Proca-Maxwell Equations for Dyons with Quaternion


The quaternions are first hyper-complex numbers, having four-dimensional structure, which may be useful to express the 4-dimensional theory of dyons carrying both electric and magnetic charges. Keeping in mind t’Hooft’s monopole solutions and the fact that despite the potential importance of massive monopole, we discuss a connection between quaternionic complex field, to the generalized electromagnetic field equations of massive dyons. Starting with the Euclidean space-time structure and two four-components theory of dyons, we represent the generalized charge, potential, field and current source in quaternion form with real and imaginary part of electric and magnetic constituents of dyons. We have established the quaternionic formulation of generalized complex-electromagnetic fields equations, generalized Proca-Maxwell’s (GPM) equations and potential wave equations for massive dyons. Thus, the quaternion formulation be adopted in a better way to understand the explanation of complex...