
This chapter provides the most comprehensive description possible of Aʔɨwa, a minimally documented and now virtually extinct linguistic isolate of Peruvian Amazonia, based on the authors’ work with two last known rememberers of the language. We clarify the relationship of the Aʔɨwa language and people to a set of names that have surfaced in the linguistic, ethnographic, and historical literature since the 18th century. In doing so, we identify a number of confusions and errors regarding the identities of ethnolinguistic groups in the relevant region, leading us to propose the use of the name Aʔɨwa as the most appropriate one for the language and its users. The bulk of the chapter consists of our description of Aʔɨwa phonology, noun phrases, bound morphology, and simple clauses, and concludes with a comparative table that includes all previously published Aʔɨwa lexical data of which we are aware, as well as the data we collected. This chapter appears in Vol 1 of Amazonian Languages: Isolates, An International Handbook. The version available here is the authors' final version. The published version is available here: