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2019, Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine
We present a case of a patient who underwent ultrasound evaluation for potential blunt ocular trauma. She was found to have multiple, freely mobile, scintillating hyperechoic opacities within the vitreous that was diagnosed as asteroid hyalosis, a rare but benign condition easily confused with vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment, lens dislocation, or foreign body on ocular ultrasound.
Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia, 2013
Objective: Understand the behavior, functional repercussion and relationship with epidemiological factors of asteroid hyalosis (AH) and retrospective observational case series. Methods: Fifty-eight patients diagnosed with AH (24 women and 34 men) were studied. All patients were submitted to a thorough ophthalmological examination. Results: We observed a statistical association between the presence of AH and male sex (p=0,042). An increase in prevalence of this pathology was observed with increasing age. We determined an odds ration of 5,24 of a patient over 50 years old having AH, when compared to patients bellow this threshold. Eighty-six percent of patients had unilateral vitreous deposits. We measured a lower IOP in the affected eye, with the difference being in average 2, 68 ± 1,45 mmHg (p=0,037). We observed no statistical association between AH and age related macular degeneration, diabetes or glaucoma. Five eyes were submitted to facoemulsification combined with pars plana vitrectomy with an average gain of 7 lines (Snellen) in visual acuity (p=0,03). Conclusion: In our sample a clear association between AH, ageing and male sex was observed. The majority of patients had unilateral vitreous deposits. Vitrectomy in association with facoemulsification is a safe and effective intervention in this group of patients.
EC Ophthalmology, 2021
Initially described in 1894 as Benson's Disease, asteroid hyalosis is an uncommon, usually unilateral condition that rarely causes visual disturbances [1-3]. However, its association with systemic diseases is unclear. Characteristic calcium hydroxyapatite-lipid complex deposits in the vitreous humor, which appear as yellowish white bodies, facilitate the diagnosis of the disease by a simple fundus exam. Their high adherence to the collagen matrix results in low hyaluronic acid breakdown and vitreous liquefaction and unusually leads to posterior vitreous detachment or retinal detachment [4,5]. In a few severe cases, dense presentation hampers posterior segment visualization, and the use of ocular ultrasound [6-8] is useful.
Retina, 2006
Purpose-To demonstrate the clinical utility of OCT (optical coherence tomography) in diagnosing macular structural abnormalities in patients with asteroid hyalosis.
Case Reports in Ophthalmology, 2011
This is an Open Access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License (, applicable to the online version of the article only. Distribution for non-commercial purposes only.
Ocular Oncology and Pathology, 2017
est in revisiting the published literature, clinical records, and histopathology slides of the enucleated eyes from the COMS study, as well as the histopathology slides on file in the University of Wisconsin Eye Pathology Laboratory. While cases with both AH and UM were occasionally encountered in the literature, clinically, we could not find a previous study focusing on these two processes. This study was conducted to explore whether such an association exists.
Eye, 2008
Asteroid hyalosis (AH) is a common degenerative process in which fatty calcium globules collect within the vitreous humour. The condition rarely causes visual disturbances, and surgical removal is only rarely required. The presence of AH has been associated with systemic diseases such as diabetes; however, research in this area has been hampered by the lack of an animal model of AH. Recently, we have reported that AH occurs in galactose-fed beagles that develop the advanced stages of diabetes-like retinopathy. Comparisons of vitreous humour containing asteroid bodies (ABs) collected from these galactose-fed beagles and vitreous samples from age-matched normal beagles without ABs indicate that ABs contain calcium and phosphorous. Subtraction analysis of chloroform extracts of the vitreous samples by electrospray mass spectroscopy resulted in the identification of the quasimolecular ion of 1,2dipalmitoyl-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DPPE) as the main component of ABs. Since several reports indicate that ABs are composed of lipid-calcium complexes, we have proposed that the main component of ABs in the galactose-fed dogs with AH is a quasimolecular ion of DPPE in which two molecules of DPPE are complexed through their phosphates groups with calcium. We suggest that these lipid components diffuse into the vitreous from the degenerating retinas of these dogs.
