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2020, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Cloud computing is readily being adopted by enterprises due to its following benefits: ability to provide better service to customers, improved flexibility, lower barrier to entry for an enterprise, lower maintenance cost on IT service, availability etc. However, the interaction between cloud service provider and customer is not well-defined yet. Understanding of the service offered while approaching cloud computing paradigm and also understanding of the required actions during the period of receiving a cloud service e.g. provision of new resources, scaling up/down, billing, etc. remains a concern for the enterprises. This paper proposes a segregated interaction model to manage the receiving of a cloud service in a hierarchical way.
IEEE Access, 2019
Nowadays, cloud computing technologies are commonly used both by the public and private institutions, so as to save money and computing efforts, by using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to manage their services. Thus, cloud clients must interact with cloud providers in order to make use of the services deployed in the cloud, and the cloud infrastructure must be designed taking into account both the physical devices and equipment required (racks, switches, etc) and also the user demands, expressed in terms of the services they need. This paper focuses on this latter aspect, in which we analyze how cloud clients interact with a cloud provider, providing a UML based framework to model a cloud system, including the underlying infrastructure, the user resource requirements and their interactions with the cloud provider.
— Cloud computing is an emerging technology. Advances in virtualization, storage, connectivity and processing power are combined to create a new ecosystem for cloud computing. In this paper the concepts of Cloud Computing like type of cloud, cloud deployment models, advantages of using cloud and risks involved in it are analysed. This paper tries to bring awareness among managers and computing professionals to use Cloud computing as an alternative to large in-house data centres. The current approaches to enabling real-time, dynamic infrastructure are inadequate, expensive and not scalable to support consumer mass-market requirements. Over time, the server-centric infrastructure management systems have evolved to become a complex tangle of layered systems designed to automate systems administration functions that are knowledge and labour intensive. This expensive and non-real time paradigm is ill suited for a world where customers are demanding communication, collaboration and commer...
Cloud computing is becoming an increasingly lucrative branch of the existing information and communication technologies (ICT). Enabling a debate about cloud usage scenarios can help with attracting new customers, sharing best-practices, and designing new cloud services. In contrast to previous approaches, which have attempted mainly to formalize the common service delivery models (i.e., Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service, and Software-as-a-Service), in this work, we propose a formalism for describing common cloud usage scenarios referred to as cloud usage patterns. Our formalism takes a structuralist approach allowing decomposition of a cloud usage scenario into elements corresponding to the common cloud service delivery models. Furthermore, our formalism considers several cloud usage patterns that have recently emerged, such as hybrid services and value chains in which mediators are involved, also referred to as value chains with mediators. We propose a simple yet expressive textual and visual language for our formalism, and we show how it can be used in practice for describing a variety of realworld cloud usage scenarios. The scenarios for which we demonstrate our formalism include resource provisioning of global providers of infrastructure and/or platform resources, online social networking services, user-data processing services, online customer and ticketing services, online asset management and banking applications, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) applications, and online social gaming applications. Keywords 1 : cloud computing; usage patterns; domain-specific language; visual language; structuralism; CCS-Software and its engineering-Software notations and tools-Context specific languages-Domain specific languages CCS-Theory of computation-Formal languages and automata theory-Grammars and contextfree languages CCS-Software and its engineering-Software notations and tools-Context specific languages-Visual languages CCS-Computer systems organization-Architectures-Distributed architectures-Cloud computing CCS-Applied computing-Enterprise computing-Service-oriented architectures CCS-Applied computing-Enterprise computing-Business process management-Crossorganizational business processes CCS-Software and its engineering-Software creation and management-Software development process management-Software development methods-Design patterns
Organizations across the world are now moving toward a model in which they are using a combination of on-premise and cloud-based services to manage their infrastructure and application components. This has led to evolution of a new paradigm which is called Hybrid IT. In this chapter, we propose a framework which can be used by organizations for managing their Hybrid IT infrastructure components. Some of the key characteristics which need to be kept in mind while designing such frameworks are also discussed in this chapter. In the second half of the chapter, we have focused on a set of tools which have evolved as a part of Cloud service management to manage the Hybrid IT infrastructure components. These tools are commonly referred to as Cloud management platforms (CMP). Some of the tools which we have discussed in this chapter are the following: (1)Enterprise Application store, (2) Self-service catalog, (3) Unified Cloud management console, (4) Cloud governance, (5) Metering and bill...
