Atomic layer deposition of Ti-HfO2 dielectrics

2013, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films


Titanium-doped hafnium oxide films, Ti x Hf 1Àx O 2Àd , have been deposited with a Ti content of x ¼ 0.1 and x ¼ 0.5, by atomic layer deposition. The Ti x Hf 1Àx O 2Àd growth rate is lower compared with the growth rates of the individual binary oxides; however, the composition of the films is unaffected by the reduced growth rate. An 850 C spike anneal and a 500 C 30 min furnace anneal were performed, and the resulting film composition and structure was determined using medium energy ion scattering, x-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. The Ti 0.1 Hf 0.9 O 2Àd films readily crystallize into a monoclinic phase during both types of annealing. By contrast, the Ti 0.5 Hf 0.5 O 2Àd films remain amorphous during both annealing processes. Electrical characterization of the as-deposited Ti 0.1 Hf 0.9 O 2Àd films yielded a dielectric constant of 20, which is slightly higher than undoped HfO 2 films. The as-deposited Ti 0.5 Hf 0.5 O 2Àd films showed a significant increase in dielectric constant up to 35. After a 500 C 30 min anneal, the dielectric constant reduced slightly to 27. The leakage current density of the amorphous film remains relatively unaffected at 8.7Â10 À7 A/cm 2 at À1 MV/cm, suggesting this composition/heat treatment is a candidate for future device dielectrics. V