS) registered with the OJK during the study period. The results of the analysis (1) Murabahah has a positive effect on NPF; (2) Mudharabah has a negative effect on NPF; (3) Musyarakah has a negative effect on NPF; (4) Ijarah has a negative effect on NPF.
EkBis: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 2021
Islamic banking has an important role in the economy, especially in moving the real sector. Islamic banking provides funding to the public in the form of financing. The financing provided cannot be separated from various risks that can threaten the health of the bank, one of which is financing risk. For that, the purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of financing on financing risk in Islamic banks for the period 2015 to 2020. The method used in this study is quantitative with multiple linear regression analysis techniques. This study uses time-series data and the variables in this study are mudharabah, musyarakah, murabahah, ijarah financing, and total assets as independent variables and NPF as a dependent variable. The results of the study concluded that total assets had a negative and significant effect on NPF and murabahah financing had a positive and significant effect on NPF. Meanwhile, mudharabah, musyarakah, and ijarah financing has no significant effect on NPF.
As a country with the highest Muslim population in the world, Islamic banking system becomes an important element in Indonesia. However, the performance of Islamic finance has not been able to keep up with conventional financial growth. Actually, Islamic banks in Indonesia have quiet low profitability level. The profitability level can be seen from its return on assets (ROA). Islamic banks return on assets (ROA) is lower than small conventional banks. It was caused by high cost of financing and low third party funds growth of Islamic banking. Therefore, this study is aimed to examine the effect of Sharia funding and financing products toward profitability level of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. A quantitative approach is used by collecting the data from monthly financial statements of all Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia for the period of June 2014 until April 2019. The independent variables used for this analysis consist of Sharia funding which included Mudaraba demand...
The purpose of this study is to determine the position of financial performance, the position of bankruptcy rates of Islamic banking, as well as compare it with conventional banking. This study also compares the accuracy of the bankruptcy predictions of the Islamic banks versus conventional banks using the Altman Z-Score method with the calculation of the financial services authority (OJK). This research will be very useful to provide early warning to Islamic banking in managing the company so that the company management can create some innovations in order to develop the company, avoid bankruptcy. The analysis of this research using some methods. First, the method of Approach Regulation of the Financial Services Authority no. No. 8 / POJK.03 / 2014 which refers to Central Bank of Indonesia regulation no. 9/1 / PBI / 2007 to know the position of financial performance. Second, the Altman Z-Score model to find out the bankruptcy positions of sharia and conventional banking. This study...
JIET (Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Terapan), 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic epidemic that the Indonesian state experienced caused a crisis in the economy that has negatively impacted the country's economy. 2020 has seen a slowdown in the rate of economic growth, which has made it more difficult for MSMEs operations to get bank capital loans. Every year, sharia commercial banks have allocated less finance to MSMEs. Because of this, many MSMEs encounter a capital shortage during their production process. Due to this, the aim of this study is to investigate how macroeconomic variables-interest rates, inflation, and the impact of the economic crisis-act as financial factors and how much of the channel sharia commercial banks can finance MSMEs. sharia commercial banks that are registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) between 2019 and 2021 are the object of this study. This study uses secondary data in a quantitative research. In this study, data analytic techniques included multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and classical assumption testing. The findings indicate that the interest rate variable and the effects of the economic crisis had a significant negative impact on the MSMEs financing. On the other hand, the MSMEs finance was significantly positively impacted by the inflation variable.
Based on the results of statistical analysis it show that each of independent variables, is significantly influence the growth of NPF (non-performing financing) Sharia banking in Indonesia.Results of the study give the implication that the Islamic banking should be correctly applying the precautionary and prudential principles, in providing financing to customers to avoid high NPF in Islamic banking. And the Government as the highest authority of the banking institution, expected to support the financing of Islamic banking sector of the economy by establishing the independent agency, which helped the bank to assess the eligibility of prospective business who proposed financing on Islamic banking.
Eurasia: Economics & Business, 2019
Predictive models of financial distress presented by highly qualified researchers have identified conclusively as an early warning of financial distress. However, the study of financial distress predictions on Islamic or Sharia banking is still minimal. This study aims to develop an advanced model of an early warning before the onset of financial distress in the group of Sharia banking. The population of this research was taken from the Sharia banking in Indonesia with number of 11 selected Sharia public banks. Samples of data derived from the financial statements for five (5) years from 2013 to 2017 with quarterly period. The analysis technique employed in this research was discriminant analysis approach using the SPSS program package. The results showed that the working capital over assets, working capital over net income, profit sharing and equitable distribution of net profit proved to be able as differentiator, between healthy banks and non-healthy banks. Sharia banks are considered as non-healthy, if the values of these variables are getting smaller or negative, so it will minimize the value of the discriminant function. The advanced model of financial distress could predict cases accurately at 86.0%. The study's findings provide empirical support to the stakeholder in the identification of the financial distress in Sharia banks.
Account and Financial Management Journal
This study aims to examine the influence of third party funds, financing to deposit ratio and non performing financing toward financing and its impact on profitability of Indonesia sharia banking. This study is a hypothesis testing research and the data are collected through the financial statements of each bank from 2011 to 2015 on the official website. The population in this study is 57. The results show that (1) third party funds, financing to deposit ratio, and non performing financing affect financing of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia, (2) financing mediates the influence of third party funds, financing to deposit ratio, and non performing financing on profitability of Sharia Commercial Bank in Indonesia.
This study analysis financial performance, capital ratio (CAR)profitability ratio (ROA, ROE), liquidity ratio (FDR), and and Financial Distress efficiency ratio (NOM and BOPO) influencing Islamic financial bank distress in Indonesia. Data were obtained from 13 Sharia public banks or 65 research samples registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2017 (5 periods). With statistical test tools using descriptive analysts and logistic regression analysts (logistic regression). The results of the analysis show that CAR has a negative and significant effect on financial distress. ROA has a negative and significant effect on financial distress. ROE has a negative and significant effect on financial distress. FDR has a positive and significant effect on financial distress. NOM has a negative and significant effect on financial distress. BOPO has a positive and significant effect on financial distress. The results of the study are expected to be able to contribute to Islamic bank actor...
Al-Amwal : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syari'ah
The background of the research is the issue of research on Indonesia's financial deepening condition during the pandemic to describe the condition of Islamic banking's financial deepening in Indonesia before and during the pandemic, using the variables of total assets, third party funds, and Islamic banking financing. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative by analyzing secondary data which is processed using Eviews with the VECM method and using quarterly time series data from 2005-2021 with a total sample of 272 from all research variables. The results of data processing using VECM show several findings, namely: Assets have a long-term positive effect on financial deepening and based on the IRF and FEVD financial deepening tests show a positive response to shock with a contribution of 77%. Meanwhile, TPF and Islamic bank financing have a long-term negative impact on financial deepening, and based on the IRF and FEVD financial deepening tests, they showed a negative response to the shock of TPF with a contribution of 9% and showed a positive response to the financing shock with a contribution of 3%. Meanwhile, based on testing using IRF, the movement of financial deepening in response to shocks in these variables shows that it is stable in the future.
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