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2012, São Paulo, a water city
25 pages
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The history of São Paulo can be divided into three main periods based on the relationships between the city and its water resources. The first period goes from the 16th century to the first half of the 19th century. During that time, the natural waterscape was the main geographical feature in the São Paulo urban core. It was incorporated in the ways of life in which rivers are an integral part of the inhabitants’ routines and play the role of promoting the urban drift as essential means of transportation and communication for the system. The second period, spanning between 1850 and 1930, saw the advent of technological possibilities and choices that reshaped the relationships between the city’s population and its rivers. With the possibility of supplying water through piping systems and bringing it from increasingly distant areas, water sources were located farther away from the city. As a result, the old public fountains disappeared and in-home running water was introduced in São Paulo. Consequently, the nearby rivers lost their importance as the City’s water sources and started being considered obstacles in the urban expansion. On the other hand, an interest emerged in acquiring land as a form of investment and integrated São Paulo City into the context of the new global capitalism. That was also when the large companies responsible for supplying infrastructure and new technologies arrived.
São Paulo, a city of water, 2023
This book deals with the relationship between São Paulo and its water resources from the birth of the city to the present day. It discusses the consequences of technological choices and applications on the urban environment and its landscape, in the processes of reconfiguration and artificialization of natural water courses to expand the offer of urban lands.
Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences, 2019
The reflection and projects exposed here can be seen as a catalyst, restricted to our perceptions and traits in order to better understand the city. These are projects for São Paulo’s urban waters that should be developed with an interdisciplinary approach. And assume for Architecture, the understanding of its time and nature that vary so much.
A river thrives as it runs. In the course of a river, Landscapes unfold And memories entrench. In the outlook of waters, stories Have no sequence, for the river runs In perpetual movement. Birth, life and death Birth, life and death Birth, life and death? Eternal, infinite circle Though not free from violence Land is taken from the riverbed Portions of its body Its crystal-clear purity. Still, it runs its course, Accommodating to new geographies Laid out by Time and by Man. It runs a flexible journey To the current conditions, Mindful of both the beginning and the end, Even when its course runs amok. And suddenly, behold! Quiet turns to thunder, Waters run berserk And wreak havoc downstream. The waters' space and place cannot be touched, Apparently fragile, Movement and might. The sweet or bitter threads of life on Earth Are reunited by the waters.
ABSTRACT: Brazil is known for it´s enormous potential of freshwater. Despite Brazil’s apparent abundance of fresh water - 12% of the world’s fresh water - these supplies are not evenly distributed across the country. Besides, overuse and pollution threaten Brazil’s freshwater resources, particularly in the heavily-populated coastal regions. This consideration is particularly true for São Paulo metropolitan area (RMSP), the foremost urban agglomeration in the Brazilian spatial formation. In Greater São Paulo (GSP), untreated effluents from industrial park and sawage are dumped into the Tietê River basin as it flows through the metropolitan area. Plus: water resources are wasted every day and therefore, the ghost of dry taps is a real menace. The intention of this paper, centered at geography discipline, is explore this problematic, considering technical, social and environmental aspects of this issue. WATERS OF METROPOLITAN AREA OF SÃO PAULO: Technical, conceptual and environmental aspects Chapter 53, pp. 1282-1315 of SUSTAINABLE WATER MANAGEMENT IN THE TROPICS AND SUBTROPICS AND CASE STUDIES IN BRAZIL, VOL. 4 In: Carolina Bilibio, Oliver Hernsel e Jeferson Francisco Selbach (Org.) Fundação da Universidade Federal do Pampa e Kassel Universität (República Federal da Alemanha), 1ª ed. 2012, ISBN 978-85-63337-23-8
ESTUDOS AVANÇADOS 36 (105), 2022
This article traverses different historical layers of the metropolis of São Pau- lo, gathering clues about large-scale real estate operations decisive to the pattern of accumulation and socio-spatial segregation in over the last century. The first act, our starting point, is the 1910 real estate development operation of international financial capital in association with local public and private agents. It spanned more than one third of the city’s urban area, under the leadership of the Companhia City. The second act concerns the very beginnings of the more recent deal-making underlying the cons- truction of a skyline that mimics that of so-called global cities, along the banks of the Pinheiros river. We address, among others, a land development operation that became a milestone in the city’s history, with the capture of 21,000 hectares in areas adjacent to the Pinheiros river, obtained by canalizing and rectifying the river and draining its banks. The succession of the arrangements and coalitions we shall discuss is neither linear nor necessarily indicative of progress – and even less of development. Rather, these are moment-to-moment strategies for the growth of the real estate development machine. keywords: Real estate market, Power coalitions, Companhia City, Urbanization, São Paulo.
