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2017, Advancing Insights on Brand Management
Over the past several decades, brand management has gone through an evolution from the traditional customer-oriented and firm-focused paradigm toward a wider vision concerning the target and the users of the brand and the process of creation of the brand value. In particular, the brand management literature has endorsed the stakeholder theory and service-dominant logic principles with reference to the process of determining the brand meanings and the brand value. The aim of this chapter is going over the evolutionary process of the brand management during the latest years in order to get to a holistic vision, considering the brand as a conceptual construction originated by the interaction between the firm and multiple stakeholders and the brand value as the result of a dynamic and social process of co-creation of the brand meanings and functions. Therefore, this chapter is conceptual in nature, and it aims to investigate the state of art of brand management providing conceptual examinations about the way the brand meanings and value originate, with a particular reference to the present economic and competitive contests dominated by the Web-based technologies and by the related interaction processes within a broad stakeholders' ecosystem.
The meanings of brand and branding have been evolving over the past several decades. This evolution is converging on a new conceptual logic, which views brand in terms of collaborative, value co-creation activities of firms and all of their stakeholders and brand value in terms of the stakeholders' collectively perceived value-in-use. The authors argue that this new logic parallels and reflects the related, evolving service-dominant (S-D) logic in marketing. They provide an historical account of the branding literature, organize it into eras, and connect it to the evolution in marketing as captured by S-D logic. The analysis provides further support for the S-D logic of marketing and suggests a related research agenda for furthering the understanding of brand and branding. It also suggests that marketing managers might benefit from investing resources in building strong brand relationships with all of their stakeholders and a service-dominant firm philosophy built around brand value co-creation.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2009
The meanings of brand and branding have been evolving over the past several decades. This evolution is converging on a new conceptual logic, which views brand in terms of collaborative, value co-creation activities of firms and all of their stakeholders and brand value in terms of the stakeholders' collectively perceived value-in-use. The authors argue that this new logic parallels and reflects the related, evolving service-dominant (S-D) logic in marketing. They provide an historical account of the branding literature, organize it into eras, and connect it to the evolution in marketing as captured by S-D logic. The analysis provides further support for the S-D logic of marketing and suggests a related research agenda for furthering the understanding of brand and branding. It also suggests that marketing managers might benefit from investing resources in building strong brand relationships with all of their stakeholders and a service-dominant firm philosophy built around brand value co-creation.
The evolution of brand management has led to a new approach that views brands as social processes involving multiple stakeholders. However, there is still a lack of empirical research about how brand value is co-created within stakeholder networks. Based on the fieldwork, this article presents an organic view of the brand (OVB), and a resulting brand value co-creation framework that develops earlier brand models. The OVB takes into account the perspectives of different business settings, ranging from fast moving consumer goods, to services and business-to-business. According to the OVB, brand value is conversationally co-created by many different stakeholders in a fluid space subject to constant negotiation and often develops beyond the strategic aims set by brand managers. One consequence of this is that managers will need to develop a new leadership style that is more humble, open and participatory.
contribute to brand value, which we defi ne as the sale or replacement value of a brand, and which implies a companybased perspective. We believe that one of the primary reasons no generally accepted measure of brand equity has surfaced in the past 15 years is that brand equity and brand value frequently are treated as the same construct. 1 -4 We suggest that the fi rst
The aim of the article is reveal brand value creation from different point of views: customers and stakeholders. Literature analysis suggests brand value has become an important metric for brand health for consumers and corporate performance metric for many companies and investors. However increasing consumer power, accelerated social media, marketing promotions companies threatens the foundations of brand value. This article focus on measuring the influence of advertising, sales promotions, brand community, innovations and other incentives on brand value after controlling for net income and lagged brand valuation of Lithuanian companies. The article was prepared by using comparative analysis of scientific literature, integrated brand valuation model, empirical results from some Lithuanian companies and the author insights on this topic.
Contemporary marketing literature overwhelmingly describes brands from either a managerial or a consumer-centric perspective. The level of analysis is either individual or social. In most cases brands are conceived as tangible or intangible objects. Another stream of research conceives brands as mental representations or socially shared meanings. Each perspective has provided rich insights but bears the danger of being restrictive. Attempting to integrate extant knowledge the paper first presents a brief review and discussion of how the brand phenomenon has been approached in the literature. Secondly, it proposes an integrative perspective, which conceptualizes a brand as encompassing brand manifestations, brand meaning, and a brand interest group that co-produces brand manifestations and co-constructs brand meaning in an ongoing public discourse. Finally, the implications of such an approach for future research and brand management are discussed.
