Pemberdayaan Peternak Sapi Potong Menuju Kemandirian

2020, Jurnal KIRANA


Empowerment is needed to support the selfreliance and progress of beef cattle farmers so that beef cattle farmers can develop. The selfreliance of beef cattle farmers through livestock gapoktan has a role to help the progress of farmers in the form of feed concentrates and modern technologies such as life scales and feed making machines in developing their businesses. This study aims to determine the empowerment of beef cattle farmers through livestock gapoktan in Karanganyar Village, Tegalampel District, Bondowoso Regency. Location selection was determined purposively (purposive method), with the reason that there was an advanced and largest livestock gapoktan in Bondowoso District. The research conducted is qualitative research with data analysis using the method of Miles and Huberman analysis and the determination of informants using purposive sampling. The results showed that the empowerment of farmers can be seen from three things, namely voice, choice (rational choice), which ...