Kili Kalesi (1767-1792)



The Name of the Thesis: Kili Fortress (1767-1792) Prepared by: IŞIK ERTEKİN In the second half of the 18th century, the reason of military defeats of Ottoman Empire was the lack of taking precautions in military modernisation. The Russo-Turkish war (1768-1774) and the Russo, Austro-Turkish war (1787-1792) has demonstrated this opinion has right sides. After 1711 Prut Campaing, Ottoman Empire could not win a victory over Russian Army except some local military successes and tried to restore its military weaknesses by reforms. However, these reforms could not help to gain back the classical era's glory. Defeats taken against Russia and Austria has been a cause of losing fortresses in Danube coasts one by one, to Russia. Although Ottoman Empire could preserve these fortresses for a while by diplomatic successes, it could not be possible to rebuild the long-term peace on these lands. Kili Fortress has been invaded and got back twice by Russia to Ottoman Empire. This thesis is composed of three parts except the introduction part. In the first part, the pre-conquest, the conquest and the post-conquest situatios of Kili, administrative, economic, geographic status and the transportation opportunities between Kili-the key of Danube-and Istanbul are tried to be discussed. In the second part, pre-Russo-Turkish war (1768-1774) status, the war, the capture of Kili by Russians and getting back to Ottoman control by the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca, are tried to be exposed. In the third and last part, the fortification of Kili fortress after the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca and pre-Russo, Austro-Turkish war (1787-1792), the war and the second capture of Kili by Russians are tried to be discussed.