
Our aim in this work is to present a modern study of the classical Riemann zeta function aided by contemporary computational tools. One of our main discoveries in this work regarding $\zeta(z)$ is the observation of the following natural property (alongside various other new properties): $$ \vert \zeta (0.5 + y i ) \vert < \vert \zeta \left ( x+y i \right )\vert \hspace{0.5cm} \textrm {for all } \hspace{0.25cm} 0 \leq x<0.5 \textrm{ and } 6.29<y<Y,$$ with $0<<Y$ (we conjecture that $Y=+\infty$). In particular, the Riemann hypothesis is a direct consequence of the above property (in any domain which it holds) which gives a natural explanation to the fact that $\zeta(z)$ admits no zeros in the critical strip with $Re(z) \neq 0.5$.