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Opiate drugs are highly addictive substances. Opiates produce acute and long-term adaptive changes at celular and molecular level in the central nervous system that are responsible for the addictive disorder. Reinforcing effects of opiates (euphoria, well being) are involved in the initiation of the opiate use, while negative effects (dysphoria during the abstinence) are responsible for the maintenance of the addictive behaviour. Biochemical, pharmacological, electrophysiological and molecular studies have identified several neurochemical pathways within the mesolimbic system as a common neurobiological substrate for the reinforcing effects of all the drugs of abuse, including opiates. The mesolimic dopaminergic system and the neural pathways involved in the physiological responses to stress mediate the motivational negative effects associated to opiate withdrawal. Finally, opiates produce long-term adaptive changes at the level of several transcription factors that could participate in the increased vulnerability to relapse in the addictive behaviour observed even after long periods of drug abstinence..
Actualmente, la adicción a las drogas es considerada como una alteración crónica de los sistemas cerebrales de recompensa, que se relacionan íntimamente con las estructuras del sistema límbico. Las investigaciones de mediados del siglo pasado permitieron descubrir los llamados “centros del placer”, situados en la región hipotalámica, núcleos que podían ser estimulados por el investigador o por el mismo animal de investigación, como una manera de adaptarse a diversas situaciones estresantes. Existen varias sustancias que activan el sistema cerebral de recompensa y pueden producir adicción, que en el hombre corresponde a una enfermedad crónica y recurrente, caracterizada por el predominio absoluto de la apetencia (craving) y de los comportamientos encaminados a obtener nuevas dosis de la droga. Este comportamiento, a su vez, inhibe algunas conductas y estimula otros comportamientos. En el presente capítulo se analiza el funcionamiento de los sistemas cerebrales de recompensa, sus conexiones límbicas y frontales, así como las alteraciones de los circuitos cerebrales, que hoy en día, se consideran el sustrato biológico de los procesos de sensibilización y tolerancia, responsables del círculo vicioso comportamental que se observa en los adictos.
There has been in the last few years an increasement of the research about drug addicts due to the presence of personality disorders (PD). In this work the presence of such disorders in an opiate addict group (n=60) is analyzed by using the SCID-II. The results are compared to a non-addict group (or group control). Once the analysis has been reviewed, it shows a high prevalence of disorders in the addict group, especially those antisocial personality disorders and paranoid PD. When comparing the addict group to the control group, the study shows significant differences related to the fullilment of the criteria for the esquizotipic PD (p=0,000), antisocial PD (p=0,000) and bordeline PD (p=0,005).
Adicciones, 2001
Autoeficacia en padres de dependientes a opiáceos ARAQUE F. (1) ; LÓPEZ-TORRECILLAS F. (2) ; DE LOS RISCOS Mª (3) ; GODOY J. F. (4)
International data found that the severity of the problem epidemiological, clinical comprehensive assessments recommend to patients abusers/addicts and use of psychotropic diagnostic tools, whose efficiency makes them useful elements in certain brain pathologies. We describe the neuroanatomy-physiology of the areas involved in the production of addictive disease as a centre of management and long-term rehabilitation. It indicates the role of frontal cortical structures in human behaviour which disables alteration to the individual to assess the potential reward associated with self-medication. Emphasis is placed in the imagenological participation in the diagnosis and management of these disorders, techniques that make it over him without invading and where the identification of underlying neuro-biochemical mechanisms is crucial. It highlights the resources for better long term psychotherapeutic rehabilitation that joins the utility-educational information to patients and their fami...
Revista Internacional de Investigación en Adicciones, 2016
Introduction: addiction is considered a central nervous system disease that consists of three stages: intoxication, withdrawal and craving. The neurobiological model of addictions proposed by Volkow et al. (2003) includes the states of control, memory, motivation and reward, however, in order to generate an explicit and universal solution to this disease is necessary to mathematize theoretical models. Objective: to propose and to develop the mathematization of a stochastic model using Markov Chains in the phenomenon of psychoactive substances and addiction. Method: mathematization of a stochastic model using Markov Chains and differential equations. Results: using Markov Chains, models of two brains were compared, one healthy (no consumer of psychoactive substances) against one of a person with addiction and through transition probabilities we observed differences from one model to another. Differential equations were used to estimate the time of the effect of a drug in the body and combined with trigonometric equations we sought to estimate the best function to continue with an addiction and relapse. Discussion and conclusions: the obtained mathematical modeling indicates that the neurobiological model of addictions may be represented by a Markov Chain inhomogeneous. In the case of a healthy brain, it can pass with equal probability (p = 1/3) from one state to another, in the case of a person with addiction, the transition probabilities depend on time, drug type, dose and route of administration.
Rev Esp Méd Quir …, 2012
Diversos factores intervienen en las adicciones, entre ellos se encuentran los que involucran al funcionamiento cerebral. También existen particularidades genéticas que afectan el funcionamiento del cerebro y condicionan la aparición de adicciones. Las adicciones, a su vez, alteran la funcionalidad cerebral dañando, entre otras, las funciones ejecutivas; lo que produce un círculo vicioso que perpetúa la propia adicción. El trastorno de las funciones ejecutivas puede tener diversos orígenes, pero sean cuales sean, representan un factor de vulnerabilidad ante las adicciones. El consumo crónico de drogas causa deterioro en diferentes funciones neuropsicológicas, no sólo en las funciones ejecutivas, es por ello que la intervención neuropsicológica debe considerarse parte del tratamiento de las adicciones. Palabras clave: adicciones, disfunción cerebral, abuso de drogas, funciones ejecutivas, drogas, rehabilitación.