International Journal of Water Resources Development, 2006
Densely urbanized basins face a challenge to implement the concept of integrated water resources management at the river basin level. In these basins there is the interaction of different sectors of human activity, including transportation and housing, that need to be incorporated in the management system. Moreover, the frequently used interbasin transfer schemes impose a more encompassing management method. This paper proposes a new concept: the total urban water management. Under this new concept, integration is applied indistinctly to sectorial vectors (combining different water uses) and to the territorial vectors, in the sense of horizontally cutting across different jurisdictions on the territory. This new approach is applied to the case of the metropolitan region of Sa ˜o Paulo. As a result of the federative political system in Brazil, this region presents a complex institutional arrangement. Union and States are in charge of the administration of rivers and the municipalities are in charge of land use management. Hence, it is not enough to establish a water management system because the management of land use in the river basin impacts the water use in the rivers. A metropolitan management system, which includes municipalities and the State, is proposed to take into account all the aspects of an integrated management system.
Cadernos de Pós Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2022
Tempo Social
The article seeks to investigate urban phenomena in São Paulo’s 19th and 20th centuries by utilizing Henri Lefebvre’s concept of appropriation. Thus I focus on the relations between urban space(s) and its inhabitants, and the analysis of the city – usually perceived as space – becomes a spatio-temporal and relational analysis regarding dynamic practices, conflicts, etc. understood as urban phenomena. How did the inhabitants appropriate São Paulo? May we state special forms by comparing it to other Latin American cities of former times? How did the migrants arriving at the end of 19th century change old forms of living in the city? I conclude with remarks and critics on the potential of using the concept of appropriation in urban studies.
This study is part of the Theme Project of FAPESP “Saberes eruditos e técnicos na configuração e reconfiguração do espaço urbano. Estado de São Paulo, séculos XIX e XX”, under the responsability of a group of professsors of Unesp. Under a long diachronic view, the comparative perspective, which is the greatest objective of the Theme Project, enabled us to observe the physical transformations of the West São Paulo State. It allows rethinking and equating consolidated elements by classic history or punctual jobs which even by a comparative bias could not enlighten dynamics in the formation of São Paulo territory in its historic, geographic and architectonic nature. Investigation has effectively a geo-historical approach, compared to those economic and political, outlining through four great themes in an jeux d’echelles, the three Braudelian times on the past reconstruction: “The permanence of agrarian structure on the formation of the urban context in the west São Paulo state”, “The circulation of hygienic precepts and technical innovations in the reconfiguration of the railway cities in the west São Paulo”, “Technical and theoretical knowledge on the city, between Europe and Americas: professionals, ideas and techniques in urban culture consolidation in the state of São Paulo” and “Political and cultural dimensions of knowledge spread in the cities of West São Paulo state: urban representations and propagation channels (Manual and magazines)”. Investigation, under this perspective, is analyzed by a logical web of the comparative history and directed to the cities related to the implantation and expansion of the railroad, which began in the 1860s and 1870s until the 1950s when roads emerged. This study aims to outline the historic evidence designed from the binomial coffee and railroad on the configuration and reconfiguration of the cities formedwiththeopeningofPioneerzonesversusWestof SãoPaulostate.Thestudy of the expansion in São Paulo state in the 19th and 20th centuries have become an a model to discuss consolidated paradigms opposite the history myths of the modern urbanism, once history discussion on urbanism elected for ages the role of utopia and the great capitals of the 19th century as explanatory models to the constitution of the cities of São Paulo state. It provided camouflage or shading zones of differentiated patterns of urbanization and construction proper of pioneer zones related to railroad expansion.
This study is part of the Theme Project of FAPESP “Saberes eruditos e técnicos na configuração e reconfiguração do espaço urbano. Estado de São Paulo, séculos XIX e XX”, under the responsability of a group of professsors of Unesp. Under a long diachronic view, the comparative perspective, which is the greatest objective of the Theme Project, enabled us to observe the physical transformations of the West São Paulo State. It allows rethinking and equating consolidated elements by classic history or punctual jobs which even by a comparative bias could not enlighten dynamics in the formation of São Paulo territory in its historic, geographic and architectonic nature. Investigation has effectively a geo-historical approach, compared to those economic and political, outlining through four great themes in an jeux d’echelles, the three Braudelian times on the past reconstruction: “The permanence of agrarian structure on the formation of the urban context in the west São Paulo state”, “The circulation of hygienic precepts and technical innovations in the reconfiguration of the railway cities in the west São Paulo”, “Technical and theoretical knowledge on the city, between Europe and Americas: professionals, ideas and techniques in urban culture consolidation in the state of São Paulo” and “Political and cultural dimensions of knowledge spread in the cities of West São Paulo state: urban representations and propagation channels (Manual and magazines)”. Investigation, under this perspective, is analyzed by a logical web of the comparative history and directed to the cities related to the implantation and expansion of the railroad, which began in the 1860s and 1870s until the 1950s when roads emerged. This study aims to outline the historic evidence designed from the binomial coffee and railroad on the configuration and reconfiguration of the cities formedwiththeopeningofPioneerzonesversusWestof SãoPaulostate.Thestudy of the expansion in São Paulo state in the 19th and 20th centuries have become an a model to discuss consolidated paradigms opposite the history myths of the modern urbanism, once history discussion on urbanism elected for ages the role of utopia and the great capitals of the 19th century as explanatory models to the constitution of the cities of São Paulo state. It provided camouflage or shading zones of differentiated patterns of urbanization and construction proper of pioneer zones related to railroad expansion.
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Tempo Social, revista de sociologia da USP, v. 31, n. 1, 2019
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