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Cloud computing now easily tops any list of topics in computer science because of its far reaching involvements in many areas in computing, especially Big Data. Moreover, It is a one of the most emerging technology due to the provision of various computing infrastructure and services. Cloud computing has evolved through a number of phases that include mainframe computing, cluster computing, and grid computing, parallel computing, distributed computing and utility computing. Cloud computing is often considered the successor of grid, cluster and, mainframe computing. Cloud computing is the delivery of many services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications like databases, infrastructure, platforms, data storage, servers, networking, and software. Many people and businesses use cloud for a number of reasons including cost savings, increased productivity, speed, efficiency, high performance, scalability, high computing power and security. This paper presents the definition of cloud computing, its characteristics, different cloud services and various platforms that are used in cloud computing.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2016
Cloud computing is a revolutionary technology that has brought about new luxuries in the field of Information Technology. It provides a source of data and application software storage in the form of huge data hubs called 'clouds', which can be accessed with the help of a network connection. These clouds help maximize the capabilities of enterprises without any extra setup , personnel or licensing costs. Clouds are generally deployed using Public, Private or Hybrid models depending upon the requirements of the user. In this paper, the cloud computing architecture has been assessed, focusing on the various features of the Public, Private and Hybrid cloud models relevant to most individuals and organizations and how they support or hinder the operation of various cloud computing models. This paper intends to provide a bird's eye view of various characteristics of aforesaid models of cloud; which are put together side by side in order to facilitate the research study in this environment.
Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. Cloud computing is a paradigm shift following the shift from mainframe to client–server in the early 1980s. Cloud computing can be defined as accessing third party software and services on web and paying as per usage. It facilitates scalability and virtualized resources over Internet as a service providing cost effective and scalable solution to customers. Cloud computing has evolved as a disruptive technology and picked up speed with the presence of many vendors in cloud computing space. The evolution of cloud computing from numerous technological approaches and business models such as SaaS, cluster computing, high performance computing, etc., signifies that the cloud IDM can be considered as a superset of all the corresponding issues from these paradigms and many more. In this paper we will discuss Life cycle management, Cloud architecture, Pattern in Cloud IDM, Volatility of...
Cloud computing is a new way of delivering computing resources, not a new technology; a term simply renames common technologies and techniques that we have come to know in IT. It is the most significant technique in the 21 st century. This new technique conveys enormous impact to the society, especially the business world. The services of cloud computing sets the clients free from worrying about data processing problems, so that they can focus on their major businesses. This new economic model for computing is increasingly becoming popular and is seeing massive global investment. Despite the surge in activity and interest, there are significant, persistent concerns about cloud computing that are the major barriers for cloud adoption. This paper mainly focuses on the three cloud service models, commonly referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), its major threats and some guidance on situations where particular flavor of cloud model are best option for an organization. This also discusses with example some major cloud service providers in order to show that how cloud computing will make the business world simpler, more efficient and more specialized.
In this paper, we are going to introduce new services in Cloud Computing environment. Three Cloud Computing services are already classified by the researchers such as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Each of defined services serves distinct purpose. Here, we propose some more fundamental services which are still undefined to the researchers in most of the cases. Each type of utility service is shown with an example which is interrelated with the engineering college scenario. An engineering college hierarchical framework is used as a case study where in each cloud is defined as a private or public or hybrid cloud. This hierarchical design is based on the typical resource environment found in many academic institutions.
Face to the continuous increase of information systems implementation and maintenance costs, companies externalize more and more their Information Technology (IT) services as cloud providers, the main interest of this strategy for companies is that they pay only for services actually consumed. Cloud computing is becoming a well--known buzzword nowadays and the most attractive field of information and communication systems. After virtualization, cloud seems to be the revelation that will allow companies to be more efficient and to manage the information systems cost more confidently. Following this stunning entry, we present in this paper a survey of cloud computing, highlighting its key concepts and architectural principles and services, these services are divided into three categories Infrastructure--as--a--Service (IaaS), Platform--as--a--Service (PaaS) and Software--as--a--Service (SaaS). IAAS it can be defined as delivered computer infrastructure, typically a platform virtualization environment as a service. Rather than purchasing servers, software, datacenter space or network equipment, clients instead buy those resources as a fully outsourced service. Security is a big concern within IaaS, PAAS providers offer access to APIs (Application Programming Interface), programming languages and development middleware that allows subscribers to develop custom applications without installing or configuring the development environment. SAAS gives to users access to software or services which reside in the cloud and not on the user's device. Furthermore, we discuss and compare a list of software for creating cloud--computing solutions such as Eucalyptus, OpenNubela, and OpenStack. The main aim of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the design challenges of cloud computing and to show that how cloud computing will make the business world simpler, more efficient, and more specialized.
