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2012, Pharmacognosy Reviews
Mimosa pudica L. (Mimosaceae) also referred to as touch me not, live and die, shame plant and humble plant is a prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America and Australia, also found in India heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft grey green leafl ets that fold and droop at night or when touched and cooled. These unique bending movements have earned it a status of 'curiosity plant'. It appears to be a promising herbal candidate to undergo further exploration as evident from its pharmacological profi le. It majorly possesses antibacterial, antivenom, antifertility, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, aphrodisiac, and various other pharmacological activities. The herb has been used traditionally for ages, in the treatment of urogenital disorders, piles, dysentery, sinus, and also applied on wounds. This work is an attempt to explore and compile the different pharmacognostic aspects of the action plant M. pudica reported till date.
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2024
Mimosa pudica Linn., also known as the "touch-me-not" plant, is a creeping perennial herb recognized for its fast leaf-folding response to touch. This review examines the botanical, phytochemical, pharmacological, and therapeutic properties of M. pudica. The plant contains numerous bioactive chemicals, including alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and glycosides, which contribute to its diverse therapeutic qualities. Traditionally, it was used to heal wounds, skin problems, diarrhea, and inflammation. Recent pharmacological research have shown that it has antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antidiabetic, and hepatoprotective properties. Its distinct thigmonastic response has piqued attention in plant physiology and environmental adaptation research.
To cure all aliments of human being mother nature provides a complete store house of remedies since past years. In legume family Mimosa is one of the largest genera which distribute more than 500 species. Mimosa pudica (Family: Mimosaceae) is used as an ornamental plant due to its thigmonastic and nyctinastic movements. The plant is rich source of flavonoids, plant hormones, glycosides, amino acid, tannin etc. It folds itself when touched and sreads its leaves once again after a while. It majorly possesses antibacterial, antivenom, antifertility, anticonvulsant, antidepressant and various other pharmacological activities. The herb has been used traditionally for ages in the treatment of urogenital disorder, piles, dysentery, sinus and also applied on wounds. It is the most important plant origin has tremendous future for research.
Mimosa pudica (Linn.) is a creeping annual or perennial herb. It has been identified as lajjalu in Ayurveda and has been found to have antiasthmatic, aphrodisiac, analgesic, and antidepressant properties. M. pudica is known to possess sedative, emetic, and tonic properties, and has been used traditionally in the treatment of various ailments including alopecia, diarrhea, dysentery, insomnia, tumor, and various urogenital infections. As the whole plant being used to cure various diseases so we have extracted all the plant constituents from whole plant powder of Mimosa pudica (Linn.) using 50% ethanol following cold maceration technique. Preliminary phytochemical evaluation showed the presence ofcarbohydrates, alkaloids, proteins, amino acids, tannins, phenolics, flavonoids, steroids, fixed oil, mucilage and saponins. Among these compounds alkaloid was found to exhibit different pharmacological properties. So later we have separated and identified the alkaloids present in the 50% ethanolic whole plant extract and its fractions.
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Consumption of fruits and vegetables fight against oxidative damage by inhibiting or reducing free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Mimosa pudica is a perennial herb and belongs to the family Fabaceae. Epidemiological studies have shown that M. pudica contains metabolites such as phenols and flavonoid compounds which possess pharmacological properties such as antidiabetic, antimicrobial, antiulcer, antidepressants and anti-inflammatory. Ecological studies have shown that M. pudica grows in all types of soil which can survive in soil with low nutrient concentration. It usually requires disturbed soil to establish itself. It is commonly seen in the wastelands and along roadsides, which is an ethnomedical plant that may be used in managing various types of disease. Valuable information and literature on M. pudica are analysed and consulted using a different database such as Google Scholar, Google, Science Direct, Web of Science, Academic Journals and Pubmed. This review article su...