To compare laser interferometry (LI) and ultrasound A-scan in measurement of axial length (AL) in eyes with asteroid hyalosis Methods: Twenty three patients with unilateral moderate to severe asteroid hyalosis determined by B-scan ultrasonography images participated in the study. The AL measurements were obtained by LI and ultrasound A-scan in both asteroid hyalosis and noninvolved eyes. The measurements were performed by the two methods as well as for affected and contralateral normal eyes and were statistically compared using the paired T-test. A P-value less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The ultrasound AL measurements were taken in every case but measurement with the LI method was not possible in 4 eyes with asteroid hyalosis (17.3%). There was a high correlation between LI and ultrasound A-scan measurements in both asteroid hyalosis and noninvolved eyes (r 2 =0.97, P<0.001 and r 2 =0.95, P<0.001 respectively). There was no significant difference between AL taken by either method in asteroid hyalosis and noninvolved eyes. Conclusion: The failure rate of AL measurement using LI was relatively high in eyes with asteroid hyalosis. There was a high correlation between AL measured by ultrasound A-scan and LI method in both asteroid hyalosis and noninvolved eyes.
American Journal of Ophthalmology, 2004
PURPOSE: To report three cases in which a siliconeplate lens was explanted because of whitish deposits on the posterior optic surface.
Oman Journal of Ophthalmology, 2009
PURPOSE To compare the visual outcomes in both eyes of patients who undergo phacoemulsification and trifocal intraocular lens (IOL) implantation and have asteroid hyalosis (AH) or synchysis scintillans (SS) in only 1 eye. METHODS This retrospective comparative cases series study evaluated uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), uncorrected intermediate visual acuity (UIVA), uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA), predictability, safety, efficacy, and satisfaction after implantation of the same model of trifocal IOL in both eyes (PhysIOL FineVision Pod-F and Micro-F and Rayner RayOne Trifocal). RESULTS A total of 164 eyes from 82 patients (41 females, 50%) met the inclusion criteria. There were no statistically significant differences in sphere, cylinder, spherical equivalent, UDVA, UIVA, and UNVA between the groups. Postoperative CDVA was slightly better in the control group (logMAR 0.03) than in the AH/SS group (logMAR 0.04) (p: 0.014). Th...
Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy
Asteroid hyalosis is a rare degenerative vitreous disease and it is generally asymptomatic. Its etiology is still unknown. We report a case of asteroid hyalosis in a 59-year-old diabetic patient with peripheral neuropathy related to POEMS syndrome (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M component protein, skin changes). The aim of this work is to report the unusual association of asteroid hyalopathy with POEMS syndrome.
African Vision and Eye Health
Inactive ocular toxoplasmosis (OT) is not confined to immunocompromised patients but is also common in immunocompetent patients. It could result in a loss of vision, asteroid hyalosis, lenticular opacity and peripheral chorioretinal scar. More often than not, misdiagnosing the lesion may occur because of the lack of presenting symptoms. Therefore, this article aims to highlight OT and its consequences, emphasising the approach that must be followed to diagnose and manage the disease optimally. This case report is about a 24-year-old woman who had blurred vision in her left eye from the age of 9 years. After dilation for fundus examination and taking the patient for retinal imaging, the fundus showed a clearly defined pigmented chorioretinal scar on the temporal side of the macula.Contribution: As the disease has the ability for retinal complications, documenting any progressive developments of the disease is essential to manage the patient better.
Eye, 2003
Purpose To review causes for performing an ultrasound biomicroscopic (UBM) examination in traumatized eyes, to present common UBM findings of 109 eyes with a history of ocular trauma and to compare these findings according to the type of the trauma. Materials and methods A total of 109 eyes with a history of mechanical ocular trauma, which underwent an UBM examination between December 1996 and April 2002, were evaluated retrospectively. All cases were classified according to the criteria of the Ocular Trauma Classification Group and UBM findings were reviewed. For statistical analyses, v 2 test and Fisher's exact test were used. Results UBM examinations were performed for the evaluation of the zonules before cataract surgery (49.5%), examination of the anterior segment in the presence of media opacities (32.1%), detection of suspected ocular foreign bodies (10.1%) and the evaluation of ocular hypotony (8.3%). In all, 67 eyes (61.5%) had a closed-globe injury, whereas 42 (38.5%) had an open-globe injury. The most common UBM findings in a closed-globe injury were zonular deficiency (64.2%), angle recession (43.3%), iridodialysis (17.9%), and dislocated lens (16.4%). The most common UBM findings in an open-globe injury were zonular deficiency (54.8%), iridodialysis (26.2%), peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS) (26.2%), and iridocorneal adhesion (19%). Among the common UBM findings, the angle recession was significantly higher (Po0.001) in closedglobe injury group and PAS formation was significantly higher (Po0.05) in open-globe injury group. Conclusions UBM is particularly superior to other methods in the evaluation of the zonular status, angle recession, cyclodialysis, and the detection of small superficial and intraocular foreign bodies.
