The Construction of Atmospheres in the Scope of Painting

Proceedings of DARCH 2022 November - 3rd International Conference on Architecture & Design

In this paper we try to understand ways through which the construction of atmospheres in the field of painting is operated. The methodology consisted of a literature review that enabled a choice of case studies that we found appropriate and capable of producing fruitful connections between themselves. We try to establish several distinctions and different approaches to try to clarify different ways in which, in our perspective, diverse types of atmospheres might be constructed. The case studies are chosen for their ability to question each approach, considering their pictorial values rather than questions of historical or other frameworks. We try to reach conclusions concerning the construction of atmospheres in themselves and what they might induce, considering mainly concepts developed by the neurologist Erwin Straus. We were particularly focused on the potential conclusions and possible knowledge concerning the construction of atmospheres in themselves, and what they might induce in cognitive and its consequences in interpretative forms, namely in design in the scope of its operative field.