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2020, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
The major challenge for world's power sector is varying load, low energy efficiency, environmental issues, and low power quality. Microgrid, a smart grid key technology, offers a promising solution to these issues to some extent. By using the renewable energy sources, the generation efficiency can be increased up to 90% without any loss for transmission. This paper presents the performance analysis of a hybrid microgrid under islanded mode. Microgrid under consideration consists of an array of 33 parallel strings of 5 modules connected in series, and maximum power delivered with this combination is 50 KW at 1000 W/m 2 irradiance, and wind turbine of nominal output power of 50 KW at wind speed 12 m/s, a battery of 500 V, 40 Ah rating, an AC load of rating 150 KW, 50 KVAR and a DC load of 200 kW have been considered for the microgrid. Utility grid of three-phase, 25 kV, 50 Hz is connected via three-phase two-winding Star-Delta transformer of 100 kVA, 25 kV/260 V, 50 Hz. In this paper, decoupling PQ control method turns to voltage/frequency (V/f) control for islanded mode of operation. With distributed generation sources supplying loads, a proper load sharing is the objective without overloading the system. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller based on incremental conductance algorithm has been employed.
Journal of Green Engineering, 2018
This paper presents the latest trends and challenges in renewable based distributed power generation, control, and islanding management in hybrid microgrid system (HMS). With evolution of distributed generation (DG), the power conversion, transmission and distribution losses have been reduced significantly in electrical system. Further, the reliability and security of the power system network have also been enhanced with reduced carbon emission to the environment. It is witnessed in recent years that the development and implementation of emerging DC grid system with the counterpart. In this paper, we have suggested and discussed the hybrid microgrid architecture with the combination of DC as well as existing AC microgrid. Further, different sources of DG are discussed and classified for HMS. The state of art for both AC and DC bus voltages in the HMS is presented. HMS has both AC and DC natured sources and load, therefore, the power electronic converters play crucial role to enhance the performance of the HMS.
American Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2020
With the development and increasing influence of the use of distributed generation resources, distribution networks have changed from passive networks to active networks. In these new networks, operation on an island will increase both the reliability of the network in the competitive market and the maximum utilization of distributed generation resources. But despite the various benefits, Microgrids with distributed generation resources also have disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is the increasing complexity of control systems, protection systems and operating systems of the global distribution network. In recent research, various methods have been proposed for controlling the Microgrids, especially voltage and frequency control. This paper presents a method for controlling a photovoltaic (PV) system with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller and battery storage to provide voltage-frequency (v-f) support in an islanded microgrid. It introduces a new algorithm for MPPT control that offers control strategies, effective coordinated between v-f control in inverter, MPPT control, and battery storage control. Finally, the proposed scheme is implemented on the IEEE 13-bus distribution feeder in islanded mode using MATLAB software, the results of which clearly demonstrate the efficiency of the control methods.
standalone hybrid microgrid with Photovoltaic(PV), Wind energy conversion system(WECS), Diesel generator and a battery backup unit is investigated in this paper. A simple Power Management Strategy(PMS) is implemented and the performance of the microgrid is studied under different climatic and load conditions. A control strategy is implemented to control active(P) and reactive power(Q) of the microgrid. The quality of power is studied for different types of load. The results show that the proposed strategy can maintain the power quality in the hybrid microgrid without the support of the utility grid and is capable of supplying uninterrupted power to the load even under changing conditions of load. The results also demonstrate coordination between the PV MPPT and power control loop. MATLAB/SIMULINK is used for simulation.
Energies, 2019
An efficient power management control for microgrids with energy storage is presented in this paper. The proposed control scheme increases the reliability and resiliency of the microgrid based on three distributed energy resources (DERs), namely Photovoltaic (PV), battery, and diesel generator with local active loads. Coordination among the DERs with energy storage is essential for microgrid management. The system model and the control strategy were developed in Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS). Decoupled d-q current control strategy is proposed and implemented for voltage source converters (VSCs) used to interface the PV and battery sources to the AC grid. A dc-dc buck converter with a maximum power point tracking function is implemented to maximize the intermittent energy generation from the PV array. A controller is proposed and employed for both grid connected and island modes of operation. In grid connected mode, the system frequency and voltage are regulated by the grid. Dur...
