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In 1912, Stevens stated that approximately eighty percent of a teacher's school day was spent asking questions to students. More contemporary research on teacher questioning behaviors and patterns indicate that this has not changed. Teachers today ask between 300-400 questions each day (Leven and Long, 1981).
stated that approximately eighty percent of a teacher's school day was spent asking questions to students. More contemporary research on teacher questioning behaviors and patterns indicate that this has not changed. Teachers today ask between 300-400 questions each day (Leven and Long, 1981).
This study surveys the use of questions in the classroom over a fifty-year period. It reveals that the main trend has been the development of techniques to describe questions used by teachers. The present state of research knowledge deals with the incidence of teachers' questions, the relative frequencies with which various types of questions are asked, and taxonomies describing questions which teachers ask. Suggested contributions which can be made by researchers interested in improving the quality of classroom teaching include development of taxonomies based on the types of questions which should be asked; identification of desired changes in student behavior; determination of whether new questioning strategies have the impact on student behavior which is claimed for them; implementation of effective teacher-training programs in the strategy and use of questioning techniques; and the fostering of inservice training programs in questioning skills. (See related document CS 000 186.) (Several pages may be light.
Review of Educational Research, 1970
This study surveys the use of questions in the classroom over a fifty-year period. It reveals that the main trend has been the development of techniques to describe questions used by teachers. The present state of research knowledge deals with the incidence of teachers' questions, the relative frequencies with which various types of questions are asked, and taxonomies describing questions which teachers ask. Suggested contributions which can be made by researchers interested in improving the quality of classroom teaching include development of taxonomies based on the types of questions which should be asked; identification of desired changes in student behavior; determination of whether new questioning strategies have the impact on student behavior which is claimed for them; implementation of effective teacher-training programs in the strategy and use of questioning techniques; and the fostering of inservice training programs in questioning skills. (See related document CS 000 186.) (Several pages may be light.
he hundreds of questions the typical American teacher asks on a typical day reflect the great popularity of the recitation method A recitation is basically a series of teacher questions (usually about textbook content), each eliciting a student response and sometimes a teacher reaction to that response. The prevalence of teaching by recitation has been found in previous reviews of research on teachers' questions. which include studies going back to the turn of the century (Gall, 1970; Hoetker and Ahlbrand, 1969). Recent studies of classroom teaching (Dillon, 1982a; Durkin, 1978; Sirotnik, 1983) confirm that the recitation method is still widely used. Because questions occur so frequenthl in classroom teaching, we are led to wonder about their effects on students Do teachers' questions help students learn the curriculums Do they promote the development of thinking skills' Are some questioning practices more effective than others? Research prior to 1970 provided few answers to these important questions; since then, however, many relevant investigations have been carried out Effects of Fact and Higher Cognitive Questions Researchers have developed many systems for classifying teacher questions (Gall, 1970), but they usually simplify their data analyses by classifying all teacher questions into just two categories: fact and higher cognitive Fact questions require students to recall previously presented information, whereas higher cognitive questions require students to engage in independent thinking
This study described the types of questions, examined the frequency of the questions types, found out the reasons teacher addresses the high frequency questions as well as what the learners responded to those questions in seventh graders of Cita Hati Junior High School. The results demonstrated that both display and referential questions were asked by the teacher in his teaching. The teacher’s reasons of asking referential questions were to dig more information and build interaction with the students. Both referential and display questions could produce students’ long verbal form responses. Furthermore, the students could also produce not only longer but also more complex responses toward referential questions. By asking referential questions, his teaching was more alive since his students were in high English proficiency. Above all, it shows that the teacher question types were not only used to acquire the form of students’ responses but also to achieve the teacher’s purposes of as...
International Journal of English and Education, 2021
Teachers' questions and questioning techniques play an important role in classroom interaction, especially in the 21st century in which learners and the development of their thinking skills become the center of the teaching and learning process. This study aims to investigate teachers' questions types and questioning techniques in classroom interaction at the Department of English, Faculty of Languages and Translation, University of Aden. The research methodology was quantitative approach design. Classroom observation checklist (structured observation) was used to collect numerical data. The population of this study was 10 of teachers at the Department of English, Faculty of Languages and Translation, University of Aden.. The simple frequency count method was used for analyzing data. The findings of the study revealed that convergent question is the type of teacher's question that was used in classroom interaction. It got the highest percentages (100%) while procedural question was used (80%) and divergent question was used (40%). Using positive promoting technique got the highest percentage (90%). Using wait time technique, using positive reinforcement technique and avoiding negative reinforcers technique were used (70%) while avoiding teachers' faviortism technique was used (50%).
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
Moving from a teacher-focused teaching to a student-focused teaching implies a new perspective of the approaches to questioning in the classroom. Putting the focus on students" questions rather then on teacher"s questions, and valuing students" questions rather then emphasizing their responses is imperative in supporting learners" higher levels of thinking. This paper outlines a workshop with 60 elementary and secondary teachers from different disciplinary fields. A 2-hour workshop was designed and implemented in order to promote teachers" classroom questioning awareness. The workshop comprised several strategies, such as (i) analysis of excerpts of classroom discourse; (ii) discussion on the number and functions of students" and teachers" questions; (iii) analysis of strategies to promote student questioning.
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tipe – tipe pertanyaan (questions) dalam bahasa Inggris yang diberikan oleh guru di dalam kelas dan fungsi dari pertanyaan yang diberikan. Adapun penelitian ini dilakukan pada guru kelas 1 SMP Tamalate, Gorontalo. Dan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan melakukan observasi dan interview. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah guru kelas 1 SMPN 11 Tamalate, Gorontalo hanya menggunakan 2 tipe pertanyaan yaitu Display Questions dan Referential Questions, tidak terdapat Open-Closed Questions di dalam proses pembelajaran karena guru mempertimbangkan level kelas siswa yang masih rendah. Dan tujuan guru dalam memberikan pertanyaan tipe Display Questions dan Referential Questions adalah untuk mengetahui pengetahuan siswa tentang apa yang mereka pelajari dan untuk memberi kesempatan kepada siswa agar berani bertanya dan berbicara.
Thiscase study examined two preschool teachers’ questions during activities with children to determine the type of questions asked. The teachers were audio recorded during morning and afternoon activities during one school day. Questions asked by the teachers were coded according to cognitive levels (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation), structure (closed-ended, open-ended), and type of activity (whole group and individual activities). The findings indicate that both preschool teachers asked mostly knowledge level (82.6 % and 69.4%) and closed-ended questions (86% and 92.2%). This finding indicated that teachers need to improve their questions asking skills. Furthermore, the teachers asked more questions during whole group (1.35 and 1.06 question per minute) than during individual activities. This finding suggests that preschool teachers need to ask more questions geared toward the individual activities. The findings of this study exhibited how...
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Shanlax International Journal of Education
College Teaching, 2018
Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics
Middle School Journal, 1987
Journal of Education and Practice, 2013
Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings, 2015
International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education, 2021
Applied Measurement in Education, 2013
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
Journal of Science Education and Technology, 2014