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2019, PLURAL History Culture Society…
237 pages
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, A place of Life and Death. Burials and human bone finds in the Iron Age settlement at Saharna Mare / "Dealul Mănăstirii": archaeological data and anthropological analysis 43 Jes Martens (Norway), From Ultima Thule to the Hellespont-Some remarks on the bone points of the Iron Age 53 Cristina Montana Pușcaș, Iosif Vasile Ferencz, Ciprian Cosmin Stremțan, Tudor Tămaș, Adrian Căsălean (Romania), The amazing architecture of the Dacians. Few thoughts concerning the use of mortars based on new analyses 68 Oleg Petrauskas, Mariana Avramenko (Ukraine), The settlement Komariv-glass-production centre in the European Barbaricum: a cultural and natural environment 92 Denis Topal (Moldova), The specificity of the Scythian panoply of the Lower Danube 111 Daniel Spânu (Romania), Fibulae with Canid Protome (Tierkopffibeln) in Romania 129 Vitalie Bârcă (Romania), Notes on the origin and dating of the bone pyxides from the Sarmatian environment between the Don and the Prut 156 Andrzej Michałowski, Jakub Niebieszczański, Milena Teska, Patrycja Kaczmarska (Poland), Non-invasive magnetometric prospection in forested area: the case study of Mirosław site 37 in Northwestern Poland
006 Aurel Zanoci, Mihai Băţ (Moldova), The specific features of the Getic fortifications in the Middle Dniester region (the Saharna and Horodişte-Ţipova micro-zones) 032 Małgorzata Daszkiewicz, Michael Meyer, Octavian Munteanu, Vasile Iarmulschi (Poland, Deutschland, Moldova), Pottery found at the Horodca Mică and Ulmu Iron Age settlements -results of archaeoceramological analysis 075 Andrzej Michałowski, Milena Teska (Poland), Formation of the younger Pre-Roman Iron Age cultural model in Wielkopolska 101 Vitalie Bârcă (Romania), Notes on the metal pyxides recently discovered in the Sarmatian environment south the Lower Mureș River 124 Vlad Vornic, Sergiu Matveev (Moldova), Archaeological research at Lipoveni II -La Nisipărie site (2013-2016) 164 Thomas Belling (Deutschland), Antike Grabstörungen auf dem frühmittelalterlichen Gräberfeld Köln-Müngersdorf 183 Jes Martens (Norvay), Settlement Archaeology in Southern Scandinavia. Preconditions and Prospecting Methods 199 Franka Höppner, Björn Rauchfuß (Deutschland), Die Tierknochenfunde von zwei Siedlungsplätzen der vorrömischen Eisenzeit bei Groß Luckow, Lkr. Vorpommern-Greifswald (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) Aniversaria 237 Profesorul Mircea Babeș la 75 de ani (Vasile Iarmulschi) 241 Schiţă de portret jubiliar. Vasile Haheu la 60 de ani (Dumitru Bratco) 246 К юбилею Сергея Ивановича Курчатова (Николай Тельнов) 249 Arheologul şi muzeograful Alexandru Levinschi la 60 de ani (Larisa Ciobanu) 254 Ion Tentiuc la 60 de ani (Ludmila Bacumenco-Pîrnău)
Handle of an Etruscan beaked flagon from the cremation grave in Ostrov near Pilsen, Czech republic. Attasche einer etruskischen Schnabelkanne aus einem Brandgrab von Ostrov bei Pilsen, Tschechische Republik. 2.7.2015 Registration/Anmeldung 8:00 Opening of the conference/Begrüβung 8:45-9:00 Morning session/Vormittag (chairwoman S. Stegmann-Rajtár) A Settlements/Siedlungen A1 Small village, big change: the site of Grzybiany in southwestern Poland at the dawn of the Iron Age Justyna 11:15-11:45 B2 Bernsteinherren or modest amber gatherers? Notes on social organisation in Pomerania during the Early Iron Age Karol Dzięgielewski 11:45-12:15 B3 Eastern Pomerania: from cloistered periphery to initial zone of new cultural values Kamil Niedziółka 12:15-12:45 Lunch/Mittagessen 12:45-14:00 2.7. 