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Setiap masyarakat manusia selama hidup pasti mengalami perubahan-perubahan.Perubahan mana dapat berupa perubahan yang
role in the creating of accounting in order to conform with the society where the accounting science is being implemented. states the hypothesis of culture's influence on accounting. The purposes of this research are to test and to turn out the verification of Gray's hypothesis (1988) in Indonesia. This research uses the data which are compiled from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) and the financial statements of companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) for eleven years (2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010). The instrument of the research is the Partial Least Square by using SmartPLS 2.0 software.
The meaning of conservation covers all preservation activities based on the local situation and condition. Preservation activities can also cover the conservation scope, restoration, reconstruction, adaptation and revitalization. The needs of conservation is inevitable. Without preservation, the natural phenomena, natural destruction, and either the renewable or unrenewable natural resources destruction will always on going. The Conservation Education is substantially urgent besides the conservation advocation and participative development. Conservation values which need to preserve and maintain are the values of planting, using, preserving, and learning physically and non-physically. Conservation move is a mutual aid, and impossible to be done alone. Beside, conservation move, must not be an exclusive move, but how to create a conservation move which gains supports and involves public participation. Conservation move is a tool, therefore, the words "the unity of words and actions" and a saying " do what is said and say what is done" shall be the spirit of conservation.
Organisasi harus turut berpacu menyesuaikan perubahan tersebut agar mampu bertahan, yang otomatis mengantarkannya pada transformasi secara konstan. Transformasi yang dilakukan organisasi tentu mengakar pada transformasi nilai-nilai budaya terlebih dahulu agar perubahan berhasil terwujud. Namun, ternyata transformasi budaya juga tak dapat dilakukan secara langsung melalui budaya korporat (budaya keseluruhan) organisasi itu sendiri.
Batik is one of Indonesian cultural objects. Since assigned by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) as “Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity”, Indonesian batik keeps echoing. Some areas, especially in Java develop research and creations of it. Batik Cirebon and Batik Pekalongan are famous batik creations in Indonesia. There have been researches on both of them. In addition, Madura island, near the island of Java and included in the administrative region of East Java, also has batik, but there has been no in-depth research on Batik Madura. Its explanation can only be found in catalogs that explain the meaning of the drawn motives and how to make it. These explanation are not accompanied by the story of batik makers and the society in responding batik as a part of the culture. This research explores the dynamic of the Madurese, precisely in Kabupaten Pamekasan on Batik Madura since its appearance until nowadays, which is believed giving significant impact on the transformation that occurs in Batik Madura and society itself. By exploring the society’s dynamic, we expect to know its transformation process. The existence of Batik Madura cannot be separated from the history of batik in Indonesia because Madurese, who likes fishing, trading, and migrating, also has contact with other cultures that influence the existence of batik they now produce. Keywords: batik, cultural transformation, Madura, society’s dynamic
The aims of this research are to know: (1) society education conditions dayak maanyan (2) its happening process social change culturize with mark sense education (3) education role tu cultural social change. Observational location to be done at warukin's village tanta's district tabalong' regency. This research utilize qualitative method. Data collecting rech with interview, observation, documentation and it affiliate. Informan determination with purposive and snowball sampling. This research finds first education has experienced step-up or progress experiences changing built by earlychildhood education and middle school. Before children doesn't want school now child willingness comes in college, well at earlychildhood, primary school and middle. Both of happening changed process is talk shop society no longer undivided rely from their forest result be connected with swasta sector and governance sector, life that modestly is now beginning gently amends go to middleweight life and cultural appreciation be taught on base rate education to keep up region culture to protage. Third play a part education at family as teaches and in dogma, get socialization with environmentally surrounding and more emphasizes to that child important education in future. Play a part education at schooled, as develops culture to read, write and gets computing and education material at studies by cognitive, afective and psycomotor. Play a part education at conjoined as deep partnership with side achooled as committee of school, following gets role in contribution lents fund, help and energy. Get starting point of this research finding, severally suggest one is proposed that is (1) increase society role in advance education (2) family role are expected get to help childs in formal education working out (3) for school, that aptly gets to utilize all kind help.
Puji syukur atas rahmat Allah SWT atas terbitnya buku bunga rampai kebudayaan yang berjudul 'Ketahanan Budaya, Pemikiran dan Wacana'. Buku Ketahanan Budaya, Pemikiran dan Wacana, merupakan kumpulan tulisan hasil penelitian mandiri dari peneliti Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kebudayaan. Buku ini terangkum dalam satu tema ketahanan budaya, dimana tema ini diangkat selain dalam rangka penyebarluasan hasil penelitian dari Puslitbang Kebudayaan juga sebagai hasil pemikiran dan respon terhadap fenomena budaya yang terjadi. Ketahanan Budaya dalam artikel buku ini secara luas dipahami sebagai strategi atau suatu cara (kebudayaan) dalam menanggapi serta merespon perubahan. Kondisi terkini dimana maraknya arus informasi yang dapat dengan mudah diterima oleh berbagai lapisan masyarakat dalam berbagai media perlu ditanggapi secara bijak serta mampu melihat peluang dalam mengembangkan kebudayaan kita ke arah yang lebih baik. Dengan terbitnya buku ini, diharapkan dapat ikut memberikan sumbangsih pemikiran dalam mengembangkan kebudayaan Indonesia dengan tidak melupakan akar budaya tradisi yang kita miliki. Akhir kata, selamat menikmati buku, pemikiran, dan wacana ketahanan budaya. Semoga bermanfaat.
In fulfilling necessary of life, the human developing a cultural. Develop it as a cultural influence one another, or rather the renewal that comes from the society itself.
Makalah Perubahan Nilai Sebagai Bias Perkembangan Hidup Manusia
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Ahmad Maulana, 2022
Diza Nailus Sakinah, 2024
Nur Mutiara Rezky, 2020
Nurul Fitriyana Ahmad, 2018
Kamala: Kepariwisataan Berbasis Masyarakat, Budaya, dan Berkelanjutan, 2021
Buletin HABA No. 93 Vol. XXIII, 2019
Bulletin Haba No. 07/98. , 1998