
Textiles are no more limited for use as apparels clothing is just are but not the only purpose of textiles with the rapid changes in the social economic structure of our society. Many efforts are made to some and protect human life. Textiles come to our help in every walk of life. Similarly, textiles enhancing the quality of human life trough protection against various hazards as well as protection of environment are today’s priorities were scientist all around the world are breaking their heads. Technical textiles are the fastest growing area of textile consumption in the world. As per the market survey it has projected an average growth rate of 4% for technical textiles during the period 1995-2005 In most of the developed countries, technical textiles already account for 4% of the total textile production. Even in many developing countries, the proportion is well above 10%. At present, India’s contribution in this area is negligible at about 0.2%.However, due to competition from neighboring countries ad emerging economic power, India has tremendous potential for production, Consumption and export of technical textile. In the circumstances, textiles are playing major role through its diversified applications and undoubtedly the future of this technical textiles appears tom be bright in this, lot of uses are there. They are medical textiles, protective textiles, agricultural textiles, geo textiles, automotive textiles, smart textiles and industrial textiles.