Objective: To evaluate the anti-nociceptive, acute toxicity, gastro intestinal motility, anti-pyretic investigations of leaf extract of Mimosa pudica L. leaves in Swiss albino mice following oral administration. Methods: In-vivo anti-nociceptive activity test was evaluated by tail immersion test. In-vivo acute toxicity test was conducted using acute toxic class method. In-vivo gastrointestinal motility was determined by charcoal feces defecation time. In-vivo antipyretic activity test was evaluated by brewer’s yeast induced pyrexia. Results: In-vivo anti-nociceptive activity test shows that methanol & ethanol extracts (250 & 500 mg/kg b.w.) performed significant activity (p<0.05) in mice comparing to the standard drug diclofenac Na. In-vivo acute toxicity test was done on mice with methanol, ethanol and chloroform extracts (2000, 1000, 500 mg/kg b.w.) of Mimosa pudica leaf and no reaction or death occurred in mice during two weeks of observation. In-vivo gastrointestinal motility test indicates significant (p<0.01) increase in gastrointestinal motility by ethanol extracts of (250 & 500 mg/kg b.w.) comparing to the standard drug loperamide. In-vivo antipyretic activity test shows that methanol (250 & 500 mg/kg b.w.), ethanol (250 & 500 mg/kg b.w.) and chloroform (250mg/kg b.w.) extracts showed significant (p<0.05) reduction in temperature of mice comparing to the standard drug paracetamol. Conclusion: The result of the study indicates analgesic, antipyretic properties along with gastrointestinal motility stimulating effects. According to the acute toxicity study, the leaf extracts are safe up to 2000 mg/kg in-vivo concentration.
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019
Consumption of fruits and vegetables fight against oxidative damage by inhibiting or reducing free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Mimosa pudica is a perennial herb and belongs to the family Fabaceae. Epidemiological studies have shown that M. pudica contains metabolites such as phenols and flavonoid compounds which possess pharmacological properties such as antidiabetic, antimicrobial, antiulcer, antidepressants and anti-inflammatory. Ecological studies have shown that M. pudica grows in all types of soil which can survive in soil with low nutrient concentration. It usually requires disturbed soil to establish itself. It is commonly seen in the wastelands and along roadsides, which is an ethnomedical plant that may be used in managing various types of disease. Valuable information and literature on M. pudica are analysed and consulted using a different database such as Google Scholar, Google, Science Direct, Web of Science, Academic Journals and Pubmed. This review article summarises the pharmacological properties of M. pudica.
The roots of Mimosa pudica Linn (Mimosae) are reported to have great medicinal value. Pharmacognostic evaluation including examinations of morphological and microscopic characters, ash value, powder analysis, and extractive values were carried out. Phytochemical screening including qualitative chemical examinations was also carried out.
Objective: To evaluate the anti-nociceptive, acute toxicity, gastro intestinal motility, anti-pyretic investigations of leaf extract of Mimosa pudica L. leaves in Swiss albino mice following oral administration. Methods: In-vivo anti-nociceptive activity test was evaluated by tail immersion test. In-vivo acute toxicity test was conducted using acute toxic class method. In-vivo gastrointestinal motility was determined by charcoal feces defecation time. In-vivo antipyretic activity test was evaluated by brewer’s yeast induced pyrexia. Results: In-vivo anti-nociceptive activity test shows that methanol & ethanol extracts (250 & 500 mg/kg b.w.) performed significant activity (p<0.05) in mice comparing to the standard drug diclofenac Na. In-vivo acute toxicity test was done on mice with methanol, ethanol and chloroform extracts (2000, 1000, 500 mg/kg b.w.) of Mimosa pudica leaf and no reaction or death occurred in mice during two weeks of observation. In-vivo gastrointestinal motility...
Medicinal properties of plants are the most precious gift of Mother Nature to mankind. India has several traditonal medicinal systems, such as Ayurveda and Unani, which has survived through more than 300 years mainly using plant based drugs. The primary benefits of using plant derived medicines are that they are relatively safer than synthetic alternatives, ofering profound therapeutic benefits and afordable treatment. The Mimosa pudica invites atention of the researchers worldwide for its pharmacological activity such as anti diabetic, antioxin, antihepatotoxin, antioxidant and wound healing activity. Acording to diferent researches done, Mimosa Pudica is used to relax the mind and relieve depresion, mental distres, iritabilty, severe palpitations and amnesia. It is a mod enhancer and improves circulation of blod. The present investigation was caried out to identify the phytochemicals present in Mimosa pudica and to study the antimicrobial activity shown by various extracts of the plant. Phytochemical screning of various extracts of Mimosa pudica showed the presence of secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, tanins, saponins, flavonoids etc. The methanolic and ethanolic extracts showed beter antimicrobial activity. Keywords: Phytochemicals, Mimosa pudica, Secondary metabolites
Mimosa pudica has been reported to contain mimosine & phytochemical components.The drug is also found to be rich in tannins. The root is also stated to have anti-convulsant activity. Successive extracts of the whole plant are reported to have antimicrobial activity. It was found that the root of Mimosa pudica have acetylcholine esterase inhibitory activity. It majorly possesses antibacterial,antifungal,antivenom, antifertility, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, aphrodisiac, Skin disease,respiratory infections and urinary tract infections .
