First observation of the decays chicJ-->pi0pi0pi0pi0

2011, Physical Review D


We present a study of the P-wave spin-triplet charmonium χcJ decays (J=0, 1, 2) into π0π0π0π0. The analysis is based on 106×106 ψ' decays recorded with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII electron positron collider. The decay into the π0π0π0π0 hadronic final state is observed for the first time. We measure the branching fractions B(χc0→π0π0π0π0)=(3.34±0.06±0.44)×10-3, B(χc1→π0π0π0π0)=(0.57±0.03±0.08)×10-3, and B(χc2→π0π0π0π0)=(1.21±0.05±0.16)×10-3, where the uncertainties are statistical and systematical, respectively.