2015 Afternoon session/Nachmittag (chairman M. Chytráček) C Landscape and regional analysis/Landschaft-und Regionalanalysen C1 The Hallstatt Culture in Northern Croatia Hrvoje Potrebica 14:00-14:30 C2 Early Iron Age sites, finds and landscapes in Sloveniathe interdisciplinary approach Matija Črešnar 14:30-15:00 C3 Neue Forschungen zu alten Fundstellen der Hallstattzeit im oberösterreichischen Donauraum Jutta Leskovar -Robert Schumann 15:00-15:30 Coffee break/Kaffeepause 15:30-15:45 C4 Sídelní struktura z doby halštatské z Podhoří u Lipníku nad Bečvou, okr. Přerov (Hallstatt settlement pattern in the area of Podhoří near Lipník nad Bečvou, distr. Přerov) Arkadiusz Tajer 15:45-16:15 C5 Wczesna epoka żelaza w południowo-wschodniej Polsce: uwagi o węzłowych problemach badawczych w świetle najnowszych odkryć (Early Iron Age in south eastern Poland: some thoughts on basic problems in the light of the newest finds) Sylwester Czopek 16:15-16:45 C6 Character of Early Iron Age settlement at Győr-Ménfőcsanak, northwest Hungary Eva Ďurkovičová 16:45-17:15 Presentation of posters/Posterpräsentationen Horse graves of the Vekerzug culturethe absolute dating Petra Kmeťová -Peter Barta 17:15-17:30 Scythian age round-houses in the Carpathian basin Szabolcs Czifra 17:30-17:45 Pins with disc-shaped heads of the Pomeranian Culture Bartłomiej Kaczyński 17:45-18:00 Late Bronze and Early Iron Age hillfort Štitáre-Žibrica, new results and perspectives Susanne Stegmann-Rajtár -Michal Felcan 18:00-18:15 Evening soirée/Empfang 19:30 3.7. 2015 Morning session/Vormittag (chairwoman J. Baron) D Typology/Typologie D1 Hallstattzeitliche Pfeilspitzen aus Smolenice-Moplír in der südwestlichen Slowakei Radoslav
Grechko Denys. Human bones from settlements of the Scythian period in the Eastern European foreststeppe: sacrifices or funeral rites. Space not only for the living: Human remains at Bronze Age settlements in Eurasia’. International Conference Berlin 8.-10.4.2019, 13-15., 2019
Arheologia Moldovei , 2022
The current paper aims to present the new research conducted on the site of Drăgușeni-Ostrov, Botoșani County. Known as a result of research conducted in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century, the site of Drăgușeni-Ostrov attracts attention through a rich material culture. 20 dwellings were excavated (19 in full and one partially), which provided archaeological material from all existing categories of finds. Discovered by Aristotel Crîșmaru, amateur archaeologist and principal of the local school, the site attracted the attention of researchers from the Institute of Archeology in Bucharest. Important names of Romanian archeology are linked to the research carried out here during the last century, such as Vladimir Dumitrescu, Hortensia Dumitrescu, Silvia Marinescu-Bîlcu and Alexandra Bolomey. The results materialized in a series of studies and articles, as well as in a monograph, by Silvia Marinescu-Bîlcu and Alexandra Bolomey. As a result of a collaboration protocol between the Botoșani County Museum and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, two non-invasive research campaigns took place in 2018 and 2020, respectively. The total area covered by geophysical research is 8.7 hectares, extending beyond the found anomalies. 68 structures have been identified on the magnetogram, that can be classified as traces of dwellings. In low-density areas, such as the eastern part of the site, some structures have been observed, which could be unburned. The plan resulting from magnetometric and geo-physical research shows that, unlike other contemporary sites, there is no clearly delimited spatial arrangement inside. The fortification system is only visible in some places, so it is difficult to decide on a precise route without conducting intrusive archaeological research.
