Johtajuus tänään / Leadership today



Human resource management and its connection to the company's performance is a topic that has always been of interest to organizations but increasingly since the 1980s. This article highlights the factors that should be taken into account in personnel management and leadership in order to achieve good performance and results. Articles written by foreign Junior Colleagues, i.e. exchange students from France, Spain, Nepal and Korea, complete the Part I. The first two articles deal with diversity management, which is vital for organizations` success in a globalized and heterogeneous working life. Diversity has many dimensions like ethnicity, gender, age, race and religious beliefs. Organizations face, undoubtedly, many challenges in managing diversity but learning from best practices help tackle those. Diversity-induced conflicts, when thoroughly addressed and lessons learned, can turn out to benefit teams of which French medical teams offer a practical example. A work society has succeeded well in diversity management when its members truly appreciate the uniqueness of people and value their differences. The next article brings up one of the strongest currents of development that reshapes work and leadership: the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in workplace. The article reveals that despite the increasing importance of technology in our lives, the emotional side of human beings has begun gaining significance. For a leader, this means learning and applying Soft Skills, such as communication, innovation, empathy and solidarity. As long as AI and robots are not capable to those, machines cannot replace humans. Everybody in working life has most likely encountered an incompetent leader, which the next article handles. It presents what makes a leader incompetent and what reasons might cause incompetency. The article also describes an absentee leadership that is the most destructive for any company. To the other extreme of leadership, from bad to excellent, takes us the article on a historic Korean leader, King Sejong the Great. Not only was he the creator of Korean alphabet system Hunminjeongeum, but he also excelled in politics, science, music, economics and martial arts. His teachings on cultivating human resources, humanistic communication culture and future forecasting offer still a lot to learn from. A calming end to the Part I offers an article on mindfulness. In today`s disruptive working life, people often feel stressed, anxious, and having to struggle in maintaining focus on priorities at work. The article draws a picture of a mindful leader and presents benefits of mindfulness. It also teaches some easy exercises for practicing mindfulness meditation. PART II consists of articles from Senior Colleagues: working life experts and Laurea`s teaching and educational professionals. First, the voice is given to experienced professionals from business life. In the first article, Daria Lewandowska presents her insights on leadership using a lighthouse metaphor. This leadership analogy is a helpful tool to design better strategies when leading in challenging times, and describes leadership principles as they relate to a lighthouse that provides light, hope and safety to the people we lead. The writer has an in-depth view into leadership for she employs herself as Business Trainer, ICF Coach