JAMA Ophthalmology, 2017
…, 2011
SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utility of ultrasound biomic-roscopy in imaging eyes with blunt eye trauma. A retrospective review of 23 patients referred to the Department of Ophthalmology of Gulhane Military Medical Faculty, between August 2009 and April ...
BMC Ophthalmology, 2023
Background High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a cosmetic procedure that aims to tone the skin through thermal collagen coagulation. The energy is delivered in the deep layers of the skin, and because of these characteristics, the risks of severe damage to adjacent tissue and the ocular surface may be underestimated. Previous reports have demonstrated superficial corneal opacities, cataracts, increased intraocular pressure, or ocular refractive changes in different patients following HIFU. In this case, we report deep stromal opacities associated with anterior uveitis, iris atrophy and lens opacity formation following a single HIFU superior eyelid application. Case presentation A 47-year-old female presented to the ophthalmic emergency department complaining of pain, hyperemia and photophobia in the right eye following a HIFU application to the superior right eyelid. A slit lamp examination showed three temporal-inferior corneal infiltrates with edema and severe anterior uveitis. The patient was treated with topical corticosteroids, and six months later, there was residual corneal opacity, iris atrophy and peripherical cataract formation. No surgical procedure was needed, and the final vision was Snellen 20/20 (1.0). Conclusion The risk of severe impairment to the ocular surface and ocular tissues may be underestimated. Cosmetic surgeons and ophthalmologists must be aware of the complications, and the long-term follow-up of these changes needs further investigation and discussion. Safety protocols of the HIFU intensity threshold for thermal lesions in the eye and the use of protective eye devices should be better evaluated.
Subhyaloid hemorrhage is rarely seen in ophthalmological practice in young males. We managed one such case in our set-up. A youngmale presented with sudden decreased vision. Fundus showed large collection of darkish red colored blood in subhyaloid space of theposterior pole in front of the macula, typical of sub-hyaloid hemorrhage. Treatment includes, amongst others, Nd: YAG laserhyaloidotomy. Prognosis, if treated on appropriate lines, is usually good. This case was being reported for general awareness.Key-words: Nd: Yag laser hyaloidotomy, premacular sub-hyaloid haemorrhag
The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 2019
Background: The superficial location of the eye and its cystic composition make ultrasound ideal for imaging the eye. It is a simple, non ionizing, cost effective, real time imaging modality providing detailed cross sectional anatomy of the entire globe. Aim of Study: To evaluate the accuracy of B-scan ultrasonography (US) in various types of ocular trauma by comparing the findings with the clinical examination and surgical findings if possible. Patients and Methods: Descriptive analysis of cases of ocular trauma in patients who presented to Ophthalmology Department, Ain Shams University, in the period from November 2017 to May 2018 to compare clinical and surgical findings in those patients with the ultrasonography findings. Results: Accuracy of US in the present study in prediction of post traumatic cataract was 80%, lens dislocation was 83.64%, vitreous hemorrhage was 100%, PVD was 100%, choroidal detachment was 100%, partial retinal detachment was 96.4% and in detection of metallic IOFB was 100%. Conclusion: Ultrasound B-scan is an excellent, noninvasive, rapid diagnostic tool in assessing intraocular damage caused by blunt or penetrating eye injuries which most of the time renders ophthalmoscopy impossible due to opacification of light transmitting media. The images provide essential and detailed information about soft tissues damage, helping in the decision regarding early surgery, before chronic changes have occurred.
Australian and New Zealand journal of ophthalmology, 1996
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