“Vesikalı Yârim”den “Monna Rosa”ya Geleneğin “Diriliş”i

2020, Turkish Studies - Language and Literature


The reflection of women in poetry in Turkish literature has always been religious, political, social, cultural, etc. differentiated by the effect of dynamics in every period. While the woman whose sexuality was left in the background before Islam was in the social life, as a result of the civilization and cultural change with Islam, she moved away from the society with her classical poetry and gained privacy. Her beauty are described with symbols and masochisms and abstracted with features that are not real-life. Thus, the woman who has been turned into a collective lover has been added to Sufi thought. With the influence of Westernization, the woman was embodied as a social being with her feelings, thoughts and wishes ın the second period of Tanzimat, the first phase of Turkish literatüre. The woman has "hair, lip, waist", etc. Despite her physical features in a concrete and captivating way, her blessed image has been maintained ın the process that continues from Tanzimat to the Republic. The blessedness is shaken by the fact that the woman is explicitly prioritized and includes erotic connotations ("White neck", "short skirt", "wheat skin", "racy songs", "ankles tickling inside men") ın the poem "Fahriye Abla" by Ahmet Muhip Dıranas in the Republic. This also symbolizes the reflection of social change in the literary space for that period. This traditional, exalted state of the woman which is shaken in Turkish poetry ends with Strange's poem (Orhan Veli Kanık's "My Whore Darling", "I'm Listening Istanbul", "Love Official Parade", "The Wife of the Driver" etc.). Now tradition has been laid on the ground, the woman so dear has been turned into a sexual object "wearing". If the Second New, who has a reaction poem to Strange, continues this image Sezai Karakoç who opposed the understanding of Orhan Veli Kanık has gained its old value in tradition (with the process that started with "Monna Rosa" is a modern Leyla and Mecnun experiment) with modern comments on woman / lover divan poetry elements.