Purchasing clinics in public procurement and urban development

2012, Proceedings of the 19th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference - Edinburgh, Scotland

The aim of this paper is to present a concept of "Purchasing clinics", which have been used in complex property and urban development related procurement processes in Finland, and evaluate the benefits of aforementioned concept. Purchasing clinics are a systematized form of market dialogue under Finnish Act of public procurement, which again derives from EU Procurement directive. Design/methodology/approach: The data used has been acquired from a database maintained by RAKLI (The Finnish Association of Building Owners and Construction Clients) and consisting of sixteen cases, and by the authors' participation in various clinics. Findings: As a major finding, the paper presents a successful way of improving property and urban development related procurement processes, especially when using competitive dialogue, and ways of implementing a Purchasing clinic as by-product. Research limitations/implications: The study has been conducted in Finland only, which poses some limitations when applying the findings elsewhere. However, in EU countries the public procurement processes follow the aforementioned directive and should be rather similar.