Vega Henriquez Mario

2021, “Tratar con más humanidad a nuestros hermanos de Cuba que con perfecto derecho propugnan su independencia”. El debate en torno a la condición de neutralidad de Chile frente al proceso emancipador antillano, 1895-1896

The article discusses the reception and solidarity awakened in Chilean society during Cuba's Second Independence War, especially between the popular organizations and the American Union Society. We analyze most implications derived from Aristides Agüero's visit, delegate of the Cuban Revolutionary Party (PRC), whose mission sought to materialize financial, military, and political support for insurgents, motivating sharp controversies from facts and incidents developed between 1895 and 1896. On the other hand, Chile's foreign policy centered on limits with its neighboring countries. At the same time, the diplomatic representation and the resident Spanish colony assumed a vigilant attitude to safeguard its attachment to the neutrality condition adopted by Chile before the Antillean conflict. Our analysis derives from examining and contrasting exposed versions from periodical sources.