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775 pages
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If this software is acquired for or on behalf of the United States of America, its agencies and/or instrumentalities ("U.S. Government"), it is provided with restricted rights. This software and accompanying documentation are "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation," respectively, pursuant to 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 227.7202, and "restricted computer software" pursuant to 48 C.F.R. 52.227-19(a), as applicable. Use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display or disclosure of this software and accompanying documentation by the U.S. Government are subject to restrictions as set forth in this Agreement and pursuant to 48 C.
* t1a Lh~b 4"? & kh.%f4IE 'umbf'd14 wide~r which all other A"~49aft Lbjev%-*o*9 vet~a itwfu4tng uhe USAF STINFO * it -ilovs *ft 1 the V601) STIP are outlined in 4* tihi 0 (~ saic both the D~eputy AA14* Antieit. tIde~rtwh i Mw IU-4rrb and Enoneering and Ph*ltatz X)b ~ 4r Oi pcnflicd in the enclosures to s wveist4ýw ho tu ,4AV W'CVut ptom rw, in support of the DoD nrtPt or. l 4 F-heioD :14) SP *to thr gofl othe STI NF'O poftiwm x *wh, * h*t.okmktv *4 tb~ii goals should help iñ 4taa. K ab~hi **sowu a thr ST1?NTO Officer's duties t~s)~~tL~ ~~cfww o Ib tUIOPMTP to to tnrxea~e the effectiveness of Ow twigiotl of~ %th t,%* VtW L-VYrl fVM 4 'v14P c j& ,ýb 44 i#-1 ~ 4 c1.11p. S ~*-, tI,-' 4dMNIuuwrnIl.tihu ownsa~tc.wcl 4 41 4f n 2 ')kf-41"' +,t ('SAF #TIX (Orri w.-9 3 EfaMjfw thai 411 STOCK)' vc4wade bi lhecc WrteA~can dirc recoretdm 4.. locaw~duu CUM0 4.oci 4ta adPfrpaft41 4.M Wd 00cursty mar"m cuVVI~Tij *M1 fithoul tjndW lAC*): 4 Supvwn~r the inpuit of datA uint !he DIf'C 4at~lwsw 5 Sp*ftOwr 11Vchna~IUCX O UitW*, and CVV~f4" &K~tIA&IA gM4 Vl*s1a. 4*itu *111w)*U4w411 4farlule 6 *5 Etablvh 4n 011kw o(Kawr*"t and Tvcdu~oo~. App1;ai-cana iORTA,% tup port o(the damn*.isc Uitdwa1ltg lV.t~4ci 5 7 EeAbta1h and M4n1u4ian tochrncal),brun.a Rcionw the %TIVF0) progriam and p, ado ope~rational oupport ¶ mncluding programming. funding. scvounting. and rwportung for those oemceis matntained by the STINS*O o~Tkv USAFSTINO Ovrvie-1 4. STINFO DI"u~e-Geymra STINFO PM duties we wid*-ranging and consist of managing the S&T information le *avin anognizatlon, "v= y withholding Information, Information support, education, Rlason, and l) management duties. Key Poin "* The .$Tl'*FO Priram Ma.ngwr duuv* arv l,.td ,n AYfR AI "* STINFO dutfe. are very vride-rart~ng and can bw ,sivd into "* Duties that are outward.dirwitrd and relate mainly to information bteng ••nt out from the 1;-T-1.%FO offi0ow "* Activities that relate to potentially withholding information "* Duties that are inward.directed and relate to information support for the organization "* Edtcational duties. "• Liaison duties. Maintaining ongoing , working relationships with other organizations involved in information supply or support functions. "* Management duties concerning the STINFO function and office.
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Proceedings of the IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, 2000
The newly formed Software Technology Support Center (STSC) at Hill Air Force Base Utah is designed to act as an Air Force information center to advocate and support the development o f advanced software tools and methods, to sustain these tools and methods during their o p e r a t i o n a l u s e , a n d i n c r e a s e compatibility and efficiency among support environments. As a focal point the STSC will collect and disseminate information to assist the developer in creating methods, tools and environments, and to assist the user in selecting the a p p r o p r i a t e m e t h o d s , t o o l s , a n d environments for his application. The e x p e r i e n c e o f A i r F o r c e u s e r s w i t h specific software products w i l l b e collected and tabulated. The STSC will then provide an unbiased reference point from which other users can make better informed decisions in selecting their tools and developing plans for future improvements.
Technology (NIST) promotes the U.S. economy and public welfare by providing technical leadership for the Nation’s measurement and standards infrastructure. ITL develops tests, test methods, reference data, proof of concept implementations, and technical analyses to advance the development and productive use of information technology. ITL’s responsibilities include the development of technical, physical, administrative, and management standards and guidelines for the cost-effective security and privacy of sensitive unclassified information in federal computer systems. This Interagency Report discusses ITL’s research, guidance, and outreach efforts in computer security, and its collaborative activities with industry, government, and academic organizations. National Institute of Standards and Technology Interagency Report 7316, 60 pages (September 2006) Certain commercial entities, equipment, or materials may be identified in this document in order to describe an experimental procedure...
The Air Force regulations, manuals, and pamphlets are organized into "series," where a series corresponds (roughly) to a single topic. For I example, the 80 series contains the documents relating to Research and Development topics. and the 190 series contains the documents relating to Public Affairs topics. Most of the Air Force regulations that will be referred to in this course (and which specify your responsibilities) are currently in the 80 series, but starting with 83-1, those regulations of primary interest to the STINFO program will be numbered in the 83 series.
Medical device technology, 2005
The use of software in medical devices and their accessories has led to significant improvements in clinical diagnosis and treatment of a vast range of illnesses. However, to benefit patients and users, device-related software must be properly developed and tested before use. This article discusses a United States guidance document that describes the type of documentation needed to show that this has been done.
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Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 1994