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021
The Mimosa genus belongs to the Fabaceae family of legumes and consists of about 400 species distributed all over the world. The growth forms of plants belonging to the Mimosa genus range from herbs to trees. Several species of this genus play important roles in folk medicine. In this review, we aimed to present the current knowledge of the ethnogeographical distribution, ethnotraditional uses, nutritional values, pharmaceutical potential, and toxicity of the genus Mimosa to facilitate the exploitation of its therapeutic potential for the treatment of human ailments. The present paper consists of a systematic overview of the scientific literature relating to the genus Mimosa published between 1931 and 2020, which was achieved by consulting various databases (Science Direct, Francis and Taylor, Scopus, Google Scholar, PubMed, SciELO, Web of Science, SciFinder, Wiley, Springer, Google, The Plant Database). More than 160 research articles were included in this review regarding the Mimo...
The present research was carried out to evaluate the phytochemical constituent of aqueous, ethanol and methanol extracts of the leaf, stem and the mixture of the leaf and stem of Mimosa pudica plant. The phytochemical screening which involves both the qualitative and quantitative analysis revealed the presence of secondary metabolites; alkaloids, tannins, glycosides, terpenes, flavonoids and volatile oils in all the three extracts evaluated. There was absence of steroids, anthaquinone and anthaquinone glycosides in the leaf extracts of M. pudica. The leaf extract of M. pudica in ethanol showed no presence of saponins and triterpenoids From the results of Quantitative Phytochemical screening, there were significant differences (P<0.05) in the tannins, glycosides and alkaloids content of the leaf, stem and mixture of leaf and stem. The content of flavonoid was higher in the mixture (10 g %) compared to the leaf (9g %) and stem (8g %), while values for saponin was higher in the stem...
Chemical diversity in natural product is an immensely rich source of new pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agrochemicals and other economically important chemicals. Therapeutic potentials of herbal drug ranges from parts of plants, through simple extracts to isolated active constituents. Phytochemical evaluation compresses of different chemical tests and chemical assay. The isolation, purification and identification of active constituents are chemical methods of evaluation. The phytochemical evaluation also covers phytochemical screening carried out for establishing chemical profile of crude drug. The purity of crude drugs is ascertained by quantitative estimation of active chemical constituents present in them. The method may be useful in determining single active constituents or the group of related constituents present in the same drug. The spectrophotometric analysis using UV/ visible/ IR/ Fluorescence/ NMR/ Mass/ X-ray diffraction are physical methods of assay. The modern techniques ...
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2019
In the developing world the trend has been changed from synthetic to natural medicine. Trees and plants are sources of many medicines. The use of medicinal plants was compiled in Ayurveda which listed more than 8000 herbal remedies. Mimosa rubicaulis Lam belonging to the family Fabaceae and subfamily Mimosoideae. It is bipinnately compound, each leaf having 8–12 pairs of pinnae, each with 16–20 pairs of pinnules, unlike this plant is having good potential activity in plant due to it has been attributed to their flavanoid and sterol contents. Several flavanoids isolated from these plants have been discovered to possess significant Various Pharmacological activity. Literature review reports the presence of flavanoids, triterpenoids, phytosterols and alkaloids in Mimosa rubicaulis Lam.
2 Abstract: Mimosa pudica is used in folk medicine in the management of diabetes, diarrhea and inflammation. The present study was designed to evaluate the central nervous system (CNS) depressant and antinociceptive activity of the methanolic extract of the aerial parts of Mimosa pudica (MAMP). CNS depressant study of the extract (100 and 200 mg/kg, p.o.) was done by open field and hole cross test whereas acetic acid writhing test and formalin induced pain was done for antinociceptive activity. A statistically significant (p<0.05) decrease in locomotor activity was observed at all doses in the open-field and hole-cross tests. The extract significantly (p<0.05) and dose dependently reduced the writhing reflex in the acetic acid-induced writhing test as well as linking response in the formalin induced inflammatory pain. The finding of this study suggested that Mimosa pudica possesses good CNS depressant activity along with high antinociceptive activity provide in part scientific...
