Nuns , Witches and Patriarchy 1


In this paper I want to explore the part that religious belief (as traditionally understood), has played in the development of our understanding ofbeing men or women. My main aim is to examine the radical feminist claim that all major religions are patriarchal: that they present a view of women as fundamentally secondary to men, and of men as those in whom should be vested all power, privilege and authority. According to this view traditional religions militate against any real freedom for women, and uphold injustice and sometimes even violence, in the name of their gods. To a large degree this claim can be quickly substantiated. In the ancient religions of Hinduism and Buddhism women have always had a subordinate place. And even though the most frightening aspects of male dominance in Hindu society, the practice of suttee2 and female rape or sacrifice has of course gone, patriarchal structures are still built into most aspects of Hinduism. Even in contemporary Buddhism considerable...