Se había comentado en alguna entrada anterior que las drogas actúan como reforzadores. Un refuerzo es un consecuente que aumenta la probabilidad de ocurrencia de la respuesta a la que sigue. Aplicado al ámbito de la farmacología, se dice que una sustancia psicoactiva actúa como reforzador cuando probabiliza su autoadministración repetida. El consecuente, en este caso, es esa euforia casi inmediata que producen algunas drogas. * * Por ejemplo, mediante la técnica de autoestimulación eléctrica cerebral se ha comprobado que la estimulación directamente del accumbens es reforzante, incrementando la tasa de autoadministración de choques eléctricos sobre la zona. * * De la misma forma, la autoadministración de algunas drogas (estimulantes y depresores, principalmente, si bien cada una de ellas con características propias) parece estar asociado a una liberación de DopaminA.
Forum De Recerca, 2011
Sesgos atencionales en adictos a la cocaína. Carlos Ventura et al.
characterized by compulsive and out of control drug use. Several neurochemical and molecular changes take place in the brain during the first phase of drug use which lead to dependence, addiction and drug abuse. Development. Every drug of abuse acts through similar neurophysiological mechanisms, mostly based on the abnormal activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system. Although the addicted brain tries to adapted to the drug action, there are permanent neural changes at the cellular and molecular levels which seem to underlie the addictive process and the emergence of abstinence symptoms after drug taking stops. Furthermore, these neural changes appear to subserve the emergence of cravings once the abstinent syndrome has been overcome. Cravings are the main factor leading to relapse, and they are often initiated by exposure to drug-related cues. [REV NEUROL 2002; 34: 659-64]
Articulos En Pdf Disponibles Desde 2007 Hasta 2013 a Partir De 2014 Visitenos En Www Elsevier Es Rlp, 2010
Drug addiction is one of the major problems in modern societies. Behaviours such as cocaine consumption and seeking have risen up as a major subject not solely in health and pharmacological sciences but in behavioural neuroscience as well. Therefore, in the course of several decades a huge body of knowledge has been rendered by Neurosciences addressing the most important variables involved in addiction-acquisition as well as maintenance and relapse of drug-seeking behaviour. The breakthroughs point to neural circuits like the mesocortical-mesolimbic dopaminergic system and the role of neurotransmitter, mainly glutamate and dopamine, in the development of addictive behaviours. The analysis of addiction has been improved by the contribution of techniques from the Psychology of learning in spite of reinforcement mechanisms triggered by drugs. The present review will aim at the state of art of the field highlighting the important contribution of both neurochemical and neuroanatomical studies alongside with behavioural mechanisms.
Actas Esp Psiquiatr, 2010
Resultados. El análisis ROC presenta la SDS como una prueba de alta utilidad diagnóstica para la valoración de la dependencia de opiáceos (Área Bajo la Curva= 0, 8875). El punto de corte óptimo de la SDS para la discriminación entre la presencia y ausencia de ...
Salud Mental, 2013
Trabajadores sociales en la historia. Una perspectiva transformadora Carina Berta Moljo Reconstruyendo lo social. Prácticas y experiencias de investigación desde el Trabajo Social Nora Aquín (coordinador) Salud y planificación social. ¿Políticas en contra de la enfermedad o políticas para la salud?
El presente artículo expone de forma sintética las causas que la investigación científica está revelando en el problema del abuso y dependencia de sustancias, contemplando tanto la perspectiva biológica, como psicológica y social. Imágenes que no son contradictorias, sino que se complementan en una más compleja que nos conduce al campo del refuerzo natural y el tema del control del placer. Tema, éste último, que a su vez nos lleva a los controles morales y religiosos. Punto en el cual la sociedad actual presenta gran vulnerabilidad. Viendo la complejidad del problema se propone una estrategia de prevención temprana y comunitaria que genere un cambio de valores cimentados en una nueva ideología para crear un ambiente donde decrezca la demanda de drogas y las políticas internacionales de lucha contra el narcotráfico logren eficacia. Palabras claves: Adicciones, abuso de sustancias, dependencia de sustancias, etiología, prevención.
Addiction to products derived from the plant cannabis sativa has become a relevant problem in western societies. Its prevalence in both, adolescent and young adult, has grown in the last decade. The problem is aggravated by the availability of plants derivatives with a high content of THC. Today, the number of cannabis users requesting medical treatment is growing, as well as the incidence and variety of the adverse effects associated with its chronic consumption. On the other side, the last 20 years of research have unveiled the hidden pharmacology of the active principles of cannabis. Cannabinoids, the psychoactive chemicals of the plant, exert their pharmacological actions through the interaction with an endogenous signaling system, the endocannabinoid system. This system is involved in brain development, plasticity and repair, and its chronic stimulation can induce not only dependence/addiction, but also result in adverse clinical effects. The negative side of cannabis use impac...
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