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2012
In this paper, electrical parameters of a microgrid containing distributed generation wind and fuel cell units are controlled in islanding mode operation. Islanding operation refers to isolation of a part of power system including distributed generation from the grid having continuous and independent operation. This has negative impacts on the isolated network including voltage and frequency dependence on load. These impacts and their solutions are studied in this paper. A proper controller using power electronics converters has been proposed. In order to verify the validity of the proposed control approach, it has been implemented and simulated on a 13-bus IEEE distribution power system containing a combination of distributed generation wind and fuel cell units.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2023
Islanded microgrids with low-inertia distributed energy resources (DERs) are prone to frequency fluctuations. With the increasing integration of DERs in microgrids, the complexity of control and stability has also increased. Moreover, the integration of DERs into microgrids may result in a power imbalance between energy supply and demand during sudden changes in load or energy generation. This can cause frequency variations in the microgrid, which could have disastrous consequences such as equipment damage or even blackouts. This paper proposes a control strategy to ensure the efficient operation of an islanded hybrid microgrid consisting of a PV generator, battery energy storage system (BESS), and emergency diesel generator. According to Energy Exchange Model proposed in this paper, the hybrid system presented operates independently without being connected to the electrical grid, where the PV system and BESS act as the main energy sources, while the emergency diesel generator provides active power backup with voltage and frequency regulation. The novel in this paper is also that DER aids in frequency regulation during active power transients by delivering and absorbing active power in accordance with the inverter's suggested P droop control strategy. In this way inverter droop control decreases system frequency nadir emulating so called "synthetic inertia". To design both the islanded hybrid system and the proposed control strategy, the MATLAB/Simulink environment is utilized. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the analyzed microgrid system is capable of maintaining stability and operating efficiently in a range of operating conditions.
– The ever increasing demand for energy and changes in climatic conditions that give rise to increased carbon gas in atmosphere in the past few decades have initiated the advancements in renewable energy technologies. However, integration of these distributed generations to the grid has made adverse impacts on the existing grid and its interconnected operation. A solution to this problem is Microgrid concept that will make the existing grid suitable for increased integration of renewable energy sources to it. Power quality issues and condition will decide whether the Microgrid is to be in grid connected mode or islanded mode. In either of the cases, control of Microgrid plays a vital role. Several researchers have presented various control strategies for Microgrid under different conditions. This paper presents a review all possible control techniques discussed in the literature for the Microgrid in both autonomous and grid interconnected operations.
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2014
Grid connection capability of distributed generation attracts researchers due to the cumulative demand for electricity and environment pollution concern as a new emerging technology for providing reliable and clean power supply. A microgrid comprises distributed generation, energy storage, loads, and a control system that is capable of operating in grid-tied mode and/or islanded mode. As operation modes are shifted, the microgrid should successfully manage the voltage and frequency adjustment in order to protect the grid and any loads connected to the system. Facilitation of the generation-side and load-side management and the resynchronization process is required. This paper presents an overall description and typical distributed generation technology of a microgrid. It also adds a comprehensive study on energy storage devices, microgrid loads, interfaced distributed energy resources (DER), power electronic interface modules and the interconnection of multiple microgrids. Details o...
This paper demonstrates the power sharing control of a distributed microgrid operating in an islanding mode with hybrid system. The microgrid with hybrid system consists of a wind generator, diesel generator and dummy load. The proposed wind-diesel system can operate in three modes: wind only, both wind and diesel and diesel only. A voltage source inverter (VSI) is used that operates in a current control mode in order to achieve the objectives of real power injection and load compensation. Simulation studies are performed using PSCAD tool to validate the proposed scheme.
This thesis is focused on modeling, control, stability, and power management of electronically interfaced Distributed Energy Resource (DER) units for microgrids. Voltage amplitude and frequency regulation in an islanded microgrid is one of the main control requirements. To that end, first a mathematical model is developed for an islanded DER system and then, based on the developed model, amplitude and frequency control schemes are proposed for (i) balanced and linear loads and (ii) unbalanced and nonlinear loads. The proposed control strategy for unbalanced and nonlinear loads, utilizes repetitive control scheme to reject the effects of unbalanced and/or distorted load currents. Moreover, a new approach is proposed to maintain the effectiveness of the repetitive control under variable-frequency operational scenarios. The thesis also presents an adaptive feedforward compensation strategy to enhance the stability and robustness of the droop-controlled microgrids to droop coefficients and network uncertainties. The proposed feedforward strategy preserves the steady-state characteristics that the conventional droop control strategy exhibits and, therefore, does not compromise the steadystate power shares of the DER systems or the voltage/frequency regulation of the microgrid. Finally, a unified control strategy is proposed to enable islanded and grid-connected operation of DER systems, with no need to detect the microgrid mode of operation or to switch between different controllers, simplifying the control of the host microgrid. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategies are demonstrated through time-domain simulation studies conducted in the PSCAD/EMTDC software environment.
