Syllabus: Superhero Media (Fall 2020)

2020, Washington University in St. Louis


This course will examine the superhero as American myth and media industry commodity. We will consider historical, cultural, and industrial aspects of the superhero genre across comic books, films, television series, and video games. Focusing on multiple media allows us to examine an array of medium-specific and cross-media issues (e.g., how criticism of superhero films as “not cinema” reflects a legacy of comics being perceived as juvenile). Our study will encompass a number of critical frameworks, including myth, adaptation, intersectionality, and transmedia storytelling. Each course unit will focus on how different media have presented one or more superhero franchises (e.g., Superman, Batman, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Watchmen). Students will explore these topics across readings and in-class screenings of feature films, documentaries, and television programs. Furthermore, recommended readings will help students develop their unit papers by addressing additional dimensions of course topics. Writing assignments (both formal and informal) and presentations will call on students to apply their understanding of course concepts.