Cloud computing is a rapidly developing information technology concept. Within a few years, cloud computing has become the fastest emerging technology. It is internet based computing software and resources are shared and information is provided to computers on demand. It is a low cost computing entity that uses the advanced business or service models such as SaaS(Software as Service), PaaS (Platform as Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as Service) and deployment models such as Public, Private , Hybrid and Community cloud to distribute the powerful computing capability to end user. This paper highlights the emergence of cloud computing from a style of computing to a on demand full fledged service model. Comparative study of various service and deployment models for cloud computing is also presented.
and uncertain environment for achieving some goal in place of human being. In a Multi agent system multiple agents interact with each other for solving a particular problem. For successful interaction of agents, they require to cooperate, coordinate and negotiate with each other. This paper discusses Cloud Computing, its uses through a service-oriented interface to offer on demand services, gives overview of Intelligent Agents in Cloud Computing, the role of agents in Cloud Computing and how this Intelligent Agent can help in facilitating better services to Cloud Computing. We have also discussed the design of the system and implementation of an application in Cloud System using Intelligent Agents.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
The internet is marvelous technology of the computing world. The most exhaustive technology that internet dispense, is the Cloud Computing. It provides instrumental values to the customers and cloud service providers. With the advent of cloud computing the client uses the resources like hardware, software or storage, that are offered by other organization, instead of buying their own resources. However, these cloud services are provided by the cloud service providers by means of virtual machines. This study proposed the various aspects related to cloud computing technology. This paper includes the service model that reveals the various cloud services provides to different types of clients according to their requirements. This study provides the details of the layers in the architecture of cloud computing. Moreover, this study also includes the information about the various types of clouds.
Vfast Transactions on Software Engineering, 2014
Cloud computing is modrendevelopingtechnoloy which provides on-claim resources in cloud computing envoirnment. Cloud computing is modern technology which guarantees to provide elastic Infrastructure, resources accessible via the Internet with low cost. Cloud refers to a huge bundle of computing and data resources which can be access to different protocols and interfaces. Cloud service model containsSoftware-as-a-service (SaaS),Infrastructure-as-a service (IaaS), and Platform-as-a-service (PaaS. Cloud users can enjoy these services without knowing the underlying technology behind the cloud. Quality of service playsa vital role in any network while providing efficient resourcesto users. To competitive gain, it is compulsory to cloud computing network operator to gain trust of users by providing the best quality of services. Resource virtualization, share pool of resources, on-demand network access, large datacentres, and highly-interactive web applications needs quality of services. In this paper we put an effort to enhance the cloud computing model to show the "Quality as-a-service(QaaS)"layer. This service layer will help the cloud provider how to enhance the quality of service to cloud users to gain competitive advantage over other cloud service providers. Parameters which are to useto measure the quality of services includeService Response Time, Reliability, Interoperability, Accuracy,Execution time etc.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
With the advent of Cloud Computing technology, organizations are rapidly shifting their IT systems from traditional client/server to cloud computing model where everything is offered as a service whether it's a software, hardware or storage capacity. Cloud computing uses the concept of pay as per use basis where users do not need to pay for infrastructure, installation and its maintenance. Anyone can access the desired service from the cloud anytime, anywhere in the world on demand basis. The utilization of this innovative technology makes collaboration easier among companies or organizations and has the potential to create financial and operational benefits. This study helps organizations and individuals understand how cloud computing can provide them with reliable, personalized and cost-efficient services in a wide variety of applications.
Now a days the work is being done by hiring the space and resources from the cloud providers in order to do work effectively and less costly. This paper describes the cloud, its challenges, evolution, attacks along with the approaches required to handle data on cloud. The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer. The need of this review paper is to provide the awareness of the current emerging technology which saves the cost of users.
Cloud computing is innovated model which delivers convenient and on-demand computing services over internet to requested end users. Cloud service engineering is a discipline that combines the business and technology thinking for purposes of engineering a cloud. The structure of cloud service engineering plays an important role in order to create usable and economic cloud. The cloud development life cycle (CDLC) is the one of the component in structure of cloud engineering along with Base, Tools & Techniques and Management components. CDLC consists of six phases that are flexible, isolated executable and having feedback. The work of this paper focuses on the cloud Implementation and Integration phase of the CDLC. The cloud implementation is related to actual creation, enablement of the cloud services of a computing system. The cloud integration performs the task of integrating the various cloud solution in one cloud environment and deploys various resource, web service and applications to the cloud.
Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2010
In this paper, we are going to propose multi-layered service suite in cloud computing environment. Different cloud computing services are already classified by the researchers. Each of services serves distinct purpose. Here, we propose seven layers of service abstractions which are further named as multi-layered service suite in cloud computing scenario. Each type of service layer is depicted combining different utility services. Proposed service layers have distinct tasks for the purpose of improving service handling. Grouping of services has been conceptualized based on the common context of specific services. One service handling algorithm is further proposed for guiding each 'cloud service request' efficiently as the overall cloud utilization increases while handling a huge number of requests from the client side. Here, we propose a formula for determining cloud utilization. Cloud utilization is increased as the number of requests handled by the services grows. This proposed multi-layered service suite is a logical and modularized separation, which helps in describing of each service layer during the design process.
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