The article substantiates the concept of strategic brand management, emphasizes on the direction of brand growth in the long-term prospects. The study discovers that this process involves planning, executing, controlling of marketing and branding strategies, applying for measures of building, measuring and evaluating of brand equity. The basic stages of the evolution of strategic brand management concepts have been formed, the functions and the basic principles of brand management have been discovered , the effective use of which provide the company with additional sales and profit maximization. Along with basic management functions such as planning, organization, leadership and control, brand management uses its own tools, including specific methods and principles, specific models, organizational forms of brand management. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of applying a set of specific methods implemented by specialists in the strategic, tactical, administrative and organizational management of company brands. Keywords: brand, branding, brand management, strategic management of a brand, brand management model, marketing strategy. Introduction. Today strategic brand management is used by companies to support and promote the brand and gain worldwide recognition. The brand activity in the long-run period. This includes an integrative and sustainable policy that helps companies to build, develop and manage their brands. Therefore, the role of strategic brand management and the evolution of generating, development of strategies continues to be relevant today. Literature review. Famous domestic and foreign scientists, such as D. A
brands & brand management , 2018
This article elaborates on the subject of brands. The understanding of brands has changed along with the times and economic climate. The change requires companies to shift their thinking of brands from a marketing-oriented function to a guiding principle that involves every aspect of the organization. Modern brand thinking no longer revolves around tangible brand attributes such as logos and colors, these merely make up the visible brand. Every new brand need to position and brand itself as a company that can deliver significant added value for the customers, through expanding the service model of traditional advertising agencies. The brand includes the company to advocate transparency and diversity, Visible communication, and points of contact with the company. From the website to the office and the tangible products. Brands are required to be consistent and viable.
Kogan Page eBooks, 2012
Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 2021
According to the American market association (2010), brand is a term, symbol, name, design, term or any other attribute that can be used to identify the products or services of the company. Globalization has increased the competition in market, education has increased the level of customer awareness about the products, increased level of income has made people brand users and social aspect has made people using branded goods a symbol of social image. Thus, it is very important to understand for a marketer that having a brand is not enough but the effective brand management is also important. Everyday new products, substitutes are coming in the market with innovative features, and attractive prices. In this situation, it is one of difficult issue or challenge to deal with brand management. It is important question before the managers to know that how to maintain the brand equity in the continuously changing environment, where the needs and expectations of the customers are changing continuously. The three important elements of brand equity are brand awareness, brand association and brand loyalty. Brand awareness shows the level of customers to identify the product of the company, brand associations shows the associations between brand and the customer and brand loyalty shows the loyalty of the customers towards the brand. These three elements of the brand equity help in managing a brand by the company.
Brands are perceived as valuable assets from both consumer and company perspectives. Business leaders are fully aware of the importance of brand, branding and brand management for their survival and maintaining sustainable development in competitive and globalized world. The importance of brand, branding and brand management is not only felt and experienced by corporate but even the countries, individuals and political parties are not untouched with this. This paper provides a synthesis of the fragmented literature on brand management that is organized under seven heads: different definitions on brand, layers of brand, importance of brand management, brand concept management, brand management models, current trends in brand management and conclusions. The ultimate section of the work that is future scope will open the path for future research in the area of brand, branding or brand management
The modern market is characterized by ups and downs associated with both external negative influences and expectations, and with the structural restructuring of the market. The result of these transformations was the transformation of the methodological and practical foundations of the formation, functioning and development of marketing and advertising activities, the leading role among which is the development and management of the company's brand.The development and management of a brand, or the branding process in an enterprise should be strategic and holistic. The authors studied the theoretical basis for the development and promotion of a brand to the market and proposed directions for its improvement: an algorithm for creating a brand strategy and a comprehensive scheme for forming a strategy for the development and management of an enterprise brand. To assess the effectiveness of the brand management strategy, the authors proposed a system of indicators characterizing the...
The purpose of this paper is to analyse how branding contributes to innovation, by identifying different ways of connecting with changing markets and emerging consumer needs. This is clarified by strategic approaches found in the marketing management literature. While orientation to customer needs has always been crucial in marketing communication more attention is paid nowadays to customer and market intelligence in detecting relevant trends. A focus on the company's own distinctive vision is advocated, as the choices to be made need to fit the strengths and capabilities of the company. Co-creation of value needs an intensive dialogue with customers about the brand as community property. In brand management coherence and finding a balance between inner vision and dialogue with all those involved, such as employees and partners in the value chain, are emphasised. Expert interviews were conducted to see if the approaches distinguished in the literature are recognised in practice and suitable as a framework for constructing performance indicators. Next, the critical factors found in the marketing literature were phrased as measurable statements that can serve as performance indicators. The outcomes need to be further tested.
