Real-Time 3D-Teleimmersion

2000, Confluence of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics


In this paper we present the first implementation of a new medium for tele-collaboration. The realized testbed consists of two tele-cubicles at two Internet nodes. At each tele-cubicle a stereo-rig is used to provide an accurate dense 3D-reconstruction of a person in action. The two real dynamic worlds are exchanged over the network and visualized stereoscopically. The remote communication and the dynamic nature of tele-collaboration raise the question of optimal representation for graphics and vision. We treat the issues of limited bandwidth, latency, and processing power with a tunable 3D-representation where the user can decide over the trade-off between delay and 3D-resolution by tuning the spatial resolution, the size of the working volume, and the uncertainty of reconstruction. Due to the limited number of cameras and displays our system can not provide the user with a surround-immersive feeling. However, it is the first system that uses 3D-real-data that are reconstructed online at another site. The system has been implemented with low-cost off-the-shelf hardware and has been successfully demonstrated in local area networks.