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مجلة الإحياء, 2019
مجلة المعيار, 2019
This research paper examines the books pertaining to the topic known as "the necrology of famous people". It first tries to clarify the concept, show its significance and its role in protecting the Sunnah, i.e. the guidance, of the prophet Mohammed-peace be upon him. It then demonstrates, through the review of some oriental and occidental necrologies, the efforts of scholars dedicated in this subject matter. The paper finally analyses the Wancharisi's book, that is, the necrology of famous people, entitled as "elwafawet", in a bid to extract and unveil some scientific and historical lessons. Keyterms : Necrology of famous people-scientific lessons-wancharici-history.
مجلة العلوم الأساسـية, 2022
is one of the most well-known scholars of the Kurdish nation, was born in 1750 AD in the village of (Rust) in Balk territory. Firstly, He was taught by his father, and then by the scholar (Abdullah al-Bayazidi) Who he was the student of the scholar (Sibghatulla Al-Haidary). In the end, he got his scientific certification by Al-Bayazidi. Then, The Emir of Soran emirate ordered Ibn Adam to go and settle in Rawanduz as a teacher and a judge. After that, he returned to Ballakety and there he started teaching and writing, many learners surrounded him. Almost of his books and writings appeared there. His scientific and educational efforts in Balak territory have had a great impact on the area scientific and cultural fields. That is why, Ballakety has become an educated and an open area with literate people in comparing to other neighboring areas. Key word: allama Muhammad Ibn Adam-scientific role-balak area
Al-Mağallah Al-ʿilmiyyah Li Kulliyyaẗ Al-Adāb - Ǧāmiʿaẗ Dumyāṭ, 2013
مجلة المعيار, 2021
The research deals with a study of a book of "brief documents" that's belongs to IBRAHIM ALGHARNATI who died in 579AH, with identifying the book and its author, and highlighting the juristic importance of this book, out of its contents of the sayings of the Maliki school's jurists, and its issues related to documents editing and explains or explaining the features of its documentary work by enacting a rules and regulations in writing various documents and contracts.
مجلّة جامعة النجاح للأبحاث (العلوم الإنسانيّة), 2013
سيحاولُ هذا البحث أن يتحدّثَ عن اللغةِ العربيّةِ بوصفِها أحد أهمّ أبعاد الفكرِ القَوميّ العربيّ، وذلك مِن خلالِ ما قدَّمه المُفكِّر الراحل أحمد صدقي الدجاني في مُجملِ إنتاجِه على أنَّه أنموذجٌ للشخصيّةِ القَوميّةِ العربيّة في بُعديها الشَّخصيّ والعمليّ. بحيث ينهضُ البحثُ على دراسةِ مؤلّفات الدجاني ومَشروعِه الذي رسم ملامحَ عُروبيّة قَوميّة إسلاميّة مِن أجلِ تحقيقِ المشروعِ الحضاري العربيّ ومُكوّنِه اللغويّ، والمُتمثّل في إحياءِ اللغةِ العربيّة وآدابِها، والذي يُعدُّ أوّلَ مَهَمّة لإحياءِ العُروبيّة.
I bnu’l-Arabi’nin siki takipcisi olan ve doneminin onde gelen sufilerinden kabul edilen Abdilgani b. I smâil en-Nâblusi’nin o g rencisi tarafindan kaleme alinan “ Risâle Hablullahi’l-Metin fi Ak ī deti s - Ş eyhi’l-Ekber Muhyiddin ” adli bu risale 18. yy da I bnu’l-Arabi’nin goru s leri etrafinda toplanmi s Ş am’daki onemli bir sufi hareketin konumunu gozler onune sermektedir. Risalenin ba s tarafindan anladi g imiz kadariyla Ş am’da I bnu’l-Arabi’nin itikadi goru s lerini okutmak amaciyla Nâblusi’nin ozel bir ders halkasinin oldu g u anla s ilmaktadir. Bu ders halkasinda I bnu’l-Arabi’nin itikadi goru s lerinin okutulup daha sonra s eriate uygun oldu g unun tekid edilmeye ve delillendirilmeye cali s ildi g i anla s ilmaktadir. Bu bize o donemde Ş am’da olan tasavvufi ortamin en onemli ozelli g ini gostermektedir ki o tarikatle s eriatin bir goturulmesi veya di g er bir ifade ile aralarinin bulunmasidir. Bu nedenle Ş am Tasavvuf cevresinde di g er tasavvufi mecralarda ortaya cikan ...
Maǧallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Al-Adāb - Gamiʿāẗ Sūhāğ (Online), 1994
مجلة عصور الجديدة, 2020
Journal of Kufa Studies Center
رامي سيدي محمد, 2018
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2018
مجلة الدراسات التاريخية والاجتماعية
مجلة مركز دراسات الكوفة, 2021
Mağallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Al-Dirāsāt Al-Islāmiyyaẗ wa Al-ʿarabiyyaẗ lil-Banāt Bil-Iskandariyyaẗ, 2024
مجلة الآداب للدراسات اللغوية والأدبية, 2023
مجلة الشريعة والاقتصاد, 2021
Maǧallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Al-Adāb - Gamiʿāẗ Sūhāğ (Online), 1982
مجلة أنثروبولوجية الأديان, 2021
مجلة الجامعة الإسلامية للعلوم الشرعية
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
مجلة مدارات تاريخية, 2020
Madania: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman
دفاتر مخبر المسألة التربوية في الجزائر, 2017
al Mahāra: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2017