Mimosa pudica is the herb that shows sensation on touch. It has been identified as Lajjalu in Ayurveda and has been found to have anti-asthmatic, aphrodisiac, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antidepressant activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate in-vitro antioxidant activity and in vivo biological activity considering anti-nociceptive assessment & neuropharmacological study include open field and swimming test. There is no scientific report on analgesic activity and neuropharmacological activity of Mimosa pudica, therefore the present study was undertaken to examine the possible in-vitro antioxidant activity of the extracts of Mimosa pudica was performed using DPPH free radical scavenging, cupric reducing antioxidant capacity, total antioxidant capacity, total phenol and total flavonoid content determination assays. The result of tests for in-vitro antioxidant activity indicates that petroleum ether extract shows maximum antioxidant activity. This plants leaf extracts also exhibit significant anti-nociceptive activity and neuropharmacological activity.
Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy, 2019
Background: Mimosa pudica, a common plant of Mimosoideae family has been used as Ayurvedic herbal medicine by Bangladeshi and Chinese to treat several diseases such as hemorrhoids, hair loss, arthritis, dysentery, leprosy, jaundice, leukoderma, asthma, uterine problems. The root and bark of the plant is said to display antimicrobial activity. Hence, gargling with a decoction of the root and bark of Mimosa pudica diluted in water may help to treat toothaches. Aim of the study: The present study was designed to evaluate the presence of phytochemical groups and to investigate the neuropharmacological activity of methanol extract of Mimosa pudica (MEMP). Methodology: The neuropharmacological activity was determined by hole cross and open field test using Swiss Albino mice as experimental animal. Results: Phytochemical analysis of Mimosa pudica extract indicated the presence of tannins, alkaloids, terpenoids and flavonoids. The sample showed dose-dependent sedative activity at the doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight compared to standard drug Diazepam (1 mg/kg body weight). Conclusion: MEMP showed significant sedative activity demonstrating that the extract may be useful in the development of a new sedative and anti-anxiety drug.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2019
"Objective The aim of the present study is to investigate the pharmacognostic and phytochemical investigation of the Mimosa hamata (Willd.) is a flowering shrub of Mimosaceae family which is used in various traditional medicines to cure various diseases. Mimosa hamata (Willd.) and Mimosa pudica are also known as Touch-me-not plant. A wide range of chemical compounds including 4-ethyl-gallic acid; triterpinicsaponin A, B; ethylgallate; mimonoside A, B, C; etc have been isolated from this plant. Methods Morphological and microscopic characters, powder analysis, and extractive values of ethanolic extract of stem of Mimosa hamata and qualitative estimation of phytochemicals were determined. The pharmacognostical parameters such as total ash value, acid insoluble ash value and water soluble ash value, alcohol soluble extractive and water soluble extractive were also determined. Results The results of pharmacognostic analysis of stem of Mimosa hamata (Willd) have revealed the total ash 8.5 % , water soluble ash 0.5 %, water insoluble ash 1.5%, Moisture content 2.5 %, alcohol soluble extractive value 14.29 % and water soluble extractive value 9.75%. The preliminary phytochemical analysis of stem of showed the presence of flavonoids, carbohydrates, tannins etc. Conclusions It signifies that results revealed the presence of various bioactive constituents which could be exploited for their biopotential for medicinal purposes. "
The present study aims to screen pharmacological and phytochemical screenings of the Mimosa diplotricha . For this the ethanolic crude extract of M. diplotricha (EMd) was undergone for checking antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and membrane stabilizing, anti-diarrheal and clotlysis activities followed by a preliminary phytochemical screening. Results suggest that, the EMd concentration-dependently exhibited antiradical (DPPH: 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) and anti-inflammatory activities. The EMd also exhibited promising anti-diarrheal effect in Swiss mice, while a negligible clotlysis activity was observed in clotted human blood. Additionally, the phytochemical screening of the crude plant extract revealed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids and reducing sugars. In conclusion, M. diplotricha may be a good source of antioxidant and anti-diarrheal agents. Further researches are recommended for the isolation and characterization of its phytochemicals.
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