International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (IJAPE), 2017
This paper presents an investigation about the impact of integrating renewable energy based generation sources on the existing distribution system in terms of load sharing. The study of load sharing among various distributed generators (DGs) and utility grid has been performed for two cases: (a) when equivalent source based DG is connected and (b) when real PV/Fuel cell based DG is properly integrated to the distribution system. The real photovoltaic and fuel cell based DG do not behave as stiff current/voltage source due to disturbances happening either internally in system known as parametric uncertainties or due to external disturbances like weather conditions, load change etc. Further it has been observed with extensive analysis using simulation result, that even though all DGs are of equal capacity in their generation but when the load is either increased or decreased this doesn’t essentially guarantee that all DGs will equally share the active and reactive power demand
International journal of engineering research and technology, 2018
Microgrids are small scale version of the power grid in which distributed energy resources, storage devices and loads are localized in a defined geographical area. A microgrid offers an alternate solution to the grid stress problem. Microgrids are building blocks of the Smart Electrical Grid. Microgrids can be operated in grid tied and islanded mode. Power quality is a very important issue in a microgrid because it directly affects the operation of a microgrid. In this paper operational behavior of microgrid under various modes and loading conditions has been studied. Various issues and challenges are presented. Multi loop Control structure has been employed for the controller design to improve the performance of the microgrid. The purpose of this research work is to understand the dynamics of microgrid in grid tied and islanded mode to ensure reliable and secure operation. Simulation results for various conditions are performed to evaluate the performance of microgrid. It is shown ...
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2019
Microgrid implementation requires effective and efficient strategies for controlling the grid parameters. Various problems are encountered with the deployment of distributed generation in terms of reverse power, an imbalance between power generation and nonlinear load. This paper is focused on the existing controllers in terms of their merits and limitations. Furthermore, the state of the art of the local power distribution system especially on renewable energy resources along with energy storage methods is explored. Reliability and stability of power flow between sources and consumers via voltage source inverter are also considered. The emerging microgrid concept in islanding and grid-connected mode using different controller along with soft computing algorithm are presented. This paper gives the reader fast insight into the context of the controller and its application.
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2016
When a microgrid is mainly supplied by renewable energy sources (RESs), the frequency deviations may deteriorate significantly the power quality delivered to the loads. This paper proposes a frequency-based control strategy, ensuring the frequency among the strict limits imposed by the Standard EN 50160. The frequency of the microgrid common AC bus is determined by the energy storage converter, implementing a proposed droop curve among the state of charge (SoC) of the battery and the frequency. Therefore, the information of the SoC becomes known to every distributed energy resource (DER) of the microgrid and determines the active power injection of the converter-interfaced DERs. The active power injection of the rotating generators remains unaffected, while any mismatch among the power generation and consumption is absorbed by the energy storage system. Finally, in case of a solid short-circuit within the microgrid, the energy storage system detects the severe voltage decrease and injects a large current in order to clear the fault by activating the protection device closer to the fault. The proposed control methodology is applied in a microgrid with PVs, wind generators and a battery, while its effectiveness is evaluated by detailed simulation tests.
Due to intermittency in the natural sources and the variations in load, energy balance operation demands storage. The commonly preferred choice of energy storage in micro grid is valve regulated lead acid batteries. When batteries are used as energy storage, due to its low power density, the charge and discharge rate is low. It causes severe stress on the battery under quick load fluctuations and results in increase in the number of charge/discharge cycles. Hence, the lifetime of the battery reduces. The super capacitors have high power density and it can react speedily to quick load fluctuations. However, super capacitors alone cannot be used as energy storage as it cannot supply load for a longer time. Hence, this paper proposes a combined energy storage using batteries and super capacitors with high energy and power density. The photovoltaic (PV) based micro grid with combined energy storage is designed and the control strategy is validated for different atmospheric and load conditions. At present, DC microgrid is an effective solution to integrate renewable energy sources which are DC power supply with DC loads. A DC microgrid structure consisting of photovoltaic generation system, hybrid energy storage systems and AC main grid, is presented in this paper. A new power management strategy for this DC microgrid is proposed. The control strategy divides the DC bus voltage into seven ranges by six critical voltage values which are employed as the represents of power states and according to the range which the bus voltage belongs to the operation mode of the system can be automatically judged and switched freely. A hybrid energy storage system in this microgrid that contains two complementary type storage elements-battery and super-capacitor, can enhance the reliability and flexibility of the system based on their special supply logical. The proposed concept is done with grid connected mode and standalone mode or local loads. Further it is extended to industrial applications using an induction motor at the load and performance of the induction motor is observed and simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.
