On Landau–Ginzburg systems, quivers and monodromy

2015, Journal of Geometry and Physics


Let X be a toric Fano manifold and denote by Crit(f X) ⊂ (C *) n the solution scheme of the corresponding Landau-Ginzburg system of equations. For toric Del-Pezzo surfaces and various toric Fano threefolds we define a map L : Crit(f X) → P ic(X) such that E L (X) := L(Crit(f X)) ⊂ P ic(X) is a full strongly exceptional collection of line bundles. We observe the existence of a natural monodromy map M : π 1 (L(X) \ R X , f X) → Aut(Crit(f X)) where L(X) is the space of all Laurent polynomials whose Newton polytope is equal to the Newton polytope of f X , the Landau-Ginzburg potential of X, and R X ⊂ L(X) is the space of all elements whose corresponding solution scheme is reduced. We show that monodromies of Crit(f X) admit non-trivial relations to quiver representations of the exceptional collection E L (X). We refer to this property as the Maligned property of the maps L : Crit(f X) → P ic(X). We discuss possible applications of the existence of such Maligned exceptional maps to various aspects of mirror symmetry of toric Fano manifolds.