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 23/2 (December 2017) CUPRINS – CONTENTS – SOMMAIRE ARTICLES — Felix Adrian TENCARIU, Măriuca VORNICU, Andrei ASĂNDULESEI, Loredana SOLCAN, George BODI, Casandra BRAȘOVEANU Investigating a Chalcolithic dwelling at Isaiia, Iași County, Romania — Policarp HORTOLÀ From antiquities to memorabilia: a standardised terminology for ancestral artefacts according to manufacture date — Florica MĂȚĂU, Ana-Lavinia MATRICALĂ, Adrian BELE, Ioana RUSU, Dragoș Lucian GORGAN, Neculai BOLOHAN Diagenetic analysis and historical interpretations. Case studies from eastern Romania — Sergey M. ZHESTOKANOV The mysterious expedition of Thrasybulus of Miletus — E. Deniz OĞUZ-KIRCA, Ioannis LIRITZIS Chasing Hygassos (Anatolia): Settlement under epigraphic evidence — Oleg KLIMOV The Greek culture of dialogue and of political decision-making process at Hellenistic Kings’ court — Arina BRAGOVA Cicero on the gods and Roman religious practices — Iulian MOGA Jewish society and family tradition in funerary inscriptions — Lucrețiu MIHAILESCU-BÎRLIBA La population dans les villages situés entre Sacidava et Axiopolis — Eugene AFONASIN Neoplatonic Asclepius: Science and religion at the crossroads of Aristotelian biology, Hippocratic medicine and Platonic theurgy — Valerii KAVRUK, Roxana-Gabriela CURCĂ A new exploratory project: The ethnoarchaeology of salt in the Inner Carpathian area of Romania REVIEWS — Victor Sava, Neolithic and Eneolithic in the Lower Mureș Basin (Ana DROB) — Blas Román Castellón Huerta, Cuando la sal era una joya. Antropología, arqueología y tecnología de la sal durante el Posclásico en Zapotitlán Salinas, Puebla (Mihaela ASĂNDULESEI)
Publikácia vyšla s finančnou podporou Agentúry na podporu výskumu a vývoja v rámci zmluvy č. 14-0842 a projektu VEGA č. 2/0001/18
The longhouses of Bandkeramik. Do we know all about them? ________________________ 95 The TRB culture settlement in the middle Tążyna Valley: a case study __________________ 105 Die neolithische Besiedlungsgeschichte im Raum Flintbek und die Bedeutung der Wagenspuren vor dem Hintergrund neuer Datierungen ___________________________ 121 Investigations in 2012 of the southern part of the Funnel Beaker culture temenos at Słonowice near the Małoszówka river. Fourth report ______________________________ 139 Settlement of the Globular Amphora Culture at Site 6 in Lekarzewice near Osłonki in Kuyavia (Poland) _____________________________________________________________ 163 The lost settlements -one from the visible problems in the research on the Final Neolithic in southern Poland ______________________________________________________________ 173 Stable settlements of the Trzciniec Cultural Circle in the Polish uplands and lowlands ____ 185 Pueblo culture settlement structure in the central Mesa Verde Region, Utah-Colorado in the Thirteenth Century A.D. ___________________________________________________ 193 Man and mountains. Settlement and economy of Neolithic communities in the Eastern part of the Polish Carpathians ____________________________________________________ 225 Settlement and economy of the TRB in Lesser Poland: transformation or continuity? _____ 245 Open-Range Cattle Grazing and the Spread of Farming In Neolithic Central Europe _____ 261 The flint raw materials economy in Lesser Poland during the Eneolithic Period: the Lublin-Volhynian culture and the Funnel Beaker culture __________________________ 275 The importance of leguminous plants in the diet of Neolithic and Early Bronze Age inhabitants of Little Poland ______________________________________________________ 295 Mechanics of the semi-nomadic economy __________________________________________ 303 On the Holocene vegetation history of Brandenburg and Berlin _______________________ 311
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Journal of Ancient History and Archeology, 2024
in: Berecki, S. (ed.): Iron Age Communities in the Carpathian Basin, Cluj-Napoca, 2010
Ephemeris Napocensis, 2022
Homines, Funera, Astra 3-4: The Multiple Faces, Oxford, Archaeopress of Death and Burial, 2023
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, 2018
In: M. Vicze – I. Poroszlai – P. Sümegi (eds), Hoard, phase, Period. Round table conference on the Koszider problem