—The microgrid concept allows small distributed energy resources (DERs) to act in a coordinated manner to provide a necessary amount of active power and ancillary service when required. This paper proposes an approach of coordinated and integrated control of solar PV generators with the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control and battery storage control to provide voltage and frequency (V-f) support to an islanded microgrid. Also, active and nonactive/reactive power (P-Q) control with solar PV, MPPT and battery storage is proposed for the grid connected mode. The control strategies show effective coordination between inverter V-f (or P-Q) control, MPPT control, and energy storage charging and discharging control. The paper also shows an effective coordination among participating microresources while considering the case of changing irradiance and battery state of charge (SOC) constraint. The simulation studies are carried out with the IEEE 13-bus feeder test system in grid connected and islanded mi-crogrid modes. The results clearly verify the effectiveness of proposed control methods. The simulations are carried out in Matlab and Simpowersystems. Index Terms—Active and reactive power control, distributed energy resource (DER), distributed generation (DG), maximum power point tracking (MPPT), voltage and frequency control, solar photovoltaic (PV).
Microgrid (MG) operation and use of renewable energy sources (RESs) in power systems has received a lot of attention in the recent past as grids evolve towards smart grid operation. This is because they can operate either in grid-connected or islanded mode and ensure critical loads are supplied with power without interruption in case of a contingency. However, this concept comes with its associated challenges like timely and accurate islanding detection and proper control of voltages and frequency within islanded MG. This paper designs and analyzes a control scheme for an islanding operation of a MG supplied by RESs that can operate in grid connected mode and Islanded mode. The RESs controller system will detect an islanding situation and switch to a voltage control mode when the MG is cut off from the main grid. In grid connected mode, the interface control is designed to provide constant active and reactive power to the grid. When the grid is disconnected, an islanding detection a...
Nowadays, the exhaustion of electricity power in rural areas is becoming an important issue for many African Nations. Moreover, challenges include the high cost of extending the power grid to these locations, the economic health of the utilities and lack of revenue in impoverished villages. Numerous new initiatives are being implemented in the countries some of them co-financed by international organizations. In this paper, the hybrid microgrid is carried out as a feasible solution for a small rural village. A model of hybrid microgrid consisting of combination of photovoltaic (PV) panels and battery energy storage (BES) and a control system for managing the components of entire system to feed the village as local load is proposed. The control system must avoid the interruptions of power delivered to the consumers (village) and, therefore, good quality and reliability of the system is required. The PI controllers are used to regulate the voltage and current using three-phase dq transformation, while the parameters are determined using Ziegler-Nichols tuning method. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by simulation results given by Matlab/SimPowerSystems R environment. 87 generates stability, reliability and power quality problems at the consumers [7]- .
springer open, 2018
Parallel operation of inverter modules is the solution to increase the reliability, efficiency, and redundancy of inverters in microgrids. Load sharing among inverters in distributed generators (DGs) is a key issue. This study investigates the feasibility of power-sharing among parallel DGs using a dual control strategy in islanded mode of a microgrid. PQ control and droop control techniques are established to control the microgrid operation. P-f and Q-E droop control is used to attain real and reactive power sharing. The frequency variation caused by load change is an issue in droop control strategy whereas the tracking error of inverter power in PQ control is also a challenge. To address these issues, two DGs are interfaced with two parallel inverters in an islanded AC microgrid. PQ control is investigated for controlling the output real and reactive power of the DGs by assigning their references. The inverter under enhanced droop control implements power reallocation to restore the frequency among the distributed generators with predefined droop characteristics. A dual control strategy is proposed for the AC microgrid under islanded operation without communication link. Simulation studies are carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK and the results show the validity and effective power-sharing performance of the system while maintaining a stable operation when the microgrid is in islanding mode.
In this paper, control of energy management system (EMS) for microgrid with photo voltaic (PV) based distribution generation (DG) system. The DG units along with energy storage devices play a vital role in optimizing the performance and efficiency in the distribution system network. Hill Climbing technique is used as MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm to extract maximum power generated from PV source and supplemented by battery based energy storage system during cloudy conditions. The load arrangements are divided into two categories, Secured and Non secured loads. An Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) unit acts as interface between grid and secured loads and ensures continuous supply during stand alone condition. The proposed EMS control operates by sensing the load demands under both grid connected and stand alone modes and switches the loads and energy storage devices accordingly. The validity of the proposed EMS methodology is verified with the simulation results. Key w...
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