Statistical characterization of the standard map

2017, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment

The standard map, paradigmatic conservative system in the (x, p) phase space, has been recently shown [Tirnakli and Borges (2016)] to exhibit interesting statistical behaviors directly related to the value of the standard map external parameter K. A detailed numerical description is achieved in the present paper. More precisely, for large values of K (e.g., K = 10), the Lyapunov exponents are neatly positive over virtually the entire phase space, and, consistently with Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) statistics, we verify q ent = q sen = q stat = q rel = 1, where q ent is the q-index for which the nonadditive entropy S q ≡ k 1− W i=1 p q i q−1 (with S 1 = S BG ≡ −k W i=1 p i ln p i) grows linearly with time before achieving its W-dependent saturation value; q sen characterizes the time increase of the sensitivity ξ to the initial conditions, i.e., ξ ∼ e λq sen t qsen (λ qsen > 0), where e z q ≡ [1 + (1 − q)z] 1/(1−q) ; q stat is the index associated with the q stat-Gaussian distribution of the time average of successive iterations of the x-coordinate; finally, q rel characterizes the q rel-exponential relaxation with time of the entropy S qent towards its saturation value. In remarkable contrast, for small values of K (e.g., K = 0.2), the Lyapunov exponents are virtually zero over the entire phase space, and, consistently with q-statistics, we verify q ent = q sen = 0, q stat ≃ 1.935, and q rel ≃ 1.4. The situation corresponding to intermediate values of K, where both stable orbits and a chaotic sea are present, is discussed as well. The present results transparently illustrate when BG behavior or q-statistical behavior are observed.