Routledge eBooks, 2016
What ls a brand and how do we measure its market performance? 1 1 Brand definitions and conceptualizations: the debate 3 Francesca Dall'Olmo Riley 2 Measuring the ~rket performance ofbrands: applications in brand management 13 ]aywant Singh and Mark Uncles 3 Consumer-based brand equity 32 Sally Baalbaki and Francisco Guzman 4 Brand valuation: principles, applications and latest developments 48 Gabriela Salinas 5 Brands and the seif 68 Russell Belk 6 Brands and the society 79 Paurav Shukla 7 Dead brand walking: on the paradoxes and perversities of branding 92 Stephen Brown PART II Strategie brand management 107 8 Brand architecture design and brand naming decisions 109 C. U'han Park, Deborah]. Madnnis and Andreas B.
Tripodos, 2018
Developments in communication technologies are challenging classic marketing and communication paradigms, leading to the view that brands are no longer built top-down by marketing managers, but developed in collaboration with consumers. The importance of consumers in the process of brand value creation is largely accepted by practitioners, but to date little attempt has been made to confirm whether those responsible for brand building are truly open to a brand co-creation process. Recent research conducted by Lahoz (2017) revealed that brand managers and company CEOs are reluctant to lose control over their brands and, although they acknowledge the (new) active role of the (new) empowered consumer, they do not see consumers as co-responsible for defining their brands but as participators in peripheral areas of brand building. Els canvis permanents en les tecnologies de comunicacio estan desafiant els paradigmes tradicionals de la comunicacio i el marqueting. Els directors de ...
Journal of Product & Brand Management, 1997
Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 2018
Purpose This paper aims to help in the development of a better understanding of key brand-related terms and discuss the key challenges and trends in brand management. Design/methodology/approach This is an editorial based mainly on an extensive and broad literature review on brand management. Findings First, this work defines some key brand management terms and presents brand-related issues and concerns that remain unchanged over time. Then it discusses some of the brand management-related matters that are changing since the past few years. Challenges for the management of brands from the side of the companies that have introduced them are then presented. It finally provides a glimpse of the five papers selected for this special issue and then identifies avenues for further research. Originality/value This work and the whole special issue together help in the understanding of the dynamic nature of the management of brands over time with implications to the management and the academi...
The commentary endorses the view of brands as complex social relations that develop among a multitude of enacted stakeholder identities and discusses in what ways this perspective may lead to a novel paradigm of brand building – one that highlights the dynamic and fluid character of brand identity. The author underlines the importance of better understanding the many ways in which (internal and external) stakeholders can contribute to brand identity construction. Suggesting how this novel brand building paradigm can contribute to resolving confusions stemming from current misunderstandings within the branding literature, the commentary sees the opening of a new avenue of fascinating research questions that can lead to a better understanding of stakeholders' roles in the construction of polysemous brands identities. Espersen describe brand identity as an object supporting various meanings which may be dynamic, enacted and multiple. The authors consider brands as complex social relations that develop among a multitude of enacted identities. The paper hence assumes that a multitude of actors constantly develop, negotiate and enact brand identity and stakeholder identity. From the perspective of performativity theory, and based on 29 interviews around the Lego case study, the paper highlights five performances showing how various stakeholders help create the brand identity. Beyond these findings, the paper complements a new paradigm of brand building highlighting the dynamic and fluid character of brand identity (Csaba & Bengtsson, 2006). The approach opens a new avenue of research leading towards a better understanding of stakeholder contributions in the construction of brand identity. The authors combine various kinds of stakeholders (Adult LEGO fans, LEGO curators, LEGO employees and LEGO managers) and focus on the positive aspects of their performances (
E3S Web of Conferences
Constantly increasing the level of competition requires manufacturers of goods and services to individualize their products. Considering this factor, the brand takes on a new level of perception, a level of the strategic asset of the company, which allows evaluating the value of the company. With the pursuit of competitiveness and modernity, domestic companies have only in the last few years begun to view the brand as an integral part of their business, capable of generating additional profits at the expense of increased consumer loyalty. However, there are currently no standard methods for evaluating brand value, and there are some disadvantages to applying them. The article deals with modern research methods of the Interbrand and V-RATIO brand. It is revealed that the results of the calculations by different methods differ depending on the set goal: long-term or short-term costs. 19 brand evaluation criteria are considered. We propose our conceptual model of brand value estimation...
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